All Breed Sports Midwest Classic pre-entry deadline is February 3, 2025

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UKC Titles

Events Licensed through Hunting Operations

Beagle Events

Bench Show
WSHOWCH2 - Hunting Beagle World Show Champion 2X (awarded at Hunting Beagle World Championship)
WSHOWCH - Hunting Beagle World Show Champion (awarded at Hunting Beagle World Championship)
NGRC - National Grand Show Champion (awarded at Hunting Beagle Nationals)
GRCH - Grand Show Champion
CH - Show Champion

Hunting Beagle Event
WORLDHBCH - World Hunting Beagle Champion (awarded at Hunting Beagle World Championship)
NGRHBC - National Grand Hunting Beagle Champion (awarded at Hunting Beagle Nationals)
GRHBCH - Grand Hunting Beagle Champion
HBCH - Hunting Beagle Champion

Large Pack Events
GRFCH - Grand Field Champion
FCH - Field Champion

Performance Pack Event
WORLDPCH2X - World Performance Pack Champion 2X (awarded at the Performance Pack World Championship)
WORLDPCH - World Performance Pack Champion (awarded at the Performance Pack World Championship)
GRPCH - Grand Performance Pack Champion
PCH - Performance Pack Champion

Coonhound Events

Bench Show
WSHOWCH - World Show Champion (awarded at World Coonhound Championship)
WSHOWCH2X - World Show Champion2X (awarded at World Coonhound Championship)
NGRCH - National Grand Show Champion (awarded at Autumn Oaks)
NGRCH2X - National Grand Show Champion 2X (awarded at Autumn Oaks)
GRCH - Grand Show Champion
CH - Show Champion
GRCHHOF - Grand Champion Hall of Fame

Field Trial
GRFCH - Grand Field Champion
FCH - Field Champion
GRFCHHOF - Grand Field Champion Hall of Fame

Hunt Test (Suffix)
HTX - Hunt Test Excellence

Nite Hunt
WLDNITECH - World Nite Hunt Champion (awarded at World Coonhound Championship)
NATLDC - National Dual Champion (awarded at Autumn Oaks)
NGRNCH - National Grand Nite Champion (awarded at Autumn Oaks)
GRNITECH - Grand Nite Champion
NITECH - Nite Champion
GRNITECHHOF - Grand Nite Champion Hall of Fame

Water Race
GRWCH - Grand Water Champion
WCH - Water Champion
GRWCHHOF - Grand Water Champion Hall of Fame

Cur/Feist Events

Bench Show
GRCH - Grand Show Champion
CH - Show Champion

Coon Hunt
GRNITECH - Grand Nite Champion
NITECH - Nite Champion

Hunt Test (Suffix)
HTX - Hunt Test Excellence

Squirrel Hunt
WORLD SQ DOG CH - World Squirrel Dog Champion (awarded at Squirrel Dog World Championship)
GRSQCH - Grand Squirrel Champion
SQCH - Squirrel Champion
GRSQCHHOF - Grand Squirrel Champion Hall of Fame

Hunting Retriever Events

Hunt Test
GRHRCH - Grand Hunting Retriever Champion
HRCH - Hunting Retriever Champion
HR - Hunting Retriever
SHR - Started Hunting Retriever
UH - Upland Hunter
HOF (suffix) - Hall of Fame

Pointing Dog Events

Field Trial
GRCHF - Grand Champion of the Field
CHF - Champion of the Field
TR - Trialer
GUN - Gun Dog
HUNT - 1st Level Gun Dog
CHF-W - Champion of the Field-Wild
CHF-L - Champion of the Field-Liberated
TAN (suffix) - Natural Ability Test
WRT (suffix) - Water Retrieve Test

Elite Shed Dog Series

ESD - Elite Shed Dog
WSD - Working Shed Dog
CHSD - Champion Shed Dog
GRCHSD - Grand Champion Shed Dog
NCHSD - National Champion Shed Dog
HOF (suffix) - Elite Shed Dog Series Hall of Fame

UKC Recognized Titles

American Pointing Labrador Association - APLA
CPR - Certified Pointing Retriever
APR - Advanced Pointing Retriever
MPR - Master Pointing Retriever
GMPR - Grand Master Pointing Retriever

United Field Trialers Association - UFTA
NF. CH - UFTA National Field Champion
RNF.CH - UFTA Reserve National Field Champion
F.CH - UFTA Field Champion

National Shoot To Retrieve - NSTRA
NTLCH - NSTRA National Champion
RUNTLCH - NSTRA Runner Up National Champion
REGCH - NSTRA Regional Champion
CH - NSTRA Champion
AMCH - NSTRA Amateur Champion

National Bird Dog Circuit - NBDC
BDC CH - BDC Champion
BDC DOY - BDC Dog of the Year
BDC WC - BDC World Champion
BDC NC - BDC National Champion
BDC SM - BDC Super Major Win
BDC LC - BDC Legendary

Super Retriever Series - SRS
SRSC - SRS Champion
SRSAC - SRS Amateur Champion
SRSCC - SRS Crown Champion
SRSACC - SRS Amateur Crown Champion

Discontinued UKC Titles

Cur/Feist Event: Treeing Contest
GRTRCH - Grand Tree Champion
TRCH - Tree Champion

Pre-Trial Class:
PTE - Pre-Trial Elite
PTM - Pre-Trial Master
PTS - Pre-Trial Superior
PTA - Pre-Trial Advanced
PTN - Pre-Trial Novice

Dog Sports
OBPD2 - Police Dog 2 Obedience
OBPD1 - Police Dog 1 Obedience
PD2 - Police Dog 2
PD1 - Police Dog 1
OB3 - Protection 3 Obedience
OB2 - Protection 2 Obedience
OB1 - Protection Alert 1 Obedience
AOB - Protection Alert Obedience
P3 - Protection 3
P2 - Protection 2
P1 - Protection 1
PA - Protection Alert
FO - Family Obedience

Earth Work Hunting Program
GREWCH - Grand Earth Work Champion
EWCH - Earth Work Champion
EWDII - Earth Working Dog 2
EWDI - Earth Working Dog 1

Drag Racing

Flat Race:
UFGCH - United Flat Racer Grand Champion
UFCH - United Flat Racer Champion
UFR - United Flat Racer
UFA - United Flat Racing Aptitude Test

USGCH - United Steeplechase Grand Champion
USCH - United Steeplechase Racer Champion
USR - United Steeplechase Racer
USA - United Steeplechase Racing Aptitude Test

Events Licensed through All-Breed Sports


UGRACH1 - United Grand Agility Champion 1 (A UGRACH title will be issued with the designation in accordance with the numerical times the title has been earned)
UGRACH - United Grand Agility Champion
UACHX - United Agility Champion Excellent
UACH - United Agility Champion
UAGII - United Agility II
UAGI - United Agility I

Conformation (excludes mixed breeds)

CH - Champion
GRCH - Grand Champion
CCH - Conformation Champion (for Coonhounds, Beagles and Cur/Feists)
CGRCH - Conformation Grand Champion (for Coonhounds, Beagles and Cur/Feists)
NBOB - National Best of Breed (awarded at a National Specialty)
NGRCH - National Grand Champion (for American Eskimos and Toy Fox Terriers, awarded at their National Specialty)
EGCH - Emerald Grand Champion
RGCH - Ruby Grand Champion
SGCH - Sapphire Grand Champion
DGCH - Diamond Grand Champion

Altered Conformation (excludes mixed breeds)
ALCH - Altered Champion
ALGRCH - Altered Grand Champion
ALCCH - Altered Conformation Champion (for Coonhounds, Beagles and Cur/Feists)
ALCGRCH - Altered Conformation Grand Champion (for Coonhounds, Beagles and Cur/Feists)
AEGCH - Altered Emerald Grand Champion
ARGCH - Altered Ruby Grand Champion
ASGCH - Altered Sapphire Grand Champion
ADGCH - Altered Diamond Grand Champion

Dock Jumping (Air Dog)

Distance Jumping (Ultimate Air) Titles:

Initial Distance Jumping Titles:
UUJ - United Ultimate Jumper
UMJ - United Master Jumper
USJ - United Senior Jumper
UJJ - United Junior Jumper
UNJ - United Novice Jumper

United Distance Jumping Champion Titles:
UUJCH - United Ultimate Jumper Champion
UMJCH - United Master Jumper Champion
USJCH - United Senior Jumper Champion
UJJCH - United Junior Jumper Champion
UNJCH - United Novice Jumper Champion

Grand Distance Jumping Champion Titles:
GUJCH - Grand Ultimate Jumper Champion
GMJCH - Grand Master Jumper Champion
GSJCH - Grand Senior Jumper Champion
GJJCH - Grand Junior Jumper Champion
GNJCH - Grand Novice Jumper Champion

Ultimate Vertical Titles:

Initial Ultimate Vertical Titles:
URUV - United Radical Ultimate Vertical
USUV - United Supreme Ultimate Vertical

United Ultimate Vertical Champion Titles:
URUVCH - United Radical Ultimate Vertical Champion
USUVCH - United Supreme Ultimate Vertical Champion

Ultimate Vertical Grand Champion Titles:
GRUVCH - United Grand Radical Ultimate Vertical Champion
GSUVCH - United Grand Supreme Ultimate Vertical Champion

United Fetch It Titles:
UUF - United Ultimate Fetch It
USF - United Supreme Fetch It

United Fetch It Champion Titles:
UUFCH - United Ultimate Fetch It Champion
USFCH - United Supreme Fetch It Champion

United Fetch It Grand Champion Titles:
GUFCH - United Grand Ultimate Fetch It Champion
GSFCH - United Grand Supreme Fetch It Champion

Lure Coursing

Advanced Coursing Title:
SGC - Supreme Grand Coursing Champion

Breed Stakes Titles:
GCB - Grand Lure Coursing Champion-Breed
CCB - Lure Coursing Champion-Breed

Mixed Stake Titles:
GCM - Grand Lure Coursing Champion-Mixed
CCM - Lure Coursing Champion-Mixed

United Coursing Tested Titles:
CTS - Coursing Tested Supreme
CTX - Coursing Tested Excellent
CT - Coursing Tested

United Coursing Aptitude Titles:
CAS - Coursing Aptitude Supreme
CAX - Coursing Aptitude Excellent
CA - Coursing Aptitude


Nosework Trial Levels:
EN - Elite Nosework
MN - Master Nosework
SN - Superior Nosework
AN - Advanced Nosework
NN - Novice Nosework

Nosework Champion Titles:
NCH - Nosework Champion
ECH - Elite Nosework Campion
MCH - Master Nosework Champion
SCH - Superior Nosework Champion
ACH - Advanced Nosework Champion
NNCH - Novice Nosework Champion

Nosework Grand Champion Titles:
NWGC - Nosework Grand Champion
EGC - Elite Nosework Grand Champion
MGC - Master Nosework Grand Champion
SNGC - Superior Nosework Grand Champion
AGC - Advanced Nosework Grand Champion
NGC - Novice Nosework Grand Champion

Individual Element Classes:

EE - Elite Exterior
EV - Elite Vehicle
EI - Elite Interior
EC - Elite Container

ME - Master Exterior
MV - Master Vehicle
MI - Master Interior
MC - Master Container

SE - Superior Exterior
SV - Superior Vehicle
SI - Superior Interior
SC - Superior Container

AE - Advanced Exterior
AV - Advanced Vehicle
AI - Advanced Interior
AC - Advanced Container

NE - Novice Exterior
NV - Novice Vehicle
NI - Novice Interior
NC - Novice Container

Handler Discrimination:
HDGC - Handler Discrimination Grand Champion
HDCH - Handler Discrimination Champion
MHDX - Master Handler Discrimination Excellent
EHDS - Excellent Handler Discrimination Supreme
MHD - Master Handler Discrimination
EHD - Excellent Handler Discrimination
AHD - Advanced Handler Discrimination
NHD - Novice Handler Discrimination


UUDX - United Utility Dog Excellent
GOCH - United Grand Obedience Champion
UOCH - United Obedience Champion
UUD - United Utility Dog
UCDX - United Companion Dog Excellent
UCD - United Companion Dog

Rally Obedience

UROG - United Rally Obedience Grand Champion
URX - United Rally Obedience Excellent
UROC - United Rally Obedience Champion
URO3 - United Rally Obedience 3
URO2 - United Rally Obedience 2
URO1 - United Rally Obedience 1

SPOT (Suffix)

SPOT-ON - Specialized Pet Obedience Test - Outstanding Neighbor
SPOT - Specialized Pet Obedience Test

Weight Pull

UGWPC1 - United Grand Weight Pull Champion 1
UGWPCH - United Grand Weight Pull Champion
UWPCHX - United Weight Pull Champion Excellent
UWPCH - United Weight Pull Champion
UWP - United Weight Puller
UWPS - United Weight Pull Champion Supreme
UWPO - United Weight Pull Champion Outstanding
UWPV - United Weight Pull Champion Versatile
UWPU - United Weight Pull Ultimate
UWPNC1 - United Weight Pull National Champion Division 1
UWPNC2 - United Weight Pull National Champion Division 2
UEWPCH - United Elite Weight Pull Champion
VPN - Versatile Puller Novice
VPA - Versatile Puller Advanced
VPE - Versatile Puller Excellent
VPU - Versatile Puller Ultimate
AP - Advanced Puller

UKC Recognized Titles

Barn Hunt
RATCHX - Barn Hunt Champion Excellent
RATCH - Barn Hunt Champion
RATM - Master Barn Hunt
RATS - Senior Barn Hunt
RATO - Open Barn Hunt
RATN - Novice Barn Hunt