Pointing Dogs Events Calendar
Updated 12/16/2024
December 4th, 5th & 7th
Lumpkin, GA
Type of Events: Liberated, Wild, TAN, WRT
Species: Quail and Woodcock
Closing Date: November 15th, 2024
Starting Time: 7 am EST
Advanced Entry Fees: $60, TAN-$50, WRT-$50
Judges: Elena Melnikova, Larry Ellison, Mark Bird, and others
Event Secretary: Will Crowe
Directions to Hunt Headquarters: From Lumpkin head north on US 27 for approx. 3 miles to James Lane Loop, head east on James Lane Loop for approx. 1/4 miles. The farm will be on the east side of the road. GPS: 282 James Lane Loop, Lumpkin, GA
Additional Information:More Information
January 25th & 26th
Cumberland, VA
Carolinas Epagneul Breton Gun Dog Club
Type of Events: Wild Open and Wild Gun
Species: Quail and Woodcock
Closing Date: January 4th, 2025
Starting Time: 8am
Advanced Entry Fees: $50 per dog per class
Judges: Grayson Guyer, Fred Overby, Larry Ellison, Rob Winchester, Will Crowe
Event Secretary: Will Crowe | CarolinaEBGDC@gmail.com
Directions to Hunt Headquarters: Cumberland State Forest
Additional Information: No TAN or WRT | A valid Virginia small game license is required | Virginia issues a non-resident 3 day hunting license | A valid Virginia State Forest use permit is required | More information found here
February 15th & 16th
Sonoita, AZ
Epagneul Bretons of the Southwest / Korthals Griffon Desert Southwest
Types of Events: Liberated, Open Class (B and S), Gun (S), TAN/WRT (on 15th)
Species: Chukar
Closing Date: January 25th, 2025
Starting Time: 7am
Advanced Entry: Open (B and S), Gun (S): $80 per dog | Gun w/ TAN: $95 per dog | TAN/WRT: $55 per dog | Receive $10 off each entry paid in full before January 1st, 2025
Judges: TBD
Event Secretary: Trisha Wherley | ebsofthesw@gmail.com
Directions to Hunt Headquarters: Maternity Wells at Empire Ranch
Additional Information: Premium and more event details can be found here | Epagneul Bretons of the SW will oversee Saturday | Korthals Griffon Desert SW will oversee Sunday.
April 2nd through 5th
Spencer, IA
Type of Events: Wild (2nd, 5th), TAN (3rd)
Species: Quail, Pheasant, Hungarian Partridge, Woodcock
Closing Date of Entry: March 15th, 2025
Starting Time: 7am
Advanced Entry Fee: $60
Judges: Butch Nelson, Fed Overby, Randy Meester, Ed Smith
Event Secretary: Jeff Pleskac
Directions to Hunt Headquarters: SYC 4785 240th Ave, Webb, IA | Take HWY 71 south out of Spencer for approximately 18 mi to 480th street, go east on 480th for 5 mi to 240th Ave. Head north for approximately 1/4th mi, SYC is the first place on the west side of the road.
April 5th & 6th
Delavan, IL
EB Club of Illinois
Types of Events: Wild, Liberated, TAN, WRT
Species: Native birds
Closing Date of Entry: March 29th or Until Full
Starting Time: 8am
Advanced Entry Fee: $50.00 | TAN, WRT $30
Judges: Mark Dinsmore, Jay Carr, Clint LaFary, Bud Shipp
Event Secretary: Suzanne LaFary | surledelavankennel@gmail.com | Make checks payable to Jamin Carr
Directions to Hunt Headquarters: 1598 Towerline Rd, Delavan, IL 61734