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Forming A New Club

Jump to the Provisional Club Requirements or New Club Incentive Program.

Club Licensing

Before You Start.
Pre-Requisites before applying to become a UKC Club

Membership. UKC recommends a membership that includes enough active members to properly conduct an event. Conformation and Performance clubs should have at least 5 members, 3 of which must have experience in the event-type(s) the club is applying for. Experience includes but is not limited to; earning titles in the event the club wishes to be licensed for, working as a steward (especially table steward), event secretary, chairperson, or any other member of the event committee. Nosework clubs must have a minimum of 10 members, five of which having dogs with Nosework titles.
Promote the idea that your members are first and foremost, hosts at your events. When you travel to neighboring clubs events, they are the hosts. Everyone takes their turn,

Location. UKC recommends that you consider population density when determining the geographical area that your club will serve. If there is already a UKC club in your area, be sure that there are enough interested people to serve two clubs before you decide to form another. If your geographical area is already served by a strong club in one event such as agility or obedience, and your group is interested in conformation, you may choose to form a separate club; however, it may be more beneficial to merge your two groups into a larger organization that can be licensed for both events. UKC encourages our clubs to be as versatile as we want our dogs to be.

Mission Statement. What is the Clubs goal? How does the club plan to be involved in their community? Is the Clubs goal to be guardians of a specific breed or is the club more focused on hosting excellent performance events?

Name of the Club. Be sure the Clubs name will properly reflect what the club is interested in and the events they wish to host. Naming a club "The Dog Obedience Club" may not best reflect a club that is wishing to host Conformation, Nosework, and Agility.

Types of Dog Events Clubs

  • Single Breed
  • All-Breed
  • National/Parent Breed Association (Must meet other Requirements)
  • Performance Only
  • Conformation/Performance

Financial Cost. Financing an event can be hard for new clubs, especially clubs that are not familiar with the costs involved with holding an event. Some examples of costs associated with new clubs include:

  • Club Insurance
  • Office supplies - binders, copying expenses, sign printing
  • Licensed equipment for events - cones, rings, jumps, etc.
  • Ribbons and prizes
  • Venue
  • Judge expenses

It is a good idea for clubs to do some fundraising to build their Treasury before hosting a licensed UKC Event. Holding matches can be a way to raise money while Club members can practice running an event. Encourage the club to come up with ways to fundraise money for the Clubs Treasury.

Before Contacting UKC

  • Review Required UKC Club Bylaws
  • Have developmental meetings for the club to establish your club Officers and Board of Directors. It is wise to have regular club meetings before applying for the UKC License.
  • Develop committees for club operations (e.g. Event Committee, Breed Education Committee, Election Committee, etc.)

Club Requirements for Application

  • Club Application and signed Bylaws
  • Membership List
  • Club Resume outlining members experience
  • Mission Statement
  • Code of Ethics
  • Photos of all required equipment needed for performance events
  • Name, website, and location of potential event site(s).

Provisional Club Requirements

Once the club attains Provisional Status, the club has 18 months to schedule an event. If the club fails to do so in this time frame, the club will relinquish any and all discounts or programs they may have been eligible for as a new UKC club. All events must be scheduled following the normal scheduling process and must be applied for by the normal scheduling deadline date found in the Official UKC Rules for Dog Events. Deadline dates are approximately 24 weeks in advance of the event date. The first scheduling request may be sent by email to

The Event Chairperson and Event Secretary must be members of the provisional club. A club may not hire an Event Chairperson or Secretary, nor may an Event Manager be hired to perform these duties while the club is on provisional status. Provisional clubs hosting events may not allow the Event Chairperson/Event Secretary to exhibit dogs at these events when they serve in this capacity. Their dogs may be entered, but must be handled by someone other than themselves.

Provisional status has a term limit of 3 consecutive years. Clubs must demonstrate activity and involvement in the events they are seeking licenses in and will be required to hold a minimum of 12 shows/trials in the three years in order to successfully move through provisional status. The provisional status of the club may be denied should the club fail to meet the minimum event requirements with the 3 year time limit.
Provisional status clubs must provide the following with the event applications:

  1. Copy of signed contractual agreement for each judge on the event panel.
  2. Copy of signed contractual agreement for event site venue.
  3. Building layout including rings, grooming area & location of Event Secretary Table.

Club must provide the following to UKC at least 4 weeks prior to the scheduled event. This information should be contained in a Premium List or an official announcement of the clubs event. It should be sent or distributed to the public at the same time it is submitted to UKC.

  1. List of all committee members (names) and their assignments and whether they will serve on a misconduct hearing committee should the need arise.
  2. A list of all awards to be presented at the event
  3. Move-up policy. A copy of the club's move-up policy for the event.
  4. Substitution policy. A copy of the club's substitution policy.
  5. Refund policy. A copy of the club's refund policy.
  6. Show Veterinarian. The name & address of the Veterinarian along with directions from the show site to the clinic. Indicate whether the Vet will be in attendance or on call.
  7. Show Photographer. It is recommended that a show photographer be in attendance. The club shall furnish the name and address of the person acting as the show photographer to UKC.
  8. Accommodations. A list of the local area accommodations.

It is suggested that as soon as possible after pre-entries close that the club post the pre-entry breed numbers/breakdown on any social media the club is utilizing and in an official judging program that is sent to exhibitors.

New Club Incentive Program (NCI)

The New Club Incentive (NCI) is meant to help brand-new clubs build their treasury and have a successful first event. Clubs must schedule their first licensed event within one year of their club approval. If the club fails to apply for or schedule an event by the application deadline date in any phase of the NCI or NEI process, the club will relinquish any discounts. All events must be scheduled following the normal scheduling process.


Each new club will benefit from the following for their very first UKC-licensed event:

  • All licensing fees waived
  • All event service fees waive

Club will be sent the following FREE paperwork.

  • 3 packs licensed judges books for the event types held (when applicable)
  • 2 packs Group sheets (Conformation)
  • 1 pack scoresheets for each licensed class (Obedience)
  • 1 pack move up forms
  • 100 armbands.


For each clubs second event, licensing fees will be waived for up to four trials or shows. Event service fees will be due to UKC with the event results. Clubs must order all event paperwork.

Show Operations New Club

Club Forms

New Clubs

New Club Application (PDF)

National Association Application (PDF)

UKC Club Bylaws (PDF)

Club Membership List (PDF)

Club Event Planning

Event Weekend-Number Date Table (PDF)

Licensed Event Scheduling Request (PDF)

Non-Licensed Match Application (PDF)

Application for UKC Online Event Entry Service - All-Breed Sports (PDF)

Why Use the UKC Online Entry Sytem? (PDF)

Club Miscellaneous

Club Officers Change Form (PDF)

Sample Judge's Contract (PDF)

SPOT Checklist (PDF)

Club Event Paperwork

Guidelines for Paperwork Prep & Submission (PDF)

Total Dog Report (PDF)

Total Junior Report (PDF)

Disqualified for Attacking (PDF)

Misconduct Complaint Form (PDF)

Misconduct Hearing Procedure Form (PDF)

Class or Entry Correction (PDF)

Performance Event Junior Participation (PDF)

Junior Membership Application (PDF)