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Club Events & Matches

New Event Incentive Program (NEI)

Currently active clubs that wish to add new events to their current shows will be given the following incentive for the each additional event applied and approved for: (Clubs must meet all licensing requirements for the event in which they would like to add.)

If the club fails to apply for or schedule an event by the application deadline date in any phase of the NCI or NEI process, the club will relinquish any and all discounts or programs they may have been eligible for as a new UKC club or an existing club that has added an event. All events must be scheduled following the normal scheduling process and must be applied for by the Deadline Date described in the Official UKC Rules For Dog Events. Deadline Dates are approximately 24 weeks in advance of the event date. Standard late fees, plus all licensing fees will be owed to UKC to schedule the event being requested after this date.

To be eligible:
Clubs must not have offered the NEW event at any time in the past.


  1. Licensing fee: WAIVED (Limit 4 events)
  2. Clubs will be allowed freedom to choose how to apply the waived fees up to the max limit.
  3. Must meet the licensing requirements for the event being applied for before the event will be scheduled.

Conformation Clubs:

  1. Adding (1) new performance event. May hold from 1-4 events in one weekend.
  2. Licensing fees waived. (Max $180/Max Nosework $320)
  3. Only one new type of event per weekend will be allowed.

Performance Clubs:

  1. Adding a conformation event may add from 1-4 conformation shows in one weekend.
  2. Licensing fees waived (Max $320.) To be eligible for the New Event Incentive a club must not have been licensed for the event type being requested at any time in the past.

Requirements To Add a New Event License:

  1. A Club Officer must contact UKC in writing expressing interest in adding a new event type. In this request the club should outline the memberships experience in the event in which it would like to become licensed for. Please send requests to UKC Club Staff.
  2. The club must have at least 3 people in its membership who have experience in the new event license being requested. Experience also includes but is not limited to working as a steward (especially table steward), event secretary, chairperson or any other member of the event committee. The request must include how often the qualified members have participated in the capacity listed.
  3. It is strongly encouraged that a minimum of 3 members have earned at least the first level title in the event license being applied for. Clubs who meet this qualification will be considered over clubs who do not meet this qualification. Clubs who do not meet this minimum title requirement may be asked to fulfill this requirement before being approved for the new event license.
  4. Provide information about the clubs understanding of the UKC Rules regarding the event type being applied for and describe the clubs ability to host this type of event.
  5. Provide information regarding the required equipment to hold the event type. Any equipment utilized by the club must meet all UKC rules and standards for that particular event's equipment.

If UKC accepts and approves the above information then the club will be required to host a UKC non-licensed Match for this new event. This will allow UKC to verify that the club does have the experience and knowledge to hold a successful event. Once all of the above requirements have been met and the clubs UKC Match has been reviewed and approved, the club may be moved into the Provisional licensing status and may apply for the new event following the normal scheduling procedures.

Holding a Match

After your Club has gone through the application process, it is time to get prepared for your first match. To become licensed for an event a club must hold at least one (1) Non-licensed UKC Match (No Points awarded) for each type of event the club is requesting a provisional license for. The Match Report must be sent to UKC no later than ten days after the date of the Match. UKC will review the Match and decide whether or not the Club will move forward to Provisional status. Some club applicants may be asked to complete additional requirements based on the review of the match event. The Club must be approved as a Provisional Club by UKC, before they can schedule a UKC licensed event.

Prior to sending a Match Application, the Club must request Paperwork Exercises. These exercises are designed for club members who will be taking entries, the chance to practice putting dogs onto the UKC Judges books. Once they are completed, they should be sent to UKC along with the Clubs Match Application.

Match Application
The Match Application must be received by UKC no later than 30 Days before the date of the Match. The Match Chair and the Match Secretary for the UKC Non-licensed match must be members of the applicant club and must perform these duties. Event Managers may not be hired by an applicant club to conduct a non-licensed Match event.

Match Information

  • All forms needed for the Match can be found and downloaded from the Forms Page.
  • Dogs do not have to be UKC registered, have a Performance Listing (PL), or Temporary Listing (TL) number in order to participate. The judge does not need to be a licensed UKC judge; however they must follow all UKC rules, guidelines and policies in accordance with that event.
  • Ribbons/prizes may be offered at the discretion of the club.
  • Match Chair and the Match Secretary may not act as the Match Judge/Official.

Match Premium
Along with the Match Application, the club must furnish UKC with an official advertisement for its event no less than 15 days prior to the match (Flyers, emails, websites, newspapers, etc.). It is the responsibility of the club to ensure that every opportunity is taken to present UKC events to the club members, other local clubs, and the public. Official advertising of events is a necessary step when offering competitive trials and shows. UKC events are open to anyone eligible and in good standing with the UKC.

Premium Requirements

  • Match Chairperson and Match Secretary: Name and contact information.
  • Name of Judge(s)/ Official(s).
  • Pre-Entry Open and Close Dates.
  • Day of Show Entry Times
  • Match Start Times.
  • Awards. A list of all awards to be presented at the event (if the club is offering them). If no awards are being offered, this must be stated.
  • Move-up policy. A copy of the clubs move-up policy for the event.
  • Substitution policy. A copy of the clubs substitution policy (if no substitutions are allowed this must also be stated).
  • Refund Policy. A copy of the clubs refund policy (if no refunds are allowed, this must also be stated).
  • Show Veterinarian. The name and address of the Veterinarian along with directions from the show site to the clinic. Indicate whether the Vet will be in attendance or on call.

Additional Requirements for Performance Matches
Agility, Weight Pull, Obedience, Rally Obedience, Lure Coursing, Nosework and Dock Jumping: if a club is requesting to be licensed for any of the above performance events, they must have UKC approved equipment to hold a Match.