Total Dog
UKC has supported the Total Dog philosophy through its events and programs for over a century. Essentially, the UKC world of dogs is a working world. That's the way it was developed in 1898, and that's the way it remains today. A Total Dog displays equal parts Function, Temperament, and Structure. Total Dog is a way to showcase dogs who look and perform equally well. The UKC Total Dog philosophy places an emphasis on dogs who shine in multiple venues, such as displaying the gait appropriate for their breed type while in the show ring, and then using that superb construction to effortlessly run full speed in a Lure Coursing race. A sound, well-bred, well-adjusted dog can easily transition from the show ring to a performance event. They have the looks to excel as a proper specimen of their breed, while also having the brains and ability to perform athletically in a variety of sporting events. To earn a Total Dog award, dogs must qualify in both conformation and an eligible performance event on the same day.
Your Total Dog could win $10,000 at the UKC Total Dog Invitational. The Total Dog Invitational is by invitation only. To qualify for a invitation to this event, dogs must earn a Total Dog award at a Regional Qualifying Event (RQE). UKC Classics are considered RQEs. UKC clubs that are planning an event featuring conformation plus a performance event may apply to be considered an RQE. A total of 12 RQEs are held throughout the year.
Whether your dream is $10,000 or simply proving that your dog is a Total Dog at any show you attend, participating in both performance and conformation is a great way to accomplish something unforgettable your well-rounded dog.
Honor to whom honor is due
Total Dogs are deserving of recognition! Through events and programs highlighting the Total Dog, we give Honor to Whom Honor is Due®.

Official Partners

Total Dog Results
Nov 12, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Crossroads Canine Club / Total Dog Sunday
Crossroads Canine Club, Dayton, OhioNovember 12, 2023 Listed Entry NN URO1 EGCH Kingsland My Boy Blue SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Diane Dull -
Nov 11, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Upstate Kennel Club / Total Dog Saturday
Upstate Kennel Club, Lancaster, New YorkNovember 11, 2023 URO1 UJJ RGCH Kennelwood Unchained Melody SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Victoria Jensen -
Nov 11, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Crossroads Canine Club / Total Dog Saturday
Crossroads Canine Club, Dayton, OhioNovember 11, 2023 NN RACEN RMX2 URX3 UROG UCD BN RMC GRCH Thundergold's Much Ado About S SPOT-O, Golden Retriever, Catherine A Wright, William R Wright Listed Entry NN URO1 EGCH Kingsland My Boy Blue SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Diane… -
Nov 10, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Upstate Kennel Club / Total Dog - Friday
Upstate Kennel Club, Lancaster, New YorkNovember 10, 2023 BN USJ NHD PN AN URO3 SC EGCH Schutzen's A Shot To Remember SPOT-ON, German Shorthaired Pntr, Deanna Glasgow NV PN UJJCH NT GNJCH IA ROM GRCH White Star's Nirvana At Atlas SPOT, German Shepherd Dog, Tracie Karsjens -
Nov 10, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc. / Total Dog - Friday
Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc., Laporte, IndianaNovember 10, 2023 URO1 RACEA GRCH Royal Hall Don't Stop Me Now, White Shepherd, Joanne M Svetanoff, Jean Reeves USJ CH Joy-a-len's Noise In The Night SPOT, Bouvier Des Flandres, Lee Ann Layman, Judith Allen BA NC ROM Se7ene11even Mazin… -
Nov 4, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Mid Atlantic Labrador Club / Total Dog Saturday
Mid Atlantic Labrador Club, Durham, North CarolinaMid Atlantic Labrador Club Durham, North Carolina November 4, 2023 Sgr's Free and Easy Jolly Joe, Labrador Retriever, Colleen Goularte -
Oct 21, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Indiana Crossroads Dog club / Total Dog Saturday
Indiana Crossroads Dog club, Flora, IndianaIndiana Crossroads Dog Club Flora, Indiana October 21, 2023 URO1 CH Lyndobe's Chosen One SPOT-ON, Doberman Pinscher, Iris Snyder, William Snyder CH Luvah's Shaking That Sassafras, Schipperke, Marcy Dutton Roberts URO1 CH NV NI… -
Oct 15, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club / Total Dog Sunday
All American Bulldog Club, Centreville, MichiganOctober 15, 2023 UWP RACEN URO1 SHR RGCH Endeavor Just The One SPOT-ON, Labrador Retriever, Jeanine Asch RACEM UWPO AP6 VPE UGWPCH GRCH Sisu's Trekker SPOT-ON, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen DASH RACES UWPO AP4 VPA UWPCHX EGCH… -
Oct 14, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Competition Dogs Of The Ozarks / Total Dog Saturday
Competition Dogs Of The Ozarks, Springfield, MissouriOctober 14, 2023 URO1 CH Sha-d Blue's Orion Of The Primes SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Nikki Gonzales NN'PR'Regalant Fusilli, Silken Windhound, Kathryn Houghton URO2 NH UGRACH2 IA UAGI Crimson's Lynn Creek Scout, Min American… -
Oct 13, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club / Total Dog - Friday
All American Bulldog Club, Centreville, MichiganOctober 13, 2023 UWP RACEN URO1 SHR RGCH Endeavor Just The One SPOT-ON, Labrador Retriever, Jeanine Asch UWP GRCH Supercharged Ruby De Toldeo Presa SPOT-ON, Perro De Presa Canario, Kaytlin Barber, Michael Murphy UNJ CH Jemm's Walkin The… -
Oct 1, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Eastern Classic / Total Dog Sunday
Virginia Beach, VirginiaOctober 1, 2023 Listed Entry Listed Entry URO1 CH Fair Haven's Swim With Me, Border Collie, Debora Mclaughlin VPA UWPO AP URO3 UWPCHX CH Wlm Banking On A Beat SPOT, Carolina Dog, Ace Mattocks UWP CH Ohanas Catch Of The Day, American… -
Oct 1, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Southeast Schipperke Club / Total Dog Sunday
Southeast Schipperke Club, Athens, TennesseeOctober 1, 2023 BN URO1 PN CH Ebbtide Legend Of The Dance SPOT-ON, Schipperke, Nancy Dellamura, George Dellamura -
Oct 1, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Bay Area Regional Kennel Club / Total Dog Sunday
Bay Area Regional Kennel Club, Corunna, TennesseeOctober 1, 2023 RACEN DASH URO1 DGCH Surefoot's Histylin' Rohan SPOT-ON, Giant Schnauzer, Brian Zbrzezny-ragland, Maura Hayes, Matthew Zbrzezny-ragland RACEN URO2 GRCH Hot Shot Tristan Mo Chroi Aisling SPOT-ON, Border Collie, Jayme Mc… -
Sep 30, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Eastern Classic / Total Dog Saturday
Virginia Beach, VirginiaSeptember 30, 2023 AP VPN UWPV CH UWPCH Dahlgren's Leon Sandcastle, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Tamar Kiewe URO1 ALCGRCH CH'PR'Hughitt's Delta House Otter, Redbone Coonhound, Carol Hughitt, Jay Hughitt Listed Entry Listed Entry VPA UWPO AP… -
Sep 30, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Southeast Schipperke Club / Total Dog Saturday
Southeast Schipperke Club, Athens, TennesseeSeptember 30, 2023 BN URO1 PN CH Ebbtide Legend Of The Dance SPOT-ON, Schipperke, Nancy Dellamura, George Dellamura -
Sep 30, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Bay Area Regional Kennel Club / Total Dog Saturday
Bay Area Regional Kennel Club, Corunna, MichiganSeptember 30, 2023 RACEN DASH URO1 DGCH Surefoot's Histylin' Rohan SPOT-ON, Giant Schnauzer, Brian Zbrzezny-ragland, Maura Hayes, Matthew Zbrzezny-ragland NI URO1 RACEM GRCH Anadune Journey To Infinity, Border Collie, John Lewis DASH BN… -
Sep 29, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Eastern Classic / Total Dog - Friday
Virginia Beach, VirginiaSeptember 29, 2023 AP VPN UWPV CH UWPCH Dahlgren's Leon Sandcastle, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Tamar Kiewe URO1 ALCGRCH CH'PR'Hughitt's Delta House Otter, Redbone Coonhound, Carol Hughitt, Jay Hughitt Listed Entry Listed Entry VPA UWPO AP… -
Sep 24, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Oxford Dog Sports UKC Extravaganza / Total Dog Sunday
Oxford Dog Sports, Bright, Ontario, CanadaSeptember 24, 2023 NE CH NI AC Lake & Shield's Wonder Strijder, Basset Hound, Krystina Grandmond URO1 NV NI NE Castlegar Autumwynd Levon, Labrador Retriever, Marie P Babin Blackpantera Antique Gems Agafit, Black Russian Terrier, Evgen… -
Sep 24, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Iowa Kennel Club / Total Dog Sunday
Iowa Kennel Club, Grinnell, IowaSeptember 24, 2023 URO3 UWP GRCH Betos Weekend Warrior SPOT, American Bully, Melissa Anne Streater URO3 EGCH Sky Creek Go Forth Have No Fear, Australian Shepherd, Kaity Sevits PN RGCH URO2 HR Ajsilvercreek Afistfulofdollars, Chesapeake… -
Sep 24, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club / Total Dog Sunday
Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club, Westfield, MassachusettsSeptember 24, 2023 UWPV UJJ AP2 VPE RATN RACEM UWPCH UNJ DGCH Ohanas Hello From The Darkside, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony Flynn UWPO AP2 VPA RACEM UWPCHX GRCH'PR'Bossi's Transforming History, American Pit… -
Sep 23, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Oxford Dog Sports UKC Extravaganza / Total Dog Saturday
Oxford Dog Sports, Bright, Ontario, CanadaSeptember 23, 2023 CA NN SE UJJ SC AI GRCH Siesta Of Proper K9, Perro De Presa Canario, Kelly Mcintosh NE AC NHD CH Majestic Promises In The Dark, Bullmastiff, Patricia Pipes, Dave Pipes, Glenn Mc Laughlin, Kimberly Mc Laughlin URO3 RGCH… -
Sep 23, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Iowa Kennel Club / Total Dog Saturday
Iowa Kennel Club, Grinnell, IowaSeptember 23, 2023 Buck Lake Bandini, Beagle, Sam Raber URO1 Fundamental Fire Meek Imp, Schipperke, Justus Reichert PN RGCH URO2 HR Ajsilvercreek Afistfulofdollars, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Anne Nicholson, Jeff Nicholson Listed Entry … -
Sep 23, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club / Total Dog Saturday
Apple Valley Rat Terrier Club, Westfield, MassachusettsSeptember 23, 2023 UWPV UJJ AP2 VPE RATN RACEM UWPCH UNJ DGCH Ohanas Hello From The Darkside, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony Flynn UWPO AP2 VPA RACEM UWPCHX GRCH'PR'Bossi's Transforming History, American Pit… -
Sep 23, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Heart Of The Prairie Pointing Dog Club / Total Dog Saturday
Heart Of The Prairie Pointing Dog Club, Butler, IllinoisSeptember 23, 2023 CH HUNT Orwell Dela Source D'hannahatchee TAN WRT, Epagneul Breton, Amanda Mc Nett TR Mackinaw Valley's Mae TAN WRT, Epagneul Breton, Joel Lucasey -
Sep 17, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Carnation City Kennel Club / Total Dog Sunday
Carnation City Kennel Club, Atwater, OhioSeptember 17, 2023 USJ NHD AI PN NN URO2 SC EGCH Schutzen's A Shot To Remember SPOT-ON, German Shorthaired Pntr, Deanna Glasgow CH Ghibli's Starry Reminisce, Standard Poodle, Tasha Grieser Listed Entry USJ NC URO2 Rock Run's Zazzy Otis,… -
Sep 17, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Total Dog Sunday
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaSeptember 17, 2023 CA NN AE UJJ SC AI GRCH Siesta Of Proper K9, Perro De Presa Canario, Kelly Mcintosh Listed Entry -
Sep 17, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: United Dog Sports Of Northern New England, Inc. / Total Dog Sunday
United Dog Sports Of Northern New England, Inc., Eliot, MaineSeptember 17, 2023 Listed Entry CCH RACEA URO3 Buckley's Betty, Mountain Cur, Stephanie Buckley RACEN CH UWP Snowdancer's Ur Captain Speaking, Siberian Husky, Melissa Mount, Laura Mount, Dominic Stearns Meadowbrook's Make A Wish, Golden… -
Sep 17, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Michigan American Pit Bull Terrier Club / Total Dog Sunday
Michigan American Pit Bull Terrier Club, Belleville, MichiganSeptember 17, 2023 NN CH AI AC Wigglebutt Aint No Spring Chicken, Min American Shepherd, Cynthia Angiulo NI NE NC CH Wigglebutt Makin' Me Joyful, Min American Shepherd, Holly Rupprecht, Sandie Nagel DASH GRCH RACEM Full Circle Meant To… -
Sep 16, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Carnation City Kennel Club / Total Dog Saturday
Carnation City Kennel Club, Atwater, OhioSeptember 16, 2023 CH Chantryile Just Push Play, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Laura Pettit Rusick, Jeff Rusick USJ NHD AI PN NN URO2 SC EGCH Schutzen's A Shot To Remember SPOT-ON, German Shorthaired Pntr, Deanna Glasgow URO1 CCH CH'PR'Bell's… -
Sep 16, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Total Dog Saturday
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaSeptember 16, 2023 UJJ RACEA CH Piccolo's Tuscany Amore SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Evelyn Comer GSJCH RACEA UWP EGCH Cowboy Casanova Baarvon Boylan, Rottweiler, Jennifer Bianchini, William Chrzanowski RACEN GRCH URO1 Mod Fs Conundrums Joe… -
Sep 16, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: United Dog Sports Of Northern New England, Inc. / Total Dog Saturday
United Dog Sports Of Northern New England, Inc., Eliot, MaineSeptember 16, 2023 Listed Entry CCH RACEA URO3 Buckley's Betty, Mountain Cur, Stephanie Buckley CH RACEA Kimegan Ring Of Fire, Collie, Deborah King RACEN CH UWP Snowdancer's Ur Captain Speaking, Siberian Husky, Melissa Mount, Laura… -
Sep 16, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Michigan American Pit Bull Terrier Club / Total Dog Saturday
Michigan American Pit Bull Terrier Club, Belleville, MichiganSeptember 16, 2023 NI NE NC CH Wigglebutt Makin' Me Joyful, Min American Shepherd, Holly Rupprecht, Sandie Nagel NE NC NI EGCH Tsavo's I'll Stand By You, Leonberger, Angela Mozeleski AN URO1 NT AHD SI IA SE SC NNCH DGCH Ulana Vom… -
Sep 15, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association / Total Dog - Friday
Carolina All Breed Association, King, North CarolinaSeptember 15, 2023 GSJCH RACEA UWP EGCH Cowboy Casanova Baarvon Boylan, Rottweiler, Jennifer Bianchini, William Chrzanowski UNJ CH Bonum Et Malum Wodan Gryffin, Mudi, Elizabeth Brooks Listed Entry UNJ CH Bonum Et Malum Hurka, Mudi,… -
Sep 10, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association / Total Dog Sunday
Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association, Bemidji, MinnesotaSeptember 10, 2023 CCH Waylon Rikos Onni, Mountain Cur, Alisha Spikberg URO1 CH UEJ UMJ USJ Ux Bett Silver, German Shepherd Dog, Kaylene Nelson URO1 CH Achelous Strazca Vegvisiru, Czechoslovakian Vlcak, Jenna Soltis HOP DASH URO1 AE CH… -
Sep 9, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association / Total Dog Saturday
Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association, Bemidji, MinnesotaSeptember 9, 2023 URO1 CH Achelous Strazca Vegvisiru, Czechoslovakian Vlcak, Jenna Soltis GRCH Blackmyst The Heart Of Bellamy, Shetland Sheepdog, Kaytlin Winkels Listed Entry URO1 Hohums Time and Tide, Boykin Spaniel, Marlene Dingmann,… -
Sep 8, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association / Total Dog - Friday
Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association, Bemidji, MinnesotaSeptember 8, 2023 URO1 CH UEJ UMJ USJ Ux Bett Silver, German Shepherd Dog, Kaylene Nelson URO1 CH Achelous Strazca Vegvisiru, Czechoslovakian Vlcak, Jenna Soltis Listed Entry URO1 Martinridge Future Promise, Irish Setter, Beverley… -
Sep 3, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: American Pit Bull Terrier Club Of New England / Total Dog Sunday
American Pit Bull Terrier Club Of New England, Westfield, MassachusettsSeptember 3, 2023 CH UWP Snowdancer's Ur Captain Speaking, Siberian Husky, Melissa Mount, Laura Mount, Dominic Stearns UWPO AP2 VPA RACEM UWPCHX GRCH'PR'Bossi's Transforming History, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn,… -
Sep 2, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Dog Obedience Guidance School / Total Dog Saturday
Dog Obedience Guidance School, Westfield, MassachusettsSeptember 2, 2023 URO2 CH'PR'Astra's Quantum Warp @ Norlits SPOT-ON, American Eskimo, Donna Blews-pappas ALCH URO1 Diorchavon Ivy Evermore, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Linda P Tremblay URO1 AI SC NN CH UACHX Aberayy Wudaface M'arshall… -
Sep 2, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: American Pit Bull Terrier Club Of New England / Total Dog Saturday
American Pit Bull Terrier Club Of New England, Westfield, MassachusettsSeptember 2, 2023 CH UWP Snowdancer's Ur Captain Speaking, Siberian Husky, Melissa Mount, Laura Mount, Dominic Stearns NV NC RUSH VPA UWPV AP2 RACES URO1 UWPCH C Cady Falls Eros SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis UWPV UJJ AP2… -
Sep 1, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Middle Georgia Kennel Club 2024 RQE / Total Dog - Friday-Saturday-Sunday
Middle Georgia Kennel Club, Perry, GeorgiaUWPO URO1 NGRCH NBOB AP2 VPA UWPCH SGCH'PR'Morghem's Bullitt SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Tamer Morghem, Caden Morghem UWP URO1 GRCH'PR'Alpha's Morghem Barrett M107a1, American Pit Bull Terrier, Tamer Morghem, Harold Griffin Jr,… -
Aug 27, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Club of Fort Wayne / Total Dog Sunday
K9 Club of Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IndianaAugust 27, 2023 BN URO2 GRCH Fireside's Ever-lovin Adelaide SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Lindsey Gobin ALCH UCDX URO2 Twincreek's Tiddlywinks Rose, Golden Retriever, Angela Profitt BN NN BA AC URO3 GRCH Wintercreek I Am The Storm SPOT-ON,… -
Aug 27, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Total Dog Sunday
Dodge County Canine Club, Ladysmith, WisconsinAugust 27, 2023 CH Ny Bons Temps' Just My Type, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Sarah Reischel URO1 AE CH NN A2z Just Do It Wigglebutt, Min American Shepherd, Natalee Yates, Constance Bleecker AN RMX2 URX3 UROG USJCH UCDX NNCH NT UACH Atlas'… -
Aug 26, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Club of Fort Wayne / Saturday - Total Dog
K9 Club of Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IndianaAugust 26, 2023 BN URO2 GRCH Fireside's Ever-lovin Adelaide SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Lindsey Gobin BN NN BA AC URO3 GRCH Wintercreek I Am The Storm SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Deborah Jones -
Aug 26, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Total Dog Saturday
Dodge County Canine Club, Ladysmith, WisconsinAugust 26, 2023 CH'PR'Clayborn's Ka-boom!, Silken Windhound, Linnae Halvorsen URO1 CH Xola Von Der Phantasie, German Shepherd Dog, Pamela Hendrickson PN RGCH URO2 HR Ajsilvercreek Afistfulofdollars, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Anne… -
Aug 25, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Ontario Shores Kennel Club / Total Dog - Friday
Ontario Shores Kennel Club, Canandaigua, New YorkAugust 25, 2023 CH Oryxe's Whizbang Boom Boom, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Elizabeth Meacham URO1 CH Magennis Wild Irish Rover SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Jessica Radcliffe, Eileen Seirup -
Aug 25, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Total Dog - Friday
Dodge County Canine Club, Ladysmith, WisconsinAugust 25, 2023 UWP AE AV NN DASH USJ RMX2 DGCH CA AC URX3'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones CH'PR'Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, Silken Windhound, Linnae Halvorsen URO1 AE CH NN A2z… -
Aug 24, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Total Dog - Thursday
Dodge County Canine Club, Ladysmith, WisconsinAugust 24, 2023 UWP AE AV NN DASH USJ RMX2 DGCH CA AC URX3'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones AN RMX2 URX3 UROG USJCH UCDX NNCH NT UACH Atlas' Blissful Feeling SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog,… -
Aug 19, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc. / Total Dog Saturday
Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc., Laporte, IndianaAugust 19, 2023 URO1 CH Ziemabora's Mackenzie Takoda, Siberian Husky, Jill Cecil NN BA AC URO3 GRCH Wintercreek I Am The Storm SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Deborah Jones URO1 UWP DGCH Magiks Redfyre Sonofapreacher Man SPOT-ON, Chinese… -
Aug 13, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Silver City K-9 Club / Total Dog Sunday
Silver City K-9 Club, Westfield, MassachusettsAugust 13, 2023 Virtue's Blu Ain't Your Color, Cane Corso Italiano, Brittney Fox URO1 CH'PR'Astra's Quantum Warp @ Norlits SPOT-ON, American Eskimo, Donna Blews-pappas CCH RACEN URO2 Buckley's Betty, Mountain Cur, Stephanie Buckley URO1… -
Aug 12, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Silver City K-9 Club / Total Dog Saturday
Silver City K-9 Club, Westfield, MassachusettsAugust 12, 2023 URO1 CH'PR'Astra's Quantum Warp @ Norlits SPOT-ON, American Eskimo, Donna Blews-pappas ALGRCH PN URO2 CH Benever Smoke Gets In Ur Eyes SPOT-ON, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, James M Johnson URO1 CH Sandstorm Golden Sunrise In… -
Aug 6, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Western Classic / Total Dog Sunday
Longview, WashingtonAugust 6, 2023 ALCH RACES URO1 Aurora Jane, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Brittany Lehn GRCH RACES RUSH Mount Mazama Cedar Timberline SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Syndahl Mcfarland Listed Entry Listed Entry Listed Entry NC AP VPA RACEN UWP… -
Aug 6, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Fanciers / Total Dog Sunday
K9 Fanciers, Centreville, MichiganAugust 6, 2023 CH NN AC Neahm's White Diamonds N Pearls SPOT-ON, Pomeranian, Deborah Jones NN BA AC URO3 GRCH Wintercreek I Am The Storm SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Deborah Jones NWCH MCH SNGC AGC NGC EHD ECH DGCH Royal Von Tasz Classic… -
Aug 5, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Western Classic / Total Dog Saturday
Longview, WashingtonAugust 5, 2023 ALCH RACES URO1 Aurora Jane, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Brittany Lehn GRCH RACES RUSH Mount Mazama Cedar Timberline SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Syndahl Mcfarland RACEN DASH Mount Mazama Black Magic, Standard Poodle, Syndahl… -
Aug 5, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Fanciers / Total Dog Saturday
K9 Fanciers, Centreville, MichiganAugust 5, 2023 CH NN AC Neahm's White Diamonds N Pearls SPOT-ON, Pomeranian, Deborah Jones NN BA AC URO3 GRCH Wintercreek I Am The Storm SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Deborah Jones NWCH MCH SNGC AGC NGC EHD ECH DGCH Royal Von Tasz Classic… -
Aug 4, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: UKC Western Classic / Total Dog - Friday
Longview, WashingtonAugust 4, 2023 ALCH RACES URO1 Aurora Jane, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Brittany Lehn GRCH RACES RUSH Mount Mazama Cedar Timberline SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Syndahl Mcfarland Listed Entry Listed Entry NC AP VPA RACEN UWP GRCH Diamond… -
Jul 23, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Sisu Dog Sporting Club of Northern Minnesota / Total Dog Sunday
Sisu Dog Sporting Club of Northern Minnesota, Bovey, MinnesotaJuly 23, 2023 URX2 UROC AI AC USJCH AE UCDX NN NT UACH G Atlas' Blissful Feeling SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Tracie L Karsjens UCDX ROM USJ GRCH Proper Gent Du Chateau Rocher, Beauceron, Stephanie Smith URO1 ALCH Pikatti Midnaetursol… -
Jul 23, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Tri County Canine Sports / Total Dog Sunday
Tri County Canine Sports, Corunna, MichiganJuly 23, 2023 URO1 CH Flynfire Barnum Astral Weeks, Australian Shepherd, Grace Holton URO1 NT AHD SI IA SE SC NNCH SGCH Ulana Vom Dinaburg Ii SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Kristy Szczesny DASH BN SC NHD AI RATO NN URO2 PN GRCH Swamp Fox… -
Jul 22, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Sisu Dog Sporting Club of Northern Minnesota / Total Dog Saturday
Sisu Dog Sporting Club of Northern Minnesota, Bovey, MinnesotaJuly 22, 2023 URX2 UROC AI AC USJCH AE UCDX NN NT UACH G Atlas' Blissful Feeling SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Tracie L Karsjens UCDX ROM USJ GRCH Proper Gent Du Chateau Rocher, Beauceron, Stephanie Smith URO1 ALCH Pikatti Midnaetursol… -
Jul 22, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Tri County Canine Sports / Total Dog Saturday
Tri County Canine Sports, Corunna, MichiganJuly 22, 2023 NC PTS URO1 GRCH Kasa Its Kharmatic Of Foxboro SPOT-ON, Norwegian Elkhound, Donna J Zaj -
Jul 16, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club-TDI RQE event - CONFORMATION FULL (NO DAY OF SH / Total Dog Sunday
All American Bulldog Club, Shipshewana, IndianaJuly 16, 2023 CH Sunset Tranquilitys Lady Sadie, Standard Poodle, Tosha Ruttman RACEN DASH CH Crystal Creek's Prudence SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Jennifer Morgan NHD AN URO1 RACEN EGCH Izzara Vom Royale SPOT, German Shepherd Dog, Alyssa… -
Jul 16, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: High Plains Kennel Club / Total Dog Sunday
High Plains Kennel Club, Kiowa, ColoradoJuly 16, 2023 CA PN RACEA URO2 BA UAGI EGCH'PR'Thurisia's Voice Of Reason SPOT-ON, Alaskan Klee Kai, Jennifer Hsia, Cheryl Simpson URO1 CH Images Midnight Train To Georgia, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Melinda Hughes CH Yetieska's You've Been… -
Jul 15, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club-TDI RQE event - CONFORMATION FULL (NO DAY OF SH / Total Dog Saturday
All American Bulldog Club, Shipshewana, IndianaJuly 15, 2023 URO1 CCH DGCH Surefoot's Histylin' Rohan SPOT-ON, Giant Schnauzer, Brian Zbrzezny-ragland, Maura Hayes, Matthew Zbrzezny-ragland PN RGCH URO1 HR Ajsilvercreek Afistfulofdollars, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Anne Nicholson, Jeff… -
Jul 15, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: High Plains Kennel Club / Total Dog Saturday
High Plains Kennel Club, Kiowa, ColoradoJuly 15, 2023 URO1 CH Knox Ot Vitosha, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Shannon Faltak 'PR'Tee Ruk, American Pit Bull Terrier, Thanpiccha Rayachan 'PR'Quest's Damn The Torpedoes, Alaskan Klee Kai, Ingrid Knorr 'PR'Thurisias Set The World Ablaze,… -
Jul 14, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club-TDI RQE event - CONFORMATION FULL (NO DAY OF SH / Total Dog Friday
All American Bulldog Club, Shipshewana, IndianaJuly 14, 2023 EI EC ACH NNCH UCD EV MN URO3 DGCH Lyndobe's I'm Here For A Party SPOT-ON, Doberman Pinscher, Judith Furlong, William D Furlong AI DASH AC NHD UWPV NNCH ALGRCH URO1 PN AP Mischievous Nymph SPOT, Alaskan Malamute, Colleen… -
Jul 9, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Crossroads Canine Club / Total Dog Sunday
Crossroads Canine Club, Dayton, OhioJuly 9, 2023 URO1 CH Sarron Notorious, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Sherri Swabb UCDX URO2 Twincreek's Tiddlywinks Rose, Golden Retriever, Angela Profitt NN RACEN RMX2 URX2 UROC UCD BN RMC GRCH Thundergold's Much Ado About S SPOT-O, Golden… -
Jul 8, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Crossroads Canine Club / Total Dog Saturday
Crossroads Canine Club, Dayton, OhioJuly 8, 2023 NN RACEN RMX2 URX2 UROC UCD BN RMC GRCH Thundergold's Much Ado About S SPOT-O, Golden Retriever, Catherine A Wright, William R Wright CH URO1 Kittatinny Robins Arrival, Curly-coated Retriever, Kelly Kirk URO1 CH Roberta's… -
Jun 17, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: 2023 Premier Nationals Altered Total Dog Qualifiers
Kalamazoo, MichiganThe order of Total Dog Competition will be: Total Junior Qualifiers Altered Total Dog Qualifiers Total Dog Qualifiers Regular Total Dog Groups Altered Total Dog Total Dog Best in Show -
Jun 17, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: 2023 Premier Nationals Total Dog Qualifiers
Kalamazoo, MichiganThe order of Total Dog Competition will be: Total Junior Qualifiers Altered Total Dog Qualifiers Total Dog Qualifiers Regular Total Dog Groups Altered Total Dog Total Dog Best in Show -
Jun 17, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: 2023 Premier Nationals Total Junior Qualifiers
Kalamazoo, MichiganThe order of Total Dog Competition will be: Total Junior Qualifiers Altered Total Dog Qualifiers Total Dog Qualifiers Regular Total Dog Groups Altered Total Dog Total Dog Best in Show -
Jun 16, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: 2023 Premier Nationals Altered Total Dog Performance Qualifiers
Kalamazoo, MichiganCongratulations to the handlers and dogs who have achieved qualifying scores for Altered Total Dog at Premier Nationals. -
Jun 16, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: 2023 Premier Nationals Total Dog Performance Qualifiers
Kalamazoo, MichiganCongratulations to those dogs and handlers who have earned a qualifying score in a performance event at this year's Premier Nationals. -
Jun 16, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: 2023 Premier Nationals Total Junior Performance Qualifiers
Kalamazoo, MichiganCongratulations to the Junior Handlers who have achieved qualifying scores in a performance event at this year's Premier Nationals! -
Jun 11, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Central Wisconsin Kennel Club / Total Dog Sunday
Central Wisconsin Kennel Club, Stevens Point, WisconsinJune 11, 2023 URO1 CH NNCH RATN AN Bariguard Ron, Mudi, Laurel Stone CH NV NE Fantasi's Partyman Av Pavon, Swedish Vallhund, Nicole Abrath CH AV AE NN Killary's What's New Pussycat, Irish Red & White Setter, Morgan Dart DASH PN BA USJ… -
Jun 11, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Fanciers / Total Dog Sunday
K9 Fanciers, Centreville, MichiganJune 11, 2023 NN URO1 EGCH Kingsland My Boy Blue SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Diane Dull NV NC NI CH Neptune Vom Hilla, German Shepherd Dog, Emily Long EI EC ACH NNCH UCD EV MN URO3 DGCH Lyndobe's I'm Here For A Party SPOT-ON, Doberman… -
Jun 10, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Central Wisconsin Kennel Club / Total Dog Saturday
Central Wisconsin Kennel Club, Stevens Point, WisconsinJune 10, 2023 URO1 CH NNCH RATN AN Bariguard Ron, Mudi, Laurel Stone CH Vinewood's The Fire Inside, English Springer Spaniel, Laura Schreiner UWP AE AV NN DASH USJ RMX2 DGCH CA AC URX3'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, American Bulldog,… -
Jun 10, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Fanciers / Total Dog Saturday
K9 Fanciers, Centreville, MichiganJune 10, 2023 NN URO1 EGCH Kingsland My Boy Blue SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Diane Dull NV NC NI CH Neptune Vom Hilla, German Shepherd Dog, Emily Long NWCH ECH SCH AHD ACH URO1 NNCH MCH GRCH Kokopelli's Pardon My French SPOT, Australian… -
Jun 9, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Fanciers / Total Dog - Friday
K9 Fanciers, Centreville, MichiganJune 9, 2023 NI NC Wigglebutt Aint No Spring Chicken, Min American Shepherd, Cynthia Angiulo Wigglebutt Makin' Me Joyful, Min American Shepherd, Holly Rupprecht, Sandie Nagel NWCH ECH SCH AHD ACH URO1 NNCH MCH GRCH Kokopelli's Pardon My… -
May 28, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Bay Area Regional Kennel Club / Total Dog Sunday
Bay Area Regional Kennel Club, Corunna, MichiganMay 28, 2023 RACEN EGCH Jemm's Show Me The Money, French Bulldog, Jamie Robinson, Sandy Williams CH Hidow Sweetness Overload, Icelandic Sheepdog, Veronica Dowling CH RACEA Full Circle Meant To Bee SPOT-ON, Carolina Dog, Courtney Trares … -
May 28, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: American Pit Bull Terrier Club Of New England RQE with D.O.G.S. (05/27/20 / Total Dog Sunday
American Pit Bull Terrier Club Of New England, Westfield, MassachusettsMay 28, 2023 URO1 CH Cythl Drhvn Happily Ever After, German Shorthaired Pntr, Emilie Laston URO3 CH Alue's Midwest Special, Standard Poodle, Kelsey Dixon PN URO2 CH Benever Smoke Gets In Ur Eyes SPOT-ON, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, James M… -
May 28, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: United Dog Owners Group, Inc. / Total Dog Sunday
United Dog Owner's Group, Inc., Longview, TexasMay 28, 2023 GRCH Jazzy's Powerofthedarkside@qa, Standard Poodle, Catherine Nelson URO1 GRCH Sb Knightfall, American Bully, Krista Roque UCD URO2 CH Heelmark Shikari's Saint Roch, Vizsla, Cheryl Etheridge -
May 27, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Bay Area Regional Kennel Club / Total Dog Saturday
Bay Area Regional Kennel Club, Corunna, MichiganMay 27, 2023 RACEN EGCH Jemm's Show Me The Money, French Bulldog, Jamie Robinson, Sandy Williams RACEN AN SI EGCH Sweet Carolina Good Bones SPOT-ON, Carolina Dog, Raluca Williams CH Hidow Sweetness Overload, Icelandic Sheepdog, Veronica… -
May 27, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: American Pit Bull Terrier Club Of New England RQE with D.O.G.S. (05/27/20 / Total Dog Saturday
American Pit Bull Terrier Club Of New England, Westfield, MassachusettsMay 27, 2023 URO1 CH Cythl Drhvn Happily Ever After, German Shorthaired Pntr, Emilie Laston UNJ URO1 Jetoca's Call Me Friend SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian Huss ROM CH Daemon Vom Blutmond SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Brittany Rocco … -
May 27, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: United Dog Owners Group, Inc. / Total Dog Saturday
United Dog Owner's Group, Inc., Longview, TexasMay 27, 2023 AHD EN URO1 AEGCH Kismet Farm Clancy Mac Clancy, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Marcia Vail Listed Entry URO1 GRCH Sb Knightfall, American Bully, Krista Roque Gallanthearts Forgivemeforwhatido, German Shepherd Dog, Joline Williams -
May 26, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: United Dog Owners Group, Inc. / Total Dog - Friday
United Dog Owner's Group, Inc., Longview, TexasMay 26, 2023 ALCH URO1 PN Lost Mule Dang It Clive, Australian Cattle Dog, Stephanie Ayers, Jim Ayers Listed Entry GRCH Jazzy's Powerofthedarkside@qa, Standard Poodle, Catherine Nelson -
May 14, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Fanciers / Sunday-Total Dog
K9 Fanciers, Centreville, MichiganMay 14, 2023 AHD SI BA AE SC NN SGCH Ulana Vom Dinaburg Ii SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Kristy Szczesny NC Chercar's Sugar and Spice, Dutch Shepherd, Tanya Menard, Burt Menard NI NV AC Titans Sugarisland Fiery Lildevil, Dutch Shepherd,… -
May 14, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Sunday-Total Dog
Dodge County Canine Club, Jefferson, WisconsinMay 14, 2023 NN DASH USJ RMX DGCH CA AC URX3 UROG RACEA'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones UWP CH Betos Weekend Warrior SPOT, American Bully, Melissa Anne Streater IA NV NI URO1 NC CH… -
May 13, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: K9 Fanciers / Total Dog-Saturday
K9 Fanciers, Centreville, MichiganMay 13, 2023 AHD SI BA AE SC NN SGCH Ulana Vom Dinaburg Ii SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Kristy Szczesny NI NV AC Titans Sugarisland Fiery Lildevil, Dutch Shepherd, Tanya Menard, Burt Menard EN SCH AHD ACH URO1 NNCH MCH GRCH Kokopelli's… -
May 13, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Saturday-Total Dog
Dodge County Canine Club, Jefferson, WisconsinMay 13, 2023 NN DASH USJ RMX DGCH CA AC URX3 UROG RACEA'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones CH Mine Creek Isn't She Lovely, Australian Shepherd, Danielle Heckman IA NV NI URO1 NC CH… -
May 12, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Dodge County Canine Club / Friday-Total Dog
Dodge County Canine Club, Jefferson, WisconsinMay 12, 2023 NN DASH USJ RMX DGCH CA AC URX3 UROG RACEA'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones RACEN CH Quantum's Smooth Criminal, Akita, Brandy Ketchum Player's Trip The Light Fantastic,… -
May 7, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Carnation City Kennel Club / Total Dog Sunday
Carnation City Kennel Club, Atwater, OhioMay 7, 2023 CH Marshelle Waylon Jennings Firth, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Shelby Firth, Marshelle Stout URO1 PN CH Imperial Pride V King's Silbertal, White Shepherd, Melanie Fuellgraf UWP Action Jackson Dragonfire Returns SPOT-ON, Bull… -
May 7, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Hampton Roads Kennel Club / Total Dog Sunday
Hampton Roads Kennel Club, Courtland, VirginiaMay 7, 2023 NV NI NC URO1 GRCH Arian Farms Gandalf The Grey, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Beth Ann Rizzi CH UWPCH Dahlgren's Leon Sandcastle, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Tamar Kiewe FCH NN CCH GRCH(2)'PR'Dark Knight Rising At Trek, American Leopard… -
May 7, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Silver City K-9 Club / Total Dog Sunday
Silver City K-9 Club, Westfield, MassachusettsMay 7, 2023 GRCH Winddancer wishing n hoping, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Beverly Reid DGCH Killara A Dark & Stormy Nite, Field Spaniel, Lori Carver, Dorothy O'neil, Karen Balinski GRCH Midnt Isle Sugarok Snow Dragon, Finnish Lapphund,… -
May 6, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Dog Obedience Guidance School / Total Dog Saturday
Dog Obedience Guidance School, Westfield, MassachusettsMay 6, 2023 PN URO2 CH Benever Smoke Gets In Ur Eyes SPOT-ON, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, James M Johnson PN BN URO2 CH Benevers In The Park Homerun SPOT-ON, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Carol Kasabian URO1 RACEN Ride My Charming Son Offk, White… -
May 6, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Carnation City Kennel Club / Total Dog Saturday
Carnation City Kennel Club, Atwater, OhioMay 6, 2023 CH Marshelle Waylon Jennings Firth, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Shelby Firth, Marshelle Stout URO1 PN CH Imperial Pride V King's Silbertal, White Shepherd, Melanie Fuellgraf URO1 GRCH Out Run Little Miss Can't Be, Border… -
May 6, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Hampton Roads Kennel Club / Total Dog Saturday
Hampton Roads Kennel Club, Courtland, VirginiaMay 6, 2023 CH UWPCH Dahlgren's Leon Sandcastle, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Tamar Kiewe UWPO AP VPA RACEA UWPCH GRCH Sapphires See You In The Stars SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey Blainetown's Matilda, Beagle, Kenny Horn NC CH… -
May 6, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Silver City K-9 Club / Total Dog Saturday
Silver City K-9 Club, Westfield, MassachusettsMay 6, 2023 RACEA CA RGCH Mc Cabe Creek Gust Over Rimfire, Labrador Retriever, Danielle Madore RACEN CH Beachstonenkismetsbhumblemrbumble, Cocker Spaniel, Jaime Howard Listed Entry GRCH Midnt Isle Sugarok Snow Dragon, Finnish Lapphund,… -
May 6, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc. / Total Dog Saturday
Trail Creek Dog Training Club, Inc., Laporte, IndianaMay 6, 2023 UCD BN CH URO3 Bmw Flirting With Danger SPOT-ON, Border Collie, Lorraine Frendling CH Ziemabora's Mackenzie Takoda, Siberian Husky, Jill Cecil URO1 BA CA RACEA RGCH Royal Treasured Moments SPOT, White Shepherd, Jean Reeves … -
May 6, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Upstate Kennel Club / Total Dog Saturday
Upstate Kennel Club, Lancaster, New YorkMay 6, 2023 UWP NC URO3 CH Magic Hour's Harley Quinn SPOT, Standard Poodle, Sarah Stern RACEA URO2 GRCH Saphire Simm Sala Bim SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Kim Alexander-thomson Cherished Teach Me To Fly Atcaben, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog,… -
May 5, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Hampton Roads Kennel Club / Total Dog - Friday
Hampton Roads Kennel Club, Courtland, VirginiaMay 5, 2023 CH UWPCH Dahlgren's Leon Sandcastle, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Tamar Kiewe UWPO AP VPA RACEA UWPCH GRCH Sapphires See You In The Stars SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey UWPV AP VPA UJJCH USJCH GRCH UWPCH RACES U Bonum Et… -
Apr 30, 2023 -
OFFICIAL: Mason-Dixon Dog Club-Total Dog RQE Event / Total Dog Sunday
Mason-Dixon Dog Club, Cynthiana, KentuckyApril 30, 2023 RACEA EGCH Sky Wachterin Von Weaver SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Heidi Farmer BN Paws Inn's Tala Sesi Tiva, White Shepherd, Rose M Bible URO1 GRCH Cornus Scholastica, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Susan Geers-meiners, Robert J…