OFFICIAL: Hutchinson Agility Training Team, Inc. (01/12/2019) / Sunday, Agility Trial 2
January 13, 2019
Hosted By: Hutchinson Agility Training Team, Inc.
Location: S Hutchinson, Kansas
High in Trial: UAGII Ethan's Prairie Ranger, Labrador Retriever, Ethan Dick, 200
Agility I - Judge: Rebecca F Ensz
Division I - B
1st) UACH Haley Girl Run, Amb, Becky Rooker, 200
Division II - A
1st) UAGI Pippi Longstocking, Unrecognized, Larry Wasson, 198
2nd) UAGI Piper Tiemeyer, Border Collie, Leroy Tiemeyer, 194
3rd) UAGI Vader, Unrecognized, Ethan W Dick, 193
Division II - B
1st) URO1 UGRACH8 Penny Brook, Amb, Becky Rooker, 200
2nd) UACH R-luv Cyrus King Of Jolum, Poodle, Jonah Morgan, 199
3rd) UAGI Peppermint Patty, Unrecognized, Glenna Walker, 194
4th) UAGII Highsight's Little Boy Blue, Shetland Sheepdog, Diann O'neal, 185
Division III - A
1st) UAGI Riven Decker, Unrecognized, Kelsey Decker, 200
Division III - B
1st) UAGII Sasha Marie, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Rick Newton, 200
2nd) UACHX Fyrebrick's Errik's Conclusion, Airedale Terrier, Richard A Benjes, Beverly S Benjes, 200
3rd) UACHX Mazey, Amb, Nate Dick, 200
4th) UGRACH2 Fyrebrick's Orion Bellatrix, Airedale Terrier, Beverly Benjes, Richard Benjes, 200
UAGII Ethan's Prairie Ranger, Labrador Retriever, Ethan Dick, 199
Agility II - Judge: Rebecca F Ensz
Division I - B
1st) UACHX Wendy's Design For The Future, Amb, Wendy Lankow, 200
2nd) UACH Haley Girl Run, Amb, Becky Rooker, 200
Division II - B
1st) UAGII Highsight's Little Boy Blue, Shetland Sheepdog, Diann O'neal, 199
2nd) URO1 UGRACH8 Penny Brook, Amb, Becky Rooker, 199
3rd) UACH R-luv Cyrus King Of Jolum, Poodle, Jonah Morgan, 195
Division III - B
1st) UAGII Ethan's Prairie Ranger, Labrador Retriever, Ethan Dick, 200
2nd) UAGII Little Jack Sparrow, Border Collie, Alicia Wilson, 200
3rd) UACHX Mazey, Amb, Nate Dick, 200
4th) UACHX Fyrebrick's Errik's Conclusion, Airedale Terrier, Richard A Benjes, Beverly S Benjes, 199
UGRACH2 Fyrebrick's Orion Bellatrix, Airedale Terrier, Beverly Benjes, Richard Benjes, 187
Agility III - Judge: Rebecca F Ensz
Division II
1st) URO1 UGRACH8 Penny Brook, Amb, Becky Rooker, 197
Division III
1st) UGRACH2 Fyrebrick's Orion Bellatrix, Airedale Terrier, Beverly Benjes, Richard Benjes, 199
2nd) UACHX Mazey, Amb, Nate Dick, 199