Total Dog
UKC has supported the Total Dog philosophy through its events and programs for over a century. Essentially, the UKC world of dogs is a working world. That's the way it was developed in 1898, and that's the way it remains today. A Total Dog displays equal parts Function, Temperament, and Structure. Total Dog is a way to showcase dogs who look and perform equally well. The UKC Total Dog philosophy places an emphasis on dogs who shine in multiple venues, such as displaying the gait appropriate for their breed type while in the show ring, and then using that superb construction to effortlessly run full speed in a Lure Coursing race. A sound, well-bred, well-adjusted dog can easily transition from the show ring to a performance event. They have the looks to excel as a proper specimen of their breed, while also having the brains and ability to perform athletically in a variety of sporting events. To earn a Total Dog award, dogs must qualify in both conformation and an eligible performance event on the same day.
Your Total Dog could win $10,000 at the UKC Total Dog Invitational. The Total Dog Invitational is by invitation only. To qualify for a invitation to this event, dogs must earn a Total Dog award at a Regional Qualifying Event (RQE). UKC Classics are considered RQEs. UKC clubs that are planning an event featuring conformation plus a performance event may apply to be considered an RQE. A total of 12 RQEs are held throughout the year.
Whether your dream is $10,000 or simply proving that your dog is a Total Dog at any show you attend, participating in both performance and conformation is a great way to accomplish something unforgettable your well-rounded dog.
Honor to whom honor is due
Total Dogs are deserving of recognition! Through events and programs highlighting the Total Dog, we give Honor to Whom Honor is Due®.

Official Partners

Total Dog Results
May 7, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: American Pit Bull Terrier Club of New England- RQE / Saturday, Total Dog
American Pit Bull Terrier Club Of New England, Westfield, MassachusettsMay 7, 2022 AP VPE CA UWPCH GRCH NBOB Triple D's Semi-sweet Mocha, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Lucy Cheever UWPO AP2 VPA CH USA UFA RACEN UWPCH Amp's Colby East Meets West, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick-flynn, Anthony Flynn UWP… -
May 7, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Silver City K-9 Club RQE / Saturday, Total Dog
Silver City K-9 Club, Westfield, MassachusettsMay 7, 2022 CH URO3 Epic Quest's Make You Stop N Star SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Cadence Delnegro AP VPE CA UWPCH GRCH NBOB Triple D's Semi-sweet Mocha, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Lucy Cheever 'PR'Brooks' Titus, American Pit Bull Terrier,… -
May 7, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Upstate Kennel Club / Saturday, Total Dog
Upstate Kennel Club, Lancaster, New YorkMay 7, 2022 URO1 CH Earthsea Severus, Labrador Retriever, Samantha Burton CH URO2 Serenitys Mireko Suave SPOT-ON, American Bully, Amber Schorpp URO2 Schutzen's White Onyx, German Shorthaired Pntr, Theresa Novoa RACEA URO1 GRCH Saphire… -
May 7, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc. / Saturday, Total Dog
Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc., Laporte, IndianaMay 7, 2022 ALCH Wolfsongs Bodacious Amtrax SPOT-ON, Alaskan Malamute, Kasha Strathman UAGI GRCH Mariahs Dream In The Willows, Shetland Sheepdog, Danette Clayton, Suzanne Crider RMX URX2 UROC BN RMC PN CH Player's Resetting The Bar SPOT… -
May 7, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Saturday, Total Dog
Dodge County Canine Club, Beaver Dam, WisconsinMay 7, 2022 NN USJ NT IA GJJCH UAGI URO2 GRCH Atlas' Blissful Feeling SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Tracie L Karsjens NV NI CH Welglens Illusionist At Wef, Shetland Sheepdog, Melissa Lamere-dragovich UJJ CA RACEN UNJ NE URO3 GRCH'PR'Hd's… -
May 6, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Hampton Roads Kennel Club / Friday, Total Dog
Hampton Roads Kennel Club, Courtland, VirginiaMay 6, 2022 UWP CH Wlm Banking On A Beat, Carolina Dog, Ace Mattocks UWP RACEA URO1 USJ UJJ Bonum Et Malum Chance, Mudi, Yvette Piantadosi Listed Entry -
May 1, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club / Sunday, Total Dog
Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club, Westfield, MassachusettsMay 1, 2022 CH'PR'Bossi's Transforming History, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, Joy L'ecuyer CH'PR'Wilsongbellridge Hooked On You, American Hairless Terrier, Mary F Carroll, Garoleen Wilson UWP CH'PR… -
Apr 30, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club / Saturday, Total Dog
Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club, Westfield, MassachusettsApril 30, 2022 CH'PR'Bossi's Transforming History, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, Joy L'ecuyer UWP CH'PR'3bf Set In Stone @ Black Label, Rat Terrier, Felicia R White, Electra Blair UWPS AP6 VPE UGWPCH… -
Apr 24, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Bark River Dog Club / Sunday, Total Dog
Bark River Dog Club, Wauseon, OhioApril 24, 2022 URO1 RACES CH Anadune Journey To Infinity, Border Collie, John Lewis URO1 CH Lynnhavens Flame Of Eternal Hope, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Valerie Gentry URO1 CH Danrosue Hero Of Time SPOT, Collie, Jenni Lough Watson URO1 CH… -
Apr 23, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Black Swamp Gun Dog Club / Saturday, Total Dog
Black Swamp Gun Dog Club, Wauseon, OhioApril 23, 2022 URX HOP DASH ACD RACES UWP CA UCD UROC CGR Walnut Ridge Rebel Yell SPOT-ON, Mountain Cur, Mandy Middleton URO1 CH Danrosue Hero Of Time SPOT, Collie, Jenni Lough Watson MN URO3 SGCH Lyndobe's I'm Here For A Party SPOT-ON,… -
Apr 22, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Black Swamp Gun Dog Club / Friday, Total Dog
Black Swamp Gun Dog Club, Wauseon, OhioApril 22, 2022 MN URO3 SGCH Lyndobe's I'm Here For A Party SPOT-ON, Doberman Pinscher, Judith Furlong, William D Furlong CH URO1 Emmoo Tell No Tails SPOT, Schipperke, Jenn Kirchhofer -
Apr 10, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Sunday, Total Dog
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaListed Entry UNJCH URO1 PN Empress Josephine At Sgr, Labrador Retriever, Colleen Goularte -
Apr 9, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Saturday, Total Dog
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaApril 9, 2022 RACEA UJJ UNJ CH Wodan's Sidewinder Special SPOT, Mudi, Hayley Bolduc RACEA USJ UJJ CH Koves-berci Betyar Puszta Wodan SPOT, Mudi, Yvette Piantadosi UNJCH URO1 PN Empress Josephine At Sgr, Labrador Retriever, Colleen… -
Apr 8, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Friday, Total Dog
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaApril 8, 2022 Listed Entry UNJCH URO1 PN Empress Josephine At Sgr, Labrador Retriever, Colleen Goularte RACEA UJJ UNJ CH Wodan's Sidewinder Special SPOT, Mudi, Hayley Bolduc RACEA USJ UJJ CH Koves-berci Betyar Puszta Wodan SPOT, Mudi,… -
Apr 8, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: United White Shepherd Club / Friday, Total Dog
United White Shepherd Club, Laporte, IndianaApril 8, 2022 RACEN GRCH Royal Treasured Moments, White Shepherd, Jean Reeves CH Spruce Hill's Goddess Of Light SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Deborah Cole RMX URX UROC BN RMC PN CH Player's Resetting The Bar SPOT-ON, Rottweiler, Donna… -
Mar 20, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Midwest Classic / Sunday, Total Dog
Wilmington, OhioMarch 20, 2022 URO1 PN CCH Top Shelf Fantastic Beastie, Beagle, Stacy Faw URO1 GRCH Piccolo's Out Of Blue Clear Sky SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Alexandra Houck UCD BN BA PN RMX URX UROG RACEN RMG GRCH Bamboo Run's Benny & The Jets SPOT-O,… -
Mar 19, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Midwest Classic / Saturday, Total Dog
Wilmington, OhioMarch 19, 2022 UCD BN BA PN RMX URX UROG RACEN RMG GRCH Bamboo Run's Benny & The Jets SPOT-O, Australian Shepherd, Terri Rein, Harry Owens URO3 CH Caralot Glenraven True Courage, Poodle, Tamerra Groene RACES CH Anadune Journey To… -
Mar 18, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Midwest Classic / Friday, Total Dog
Wilmington, OhioMarch 18, 2022 UCD BN BA PN RMX URX UROG RACEN RMG GRCH Bamboo Run's Benny & The Jets SPOT-O, Australian Shepherd, Terri Rein, Harry Owens RACES CH Anadune Journey To Infinity, Border Collie, John Lewis URX HOP DASH ACD RACES UWP CA UCD… -
Mar 6, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Hampton Roads Kennel Club / Sunday, Total Dog
Hampton Roads Kennel Club, Courtland, VirginiaMarch 6, 2022 UWPV VPN AP2 UWPCH GRCH'PR'Shaw's Fight On Till U Have 1 SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Amanda Held UWP CH Goldmere's Silver Bullet, American Pit Bull Terrier, Frances Roberts URO1 CH Dynastys Not Throwin Away My Shot,… -
Mar 6, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Southeastern American Eskimo Dog Association, Inc. / Sunday, Total Dog
Southeastern American Eskimo Dog Association, Inc., Jefferson, GeorgiaMarch 6, 2022 UCD BN PN URO2 CH Rose City's Texas Rolling Stone SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Martha J Hartley PN URO2 ALCH Rno Ct Cant Fight The Moonlight, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Tara Cotton URO1 Skydance's My Only Hope, Schipperke, Lori… -
Mar 5, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Hampton Roads Kennel Club / Saturday, Total Dog
Hampton Roads Kennel Club, Courtland, VirginiaMarch 5, 2022 CH'PR'Ba Shaw's Brandy Ur A Fine Grl, American Pit Bull Terrier, Warren Shaw UWPV VPN AP2 UWPCH GRCH'PR'Shaw's Fight On Till U Have 1 SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Amanda Held Listed Entry GRCH Lincolnshire's U Got The… -
Mar 5, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Southeastern American Eskimo Dog Association, Inc. / Saturday, Total Dog
Southeastern American Eskimo Dog Association, Inc., Jefferson, GeorgiaMarch 5, 2022 URO1 Skydance's My Only Hope, Schipperke, Lori Hobbs URO1 CH Chf Mischief Managed, Border Collie, Judy Kinnie UCD RATN UWP ROM CH Verwohnter Teufel Vom Furstenhaus SPOT-ON, Giant Schnauzer, Sandra Owen URO1 PN CH Orion's… -
Mar 4, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Hampton Roads Kennel Club / Friday, Total Dog
Hampton Roads Kennel Club, Courtland, VirginiaMarch 4, 2022 URO1 CH Dynastys Not Throwin Away My Shot, Min American Shepherd, Ella Mortimer Listed Entry GRCH Lincolnshire's U Got The Look SPOT, Cairn Terrier, Rachael Lincoln, Kailee Brights UWPV VPN AP2 UWPCH GRCH'PR'Shaw's Fight… -
Feb 20, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Middle Georgia Kennel Club / Sunday, Total Dog
Middle Georgia Kennel Club, Tifton, GeorgiaFebruary 20, 2022 UWP CH Esoteric's Carolina Reaper, American Pit Bull Terrier, Christen Jones, Sonia Bincarousky, Al Bincarousky RACEN UWPO UJJCH AN AP2 VPA MC RATN UWPCH Kayo's Irish Charm Of Pixley SPOT-O, American Pit Bull Terrier,… -
Feb 19, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: Middle Georgia Kennel Club / Saturday, Total Dog
Middle Georgia Kennel Club, Tifton, GeorgiaFebruary 19, 2022 RACEN UWPO UJJCH AN AP2 VPA MC RATN UWPCH Kayo's Irish Charm Of Pixley SPOT-O, American Pit Bull Terrier, Lisa Pixley Missy Addison, American Bully, Kendrick Addison UWP CH Mythos' Idratherseeurstarexplode, American Pit… -
Jan 30, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club / Total Dog - Sunday
All American Bulldog Club, ShipshewanaJanuary 30, 2022 DGCH Crownroyal T.g.i.f., English Springer Spaniel, Lora Luce, Jennifer Kettleson, Brittani Cornelius UWPO AP3 VPA UWPCHX EGCH Sisu's Drama Queen, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen AP VPN RACEM UWPCH GRCH Warrior… -
Jan 29, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club / Total Dog - Saturday
All American Bulldog Club, ShipshewanaJanuary 29, 2022 GRCH Weight In Gold's Arsenal, American Bully, Antonio Castellano, Vincent Smith UWPO AP3 VPA UWPCHX EGCH Sisu's Drama Queen, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen RACEN UWPO AP4 VPE UWPCHX GRCH Sisu's Trekker SPOT… -
Jan 28, 2022 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club / Total Dog - Friday
All American Bulldog Club, ShipshewanaJanuary 28, 2022 UWPO AP3 VPA UWPCHX EGCH Sisu's Drama Queen, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen AP VPN RACEM UWPCH GRCH Warrior River's Baldr SPOT-ON, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen RACEN UWPO AP4 VPE UWPCHX GRCH Sisu… -
Dec 12, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Sunday, Total Dog
Dodge County Canine Club, RACEN NV NE UWP NI UNJ CA URO3 GRCH Hd's Stella Mae Stoke Ya SPOT, American Bulldog, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones URO1 CH Cvk Mora Kasif, Kangal Dog, Rachel Prince URO1 NC CH Keepurrs Whats Up Doc?, Keeshond, Donna Schmitt, Katrina C… -
Dec 11, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Saturday, Total Dog
Dodge County Canine Club, CH RACEN URO1 Crawfish Cakesniffer Look Away SPOT-ON, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Thomas Pawlisch, Irene Pawlisch USJ URO3 CH Sand Spring Throw Book At Him SPOT-ON, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, John Stancer URO1 NC CH Keepurrs Whats Up Doc?,… -
Dec 5, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Virginia Classic / Total Dog - Sunday
Virginia Beach, VirginiaCH Foxnoir Santana, Schipperke, Cathy Thistle Listed Entry URO1 CH Winterswind Moonbeams Adventure SPOT, Standard Poodle, Emily Carabello URO1 RACEN GRCH Cosmic Caliber's Croc Princess SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Lydia Richard, Jordan… -
Dec 4, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Virginia Classic / Total Dog- Saturday
Virginia Beach, VirginiaDecember 4, 2021 BN RACEN URO1 CH Pk's Dun Run Outta Ink SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Paula L Cearley, Kennedy May UWPCH EGCH Sapphires Wrapt Round My Heart SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey URO1 CH Winterswind Moonbeams Adventure SPOT… -
Dec 3, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Virginia Classic / Total Dog - Friday
Virginia Beach, VirginiaDecember 3, 2021 UWP CH Blumombo N Kayo's Native Dancer, American Pit Bull Terrier, Kristina Browne URO3 GRCH Raffinee Isle B Danc'n N The Rain SPOT-ON, Schipperke, Julia Ficklen Sadler Listed Entry URO1 CH Winterswind Moonbeams… -
Nov 21, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: High Plains Kennel Club / Total Dog, Sunday
High Plains Kennel Club, URO1 Liswyn's Encomium Of Blue Moon, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Janet Bennett NN NHD URO2 GRCH Dexter De Cabeza Grande SPOT-ON, Perro De Presa Canario, Miranda Andress -
Nov 21, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Texas Classic / Total Dog, Sunday
CH URO1 Flagtree's Secret Recipe SPOT-ON, Min American Shepherd, Teresa Macorke NI NV AC UWP CH Deikahime Go Kaijusou SPOT-ON, Japanese Akita, Stephanie Dill NHD EN CH URO3 Kismet Farm Caili'n A'lainn, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Marcia Vail … -
Nov 20, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: High Plains Kennel Club / Total Dog, Saturday
High Plains Kennel Club, NN NHD URO2 GRCH Dexter De Cabeza Grande SPOT-ON, Perro De Presa Canario, Miranda Andress Infiinitytrailblazingturnitupto10, German Shorthaired Pntr, Kristine Helgeson -
Nov 20, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Texas Classic / Total Dog, Saturday
CH URO1 Flagtree's Secret Recipe SPOT-ON, Min American Shepherd, Teresa Macorke UCD BN PN SHR URO3 CH Ayershire She's One Hot Mess SPOT-ON, Curly-coated Retriever, Stephanie Ayers, Jim Ayers NHD EN CH URO3 Kismet Farm Caili'n A'lainn,… -
Nov 19, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Texas Classic / Total Dog, Friday
CH URO1 Flagtree's Secret Recipe SPOT-ON, Min American Shepherd, Teresa Macorke AC AV AI NN CH Cedar Hill Backwoods Barbie, Australian Shepherd, Becky Barnes NN CH Kismet Farm Wake Up Maggie, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Marcia Vail CH SC AHD… -
Nov 14, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Crossroads Canine Club / Total Dog - Sunday
Crossroads Canine Club, GRCH URO3 Northern Lights Let's Tango SPOT-ON, Australian Shepherd, Mary Kocher CH URO2 Northern Lights Meant To Be SPOT-ON, Australian Shepherd, Bailey Heggs HOP DASH ACD RACES UWP CA UCD URO3 CCH Walnut Ridge Rebel Yell SPOT-ON,… -
Nov 14, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Upstate Kennel Club / Total Dog - Sunday
Upstate Kennel Club, RACEA CGRCH'PR'Rimfire N' Tnt Star Spangled SPOT, Redbone Coonhound, Tammy Rogers, Danielle Madore -
Nov 13, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Crossroads Canine Club / Total Dog - Saturday
Crossroads Canine Club, 'PR'Oak Creek's Once Phylo, Silken Windhound, Alexis Vernatter HOP DASH ACD RACES UWP CA UCD URO3 CCH Walnut Ridge Rebel Yell SPOT-ON, Mountain Cur, Mandy Middleton -
Nov 13, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Upstate Kennel Club / Total Dog - Saturday
Upstate Kennel Club, CH Arabesque's Maruelous Marvin, Poodle, Elizabeth C Kossler CH Schutzen's Stay On Target, German Shorthaired Pntr, Theresa Novoa URO1 CH Old Mission Traverse, Stabyhoun, Margaret Anderson URO1 GRCH Benevers Old Time Rock & Roll,… -
Nov 13, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc. / Total Dog - Saturday
Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc., NHD SN MC Brighteye Star Walker, Bernese Mountain Dog, Sheila Grimm, Deborah Hotze Von Schoene Dreem Izak, Poodle, Barbara Schoene NN AI Juras Formal Affair Kelly, Bernese Mountain Dog, Patricia Wellinger -
Oct 31, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Cali Style APBT Club / Total Dog - Sunday
Cali Style APBT Club, NE NV CH Jma Matthew's Mack, Patterdale Terrier, Cathy Thomas UWPV AP VPN UWPCH EGCH'PR'Cali's Dark Knight Rises, Alaskan Klee Kai, Anthony Gomez AP VPN UWPCH GRCH'PR'Nevada's Harvest Moon, American Pit Bull Terrier, Janice Snyder, Bobby… -
Oct 31, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Black Swamp Gun Dog Club / Total Dog - Sunday
Black Swamp Gun Dog Club, MN URO2 SGCH Lyndobe's I'm Here For A Party SPOT-ON, Doberman Pinscher, Judith Furlong, William D Furlong MC RACEA HOP DASH USJ UJJ URO1 SN CA RGCH Dyson Vom Royale, German Shepherd Dog, Morgan Stanley NV RACEN RATN EGCH Rommel Vom Royale… -
Oct 30, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Cali Style APBT Club / Total Dog - Saturday
Cali Style APBT Club, USA UFA RACEN UWP GRCH Rswd's War Machine, American Pit Bull Terrier, Susan Newell Listed Entry AP VPN UWPCH GRCH'PR'Nevada's Harvest Moon, American Pit Bull Terrier, Janice Snyder, Bobby Nelson UWP Jjax Nevada's Bohemian Rhapsody,… -
Oct 30, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Black Swamp Gun Dog Club / Total Dog - Saturday
Black Swamp Gun Dog Club, NV CH Wintersun's Making Waves, American Eskimo, Pamela Norman, Sophia Norman NC Mondenkind Im The One Four Ewe, Border Collie, Pamela Norman NV RACEN RATN EGCH Rommel Vom Royale, German Shepherd Dog, Gail Bauer MC RACEA HOP DASH USJ UJJ… -
Oct 26, 2021 -
Total Dog Invitational - 10 High Scoring Total Dogs
Shreveport, LouisianaOf the entered dogs at the 2021 UKC Total Dog Invitational, those listed below had the highest placements and were invited on stage to claim their awards. Congratulations to Brian Huss and Bondi, the Golden Retriever, who won first place!… -
Sep 26, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club / Total Dog - Sunday
Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club, Westfield, MassachusettsURO1 CH Benever Smoke Gets In Ur Eyes SPOT-ON, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, James M Johnson CH Adria N Baycliffs All About Me, Boxer, Brianna Hall URO3 UCD GRCH Misztichol's Ares Bold Warrior SPOT-ON, Rottweiler, Diane M Cohn CH URO2 Carmylie… -
Sep 25, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club / Total Dog Saturday
Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club, Westfield, MassachusettsAP VPN CH USA UFA RACEN UWPCH Amp's Colby East Meets West, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick-flynn, Anthony Flynn UWPS AP5 VPE UGWPCH SGCH'PR'Bossi's Colby Guinness Stout, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick Flynn, Anthony J… -
Sep 19, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Sunday, Total Dog
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaCH USJ UJJ Magnolias Midsummer Night Miracle, Labrador Retriever, Steven Chromy Listed Entry UWP Krasnenkov's Padfoot, West Siberian Laika, Taylor A Jones CH UWP Unmei's Memento Mori SPOT-ON, Akita, Taylor Jones UMJ USF USJCH Reddog's… -
Sep 19, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Carnation City Kennel Club / Sunday, Total Dog
Carnation City Kennel Club, Atwater, OhioRACEA CGRCH'PR'Rimfire N' Tnt Star Spangled SPOT, Redbone Coonhound, Tammy Rogers, Danielle Madore USJ UCD URO2 GRCH Thornvalley's Wonderful Oz SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Melanie Fuellgraf RACEA CCH CH'PR'Midnight Brindle Bombshell, Plott… -
Sep 19, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: United Dog Sports Of Northern New England, Inc. / Sunday, Total Dog
United Dog Sports Of Northern New England, Inc., Eliot, MaineURO1 CH Granite Moon Liht Fury Kaida, Dachshund, Sue Paradis UWP ALCH UNJCH Ima Gonna Get The Bird Jackson, German Shorthaired Pntr, Nichole Jackson URO1 CH Three Day Eventer, Vizsla, Judith Bridges AP VPA CA UWPCH GRCH NBOB Triple D's… -
Sep 18, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Saturday, Total Dog
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaCH USJ UJJ Magnolias Midsummer Night Miracle, Labrador Retriever, Steven Chromy Listed Entry UWP Krasnenkov's Padfoot, West Siberian Laika, Taylor A Jones CH UWP Unmei's Memento Mori SPOT-ON, Akita, Taylor Jones USJCH EGCH Big Sky Sonic… -
Sep 18, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Carnation City Kennel Club / Saturday, Total Dog
Carnation City Kennel Club, Atwater, OhioMN URO2 SGCH Lyndobe's I'm Here For A Party SPOT-ON, Doberman Pinscher, Judith Furlong, William D Furlong USJ UCD URO2 GRCH Thornvalley's Wonderful Oz SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Melanie Fuellgraf Listed Entry -
Sep 18, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: United Dog Sports Of Northern New England, Inc. / Saturday, Total Dog
United Dog Sports Of Northern New England, Inc., Eliot, MaineURO1 CH Granite Moon Liht Fury Kaida, Dachshund, Sue Paradis URO1 CH Benever Smoke Gets In Ur Eyes SPOT-ON, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, James M Johnson URO1 GRCH Benevers Old Time Rock & Roll, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Carol Kasabian UWPS AP5 VPE… -
Sep 17, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Friday, Total Dog
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaCH USJ UJJ Magnolias Midsummer Night Miracle, Labrador Retriever, Steven Chromy UMJ USF USJCH Reddog's Eleanor Rigby, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Kim Lori Williams Wodan's Fastback, Mudi, Heather Clarkson UJJ Bonum Et Malum Chance, Mudi,… -
Sep 12, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association - RQE / Total Dog - Sunday
Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association, URO1 Delphi's Beloved Of Cupid, Alaskan Malamute, Julia Berquist URO1 GRCH RACEN Jaydees Woshiwusuoweiju At 3xc, German Shepherd Dog, Kayla Summerville PN RACEN ALCH URO1 Shor'line Splash Of Captn Hook SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Carol J… -
Sep 12, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Southeast Texas American Eskimo Dog Club / Total Dog - Sunday
UNJ GRCH'PR'Timberlane Casino At Cohills, Rat Terrier, Amanda Hill, Lexi Jones PN SHR URO3 CH Ayershire She's One Hot Mess SPOT-ON, Curly-coated Retriever, Stephanie Ayers, Jim Ayers Solstice Airborne Highest Peak, Australian Shepherd,… -
Sep 12, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Central Wisconsin Kennel Club / Total Dog - Sunday
URO1 CH NN NHD AV AI AE Alouette's Zealous Guardian, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Linda Redfield URO1 CH Northpoint's Dbl Secret Probation SPOT-ON, Australian Shepherd, Paula Kropidlowski, Clare Kluck HRCH Sf Kanati Teah Up In The Rain, Labrador… -
Sep 11, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association - RQE / Total Dog- Saturday
Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association, CH USR UFR Dynestar Malaia Garden Party, Shetland Sheepdog, Natalee Yates, Kenneth Rushing, Wendy Dynes CH Coppermoons Strange Magic, German Shepherd Dog, William A Best URO1 GRCH RACEN Jaydees Woshiwusuoweiju At 3xc, German Shepherd Dog,… -
Sep 11, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Southeast Texas American Eskimo Dog Club / Total Dog - Saturday
URO1 GRCH Olympia Phat Bottom Girl Vpromise, Doberman Pinscher, Tina Wilemon Listed Entry Listed Entry URO1 CH Eloise's Samus At Figz, Standard Poodle, April Albin, Bambi Kaminski, Tanya Figliozzi, Kerry Hogle RACEA ROM EGCH'PR'Debonair… -
Sep 11, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Central Wisconsin Kennel Club / Total Dog - Saturday
URO1 CH NN NHD AV AI AE Alouette's Zealous Guardian, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Linda Redfield RACEN USJ RATN URO2 CH Hoffmanns Martin Dog Kressin, Labrador Retriever, Logan Kressin -
Sep 10, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association - RQE / Total Dog- Friday
Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association, URO1 GRCH RACEN Jaydees Woshiwusuoweiju At 3xc, German Shepherd Dog, Kayla Summerville Listed Entry CH URO1 Ngds Here For A Good Time, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Shelby Roering UCD URO2 USJ CH Proper Gent Du Chateau Rocher, Beauceron,… -
Jun 19, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Premier Nationals - Kalamazoo, MI / Total Dog Qualifiers
Kalamazoo, MichiganTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AMERICAN BULLDOG, UNJ URO1 RACEN CH'PR'Hd's Silver Mae Shine On, Lynn Carradine Hailey AMERICAN BULLDOG, UJJ CA NC URX UROC RACEN UCD UNJ NV ROM RG'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones … -
Jun 17, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: Premier Nationals - Kalamazoo, MI / Total Dog Qualifiers
Kalamazoo, MichiganTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AMERICAN BULLDOG, UNJ URO1 RACEN CH'PR'Hd's Silver Mae Shine On, Lynn Carradine Hailey AMERICAN BULLDOG, UJJ CA NC URX UROC RACEN UCD UNJ NV ROM RG'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones … -
Jan 31, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club / Total Dog - Sunday
All American Bulldog Club, Shipshewana, IndianaTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS SIBERIAN HUSKY, UWP UGRACH7 UCD CH URO2 Crimson's Criostail Blue Stare SPOT-ON, Tina Marie Mc Ginnis Or Charlotte Mc Ginnis SIBERIAN HUSKY, UCD ALCH URO3 Shiver The Boy King, Charlotte Mc Ginnis AMERICAN BULLDOG, UCD… -
Jan 30, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club / Total Dog - Saturday
All American Bulldog Club, Shipshewana, IndianaTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AMERICAN BULLDOG, UWP GRCH Blevins Enviable Evee Of Jemms SPOT-ON, Jamie Robinson BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG, URO1 CH Skylyn's Xtreme Velocity At Sochi SPOT, Kimberly Cordier BASENJI, UWP GRCH Darkmoon Kiroja Unleash… -
Jan 29, 2021 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club / Total Dog - Friday
All American Bulldog Club, Shipshewana, IndianaTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS BASENJI, UWP CH Kiroja Breakaway Deke, Kelli Harmon GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG, RATO GRCH Royale Foxi Vom Haus Bergblick SPOT-ON, Gail Bauer LA CATAHOULA LEOPARD DOG, UWP GRCH Warrior River's Baldr, Amanda Tikkanen LA… -
Dec 13, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Total Dog - Sunday
Dodge County Canine Club, Jefferson, WisconsinTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS ROTTWEILER, URO1 CH Kanosak's Just Here For The Party, Suzanne Zoromskis LABRADOR RETRIEVER, CH Hoffmanns Martin Dog Kressin, Logan Kressin AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD, CH Northpoint's Dbl Secret Probation, Paula… -
Dec 12, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Total Dog - Saturday
Dodge County Canine Club, Jefferson, WisconsinTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AMERICAN BULLDOG, UNJ NE URO1 CH'PR'Hd's Ramona Mae Razzle Dazzle SPOT-ON, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones AMERICAN BULLDOG, UCD UNJ NV ROM GRCH'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones … -
Nov 7, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc. / Total Dog - Saturday
Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc., LaPorte, IndianaTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD, Treasure Tyme Stiletto, Ellen Davis BOUVIER DES FLANDRES, URO1 EGCH Skyhi's Quietly Making Noise SPOT, Lee Ann Layman, Judith Allen SHETLAND SHEEPDOG, CH Wintercreek I Am The Storm, Deborah Jones -
Oct 24, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Rock Valley Kennel Federation / Total Dog - Saturday
Rock Valley Kennel Federation, Loves Park, IllinoisTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AMERICAN BULLDOG, UNJ NV URO3 GRCH'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones GOLDEN RETRIEVER, CH UJJ URO3 Technique An Enduring Spirit SPOT-ON, Sarah Knickelbein PORTUGUESE WATER DOG, URO1… -
Oct 3, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Competition Dogs Of The Ozarks / Total Dog - Saturday
Competition Dogs Of The Ozarks, Springfield, MissouriTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS STANDARD POODLE, UAGII URO3 GRCH Heartland's Whimsical Willow SPOT, Michele Berends BORDER COLLIE, URO1 UCD Lookout Blue Skies Smilin At Me, Debbie Bates AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD, CH Bamboo Run's Benny & The Jets, Terri… -
Sep 20, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Foundation Kai Club Of America / Total Dog - Sunday
Foundation Kai Club Of America, Charlotte, MichiganTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS DACHSHUND, URO1 GRCH Cherylins Ol' Number 7 Mw, Kimberly Bachert, Cheryl Rausch -
Sep 19, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Foundation Kai Club Of America / Total Dog - Saturday
Foundation Kai Club Of America, Charlotte, MichiganDACHSHUND, URO1 GRCH Cherylins Ol' Number 7 Mw, Kimberly Bachert, Cheryl Rausch BORZOI, NC NV URO2 CH Starswift Everlasting Legacy, Jerrie Lee Jarvis BORDER COLLIE, URO1 CH Holly Hills Legendary Star, Kimberly Bachert -
Sep 13, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Total Dog - Sunday
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG, USJ CH URO2 UWP Spader Mudhaus Thrill Ride SPOT-ON, Kim Moore, Terri J Miller AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER, UNJ'PR'Shaw's Devil Without A Cause, Erica Noseworthy BOXER, UNJ CH Britlyn's Bold N… -
Sep 13, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Carnation City Kennel Club / Total Dog - Sunday
Carnation City Kennel Club, Atwater, OhioTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS LABRADOR RETRIEVER, URO1 Starlights Buckeye Rythm&blues, Gail Jaite, Patty Finch, William Finch BEAUCERON, URO1 CH Arc's Un Reve Realise, Karen E Romine -
Sep 12, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Total Dog - Saturday
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS ROTTWEILER, Listed Entry BOXER, UNJ CH Britlyn's Bold N Beautiful, Raynetta Buchholz LABRADOR RETRIEVER, USJ GRCH Big Sky Sonic Boom @ Balewater, Sue Schultze NS DUCK TOLLING RETRIEVER, USJ EGCH Beekauz Thesaint… -
Sep 12, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Carnation City Kennel Club / Total Dog - Saturday
Carnation City Kennel Club, Atwater, OhioTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG, PTM UJJ URO1 SN CA RGCH Dyson Vom Royale, Morgan Stanley ROTTWEILER, URO1 CH Drakkenfels Global Menace, Denise A English LABRADOR RETRIEVER, URO1 Starlights Buckeye Rythm&blues, Gail Jaite, Patty… -
Sep 11, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Total Dog - Friday
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS LABRADOR RETRIEVER, USJ GRCH Big Sky Sonic Boom @ Balewater, Sue Schultze BOXER, UNJ CH Britlyn's Bold N Beautiful, Raynetta Buchholz ROTTWEILER, Listed Entry NS DUCK TOLLING RETRIEVER, USJ EGCH Beekauz Thesaint… -
Sep 6, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Middle Georgia Kennel Club / Total Dog - Sunday
Middle Georgia Kennel Club, Perry, GeorgiaTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS GOLDEN RETRIEVER, AP VPN ALCH URO1 UWP Copperfield's Golden Snitch, Melissa Weldishofer DOGUE DE BORDEAUX, UWP CH Blue Diamonds when he reigns, Gefforey Busick AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER, UWP CH Kayo's Dare To Defy,… -
Sep 6, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Southeast Texas American Eskimo Dog Club / Total Dog - Sunday
Selma, TexasTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS BOXER, URO1 CH Sanchez's Covert Affairs, Angeline Sanchez ROTTWEILER, URO1 Mt Olympus Settin Your Soul Afire, Terri White STANDARD POODLE, Listed Entry AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD, Listed Entry LA CATAHOULA LEOPARD DOG,… -
Sep 5, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Middle Georgia Kennel Club / Total Dog - Saturday
Middle Georgia Kennel Club, Perry, GeorgiaTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS DOGUE DE BORDEAUX, UWP CH Blue Diamonds when he reigns, Gefforey Busick LA CATAHOULA LEOPARD DOG, CH Warrior River's Cato, Jordan Stewart LA CATAHOULA LEOPARD DOG, UWP CH UJJ Warrior River Freya, Kayla Cooper LA… -
Sep 5, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Southeast Texas American Eskimo Dog Club / Total Dog - Saturday
Selma, TexasTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS BOXER, URO1 CH Sanchez's Covert Affairs, Angeline Sanchez ROTTWEILER, URO1 Mt Olympus Settin Your Soul Afire, Terri White CURLY-COATED RETRIEVER, URO3 CH Ayershire She's One Hot Mess SPOT-ON, Stephanie Ayers, Jim… -
Aug 30, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Fanciers / Total Dog - Sunday
K9 Fanciers, Centreville, MichiganTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AMERICAN BULLDOG, CH Jemm's Fame And Fortune, Jamie Robinson BOXER, URO1 AI CH Rambo's Wicked End Game, Laura Rambo GOLDEN RETRIEVER, NN CH AC Evestars Crushin It Gonna Hangten, Heidi Jones LA CATAHOULA LEOPARD DOG,… -
Aug 29, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Total Dog - Saturday
Dodge County Canine Club, Beaver Dam, WisconsinTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AMERICAN BULLDOG, UNJ NE URO1 CH'PR'Hd's Ramona Mae Razzle Dazzle SPOT-ON, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones AMERICAN BULLDOG, UNJ NV URO2 GRCH'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones … -
Aug 29, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Fanciers / Total Dog - Saturday
K9 Fanciers, Centreville, MichiganTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS BORDER COLLIE, URO1 Old Oaks Pj, Emily Glidden, Glenn Glidden, Robin Abbott GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG, PTM UJJ URO1 SN CA RGCH Dyson Vom Royale, Morgan Stanley STAFFORDSHIRE BULLTERRIER, SNCH UNJ RATO UFA EN EHD GRCH My… -
Aug 22, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc. / Total Dog - Saturday
Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc., LaPorte, IndianaTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS MIN AMERICAN SHEPHERD, CH Ashland's Goer At Woodridge SPOT-ON, Evyenia Lawley WHITE SHEPHERD, NBOB PTN URO2 GRCH Matryoshka Iz Beloy Brigady SPOT, Taylor Gracie, Jean Reeves SHETLAND SHEEPDOG, GRCH URO1 Gh Mariah's… -
Aug 22, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc. / Total Dog - Saturday
Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc., LaPorte, IndianaTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS MIN AMERICAN SHEPHERD, CH Ashland's Goer At Woodridge SPOT-ON, Evyenia Lawley WHITE SHEPHERD, NBOB PTN URO2 GRCH Matryoshka Iz Beloy Brigady SPOT, Taylor Gracie, Jean Reeves SHETLAND SHEEPDOG, GRCH URO1 Gh Mariah's… -
Aug 2, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Fanciers / Total Dog - Sunday
K9 Fanciers, Centreville, MichiganTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG, PTM UJJ URO1 SN CA RGCH Dyson Vom Royale, Morgan Stanley DALMATIAN, NN AC URO1 PTE EGCH London Iontach's Georgia Peach SPOT, Shannon Dobbins -
Aug 1, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Fanciers / Total Dog - Saturday
K9 Fanciers, Centreville, MichiganTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS DALMATIAN, NN AC URO1 PTE EGCH London Iontach's Georgia Peach SPOT, Shannon Dobbins -
Jul 26, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Twister City Kennel Club / Sunday - Total Dog
Groves, KansasTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AMERICAN BULLDOG, NE URO1 CH'PR'Hd's Ramona Mae Razzle Dazzle SPOT-ON, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones AMERICAN B & T COONHOUND, URO1 CCH'PR'Gilman's Good Time Tradition SPOT, David Gilman PLOTT HOUND, FCH WCH URO1… -
Jul 25, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Twister City Kennel Club / Saturday - Total Dog
Groves, KansasTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AMERICAN BULLDOG, NE URO1 CH'PR'Hd's Ramona Mae Razzle Dazzle SPOT-ON, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones IRISH SETTER, URX ME EI UROC EC CH SN EHD Beaubriar's Ambition, Sarah Schroeder, Michelle Dechambeau AUSTRALIAN… -
Jul 24, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: Twister City Kennel Club / Total Dog - Friday
Groves, KansasTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AMERICAN BULLDOG, NV URO1 GRCH'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones AMERICAN BULLDOG, NV NE UWP NI UNJ CA URO1 GRCH Hd's Stella Mae Stoke Ya SPOT, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones … -
Jul 12, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club / Total Dog - Sunday
All American Bulldog Club, Centerville, MichiganTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS TEDDY ROOSEVELT TERRIER, UWP CH'PR'Ark-ahk Theadorable Pigg, Medesta D Pigg -
Jul 11, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club / Total Dog - Saturday
All American Bulldog Club, Centerville, MichiganTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER, EGCH Sharay's Diamonds Are Forever, Melissa Shead STAFFORDSHIRE BULLTERRIER, SNCH UNJ RATO UFA EN EHD GRCH My Absolute Defender, Linda Ringle FRENCH BULLDOG, UWP CH Jemm's It's My Pleasure,… -
Jul 10, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club / Total Dog - Friday
All American Bulldog Club, Centerville, MichiganTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS ENGLISH POINTER, AP2 VPA UWPCH UJJ GRCH Coralwood Kanix On Deck, Cheryl Smith, Robert Smith, Sally Barton AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER, AP UWPCH EGCH'PR'Buckeye Bets Qp To Keep It, Beth Robinson TEDDY ROOSEVELT TERRIER,… -
Mar 8, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Ohio Classic / Total Dog - Sunday
Wilmington, OhioTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS MOUNTAIN CUR, UWP CA UCD URO1 CCH Walnut Ridge Rebel Yell SPOT-ON, Mandy Middleton PORTUGUESE WATER DOG, GRCH High Winds Drain The Swamp, Cindy Mannor, Susan Carter, Sarah Bertouille STANDARD POODLE, CH Boshis… -
Mar 7, 2020 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Ohio Classic / Total Dog - Saturday
Wilmington, OhioTOTAL DOG QUALIFIERS AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD, UCD UAGII UROC GRCH Northbay's Wish Come True, Sarah Carden WHITE SHEPHERD, PTN ALCH URO2 Blaez Of Wildwood, Taylor Gracie MOUNTAIN CUR, UWP CA UCD URO1 CCH Walnut Ridge Rebel Yell SPOT-ON, Mandy…