OFFICIAL: Tulsa Agility Club, Inc. / Sunday, Conformation Show 2
August 7, 2016
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
High In Trial: UGRACH2 Joans Precious Olympic Ice Star, Poodle, Joan C Davis, 200
Agility I - Judge: Dovie Ryan
Division TOY - A
1st) Listed Entry
Division I - A
1st) Listed Entry
2nd) UAGI Butcher's Riverside Rover, Unrecognized, Meredith Butcher, 199
3rd) Lucky Girl, Unrecognized, Sheila Carver, 186
Division I - B
1st) UGRACH4 Woodhue The White Queen, Shetland Sheepdog, Larry Sadler And Judy Sadler, 200
2nd) UGRACH5 Snovali Wild Honey Pie, Shetland Sheepdog, Judy Sadler Or Larry Sadler, 200
3rd) NN SC RATN UAGII AE SI PTE Tartan's White Tie And Tails, Shetland Sheepdog, Lyn Johnson, 200
4th) UAGII Cinder Glo Fantasia, Shetland Sheepdog, Judy Sadler, 200
NN AI AV MC PTE UCDX UACHX URO1 Gray's Makin' Heads Turn, Scottish Terrier, Kathy Gray, 200
PTN URO1 UCD UACHX Riley Girl Ii, Miniature Schnauzer, Ken Mc Donnell And Suzanne Mc Donnell, 200
UACH Gwen's Diamond In Black, Poodle, Gwen M Grandell, 200
UAGII'PR'Aacres Call Someone Who Cares, Rat Terrier, Donna Key, 199
UACHX NE PTE UCD Piper Mc Kay, Amb, Vicki L Mc Kay, 199
UAGII Cooper Barnes, Shih Tzu, Susan M Barnes, 199
URO3 UCD UACHX Okie's Ziva Of Forest Meadows, Shetland Sheepdog, Christina Hatchett Or Raleigh Hatchett, 195
Division II - B
1st) UAGII'PR'Sno-pals Koda Bear, American Eskimo, Brandon Keith And Jill Keith, 200
2nd) UGRACH Aa Who's A Star Cruiser, Rat Terrier, Donna Key, 200
3rd) NE NHD URX2 SI MC PTE UGRACH3 UCD UROC Her Majesty Princess Claire, Amb, Barbara A Casto, 200
4th) UGRACH20 Joans Precious Rusty Deshler, Poodle, Joan C Davis, 200
NC PTE UGRACH URO1 Macy, Amb, Douglas Jackson Or Jeanie Jackson, 200
UAGII Joansprecious Penchant Of Kalein, Poodle, Joan C Davis, 199
UAGII Roxanne Roxannadanna, Unrecognized, Becky Lane, 197
UGRACH2 Joans Precious Olympic Ice Star, Poodle, Joan C Davis, 196
UAGII Song Of The Souths Spankey, Shetland Sheepdog, Ann Sanford, 196
URO1 UCD UGRACH2 Ryan's Mr Guy, Lowchen, Dovie Ryan Or Dale E Ryan, 200
Division III - A
1st) Renvenge, American Pit Bull Terrier, Kristan Zollars, 200
Division III - B
1st) UCDX UAGII Rudy Du Baldo, Border Collie, Lenore Du Baldo, 200
2nd) URO1 UGRACH2 Skyler, Amb, Barbara Parker, 200
3rd) UAGII Achilles' Heel, Australian Shepherd, William Linley Maxey, 200
4th) NC UAGI PTE URO2 Rusty's A February Painted Dog, Australian Shepherd, Alana Fischer, Johannah Fischer, 200
UACH Golden Baxter Of Bristow, Golden Retriever, Marina Symcox, 200
UAGI The Shadow Only Knows, Border Collie, Sandie Wyman, Gary Cheeseman, 193
Agility II - Judge: Dovie Ryan
Division I - B
2nd) UGRACH5 Snovali Wild Honey Pie, Shetland Sheepdog, Judy Sadler Or Larry Sadler, 200
3rd) PTN URO1 UCD UACHX Riley Girl Ii, Miniature Schnauzer, Ken Mc Donnell And Suzanne Mc Donnell, 200
4th) NN AI AV MC PTE UCDX UACHX URO1 Gray's Makin' Heads Turn, Scottish Terrier, Kathy Gray, 200
UAGII'PR'Aacres Call Someone Who Cares, Rat Terrier, Donna Key, 195
UGRACH4 Woodhue The White Queen, Shetland Sheepdog, Larry Sadler And Judy Sadler, 195
Division II - A
1st) UAGII Deshler's Cocoa Dolce, Poodle, Judy A Mc Bay, Kay O'bryant, 190.12
Division II - B
1st) UGRACH2 Joans Precious Olympic Ice Star, Poodle, Joan C Davis, 200
1st) UAGII Cooper Barnes, Shih Tzu, Susan M Barnes, 200
2nd) UGRACH Aa Who's A Star Cruiser, Rat Terrier, Donna Key, 200
3rd) NE NHD URX2 SI MC PTE UGRACH3 UCD UROC Her Majesty Princess Claire, Amb, Barbara A Casto, 200
4th) URO1 UAGII UCDX Twin Hills Taylor's Dreams, American Pit Bull Terrier, Laura Morris, 200
UGRACH20 Joans Precious Rusty Deshler, Poodle, Joan C Davis, 200
NC PTE UGRACH URO1 Macy, Amb, Douglas Jackson Or Jeanie Jackson, 200
UAGII Song Of The Souths Spankey, Shetland Sheepdog, Ann Sanford, 199
UAGII Roxanne Roxannadanna, Unrecognized, Becky Lane, 195
UAGII'PR'Sno-pals Koda Bear, American Eskimo, Brandon Keith And Jill Keith, 190
URO1 UCD UGRACH2 Ryan's Mr Guy, Lowchen, Dovie Ryan Or Dale E Ryan, 200
Division III - B
1st) UAGII Maxey's Uss Ryker, Australian Shepherd, Pamela S Maxey, 200
2nd) Caisson's Storm Chaser At Da-jo, German Shepherd Dog, Debra Hnath, 195
3rd) UAGII Ttf Dark Skye Of Mingo Creek, Labrador Retriever, Mitchell R Ballard And Cara J Ballard, 193
4th) URO1 UCD UAGII Frank N Stein, Unrecognized, Debra Hnath, John Hnath, 193
Agility III - Judge: Dovie Ryan
Division I
1st) UCD URO3 UACH Imaj Zar'n Of Forest Meadows, Shetland Sheepdog, Christina Hatchett, 200
2nd) UGRACH4 Woodhue The White Queen, Shetland Sheepdog, Larry Sadler And Judy Sadler, 200
3rd) UGRACH5 Snovali Wild Honey Pie, Shetland Sheepdog, Judy Sadler Or Larry Sadler, 200
Division II
1st) UGRACH Aa Who's A Star Cruiser, Rat Terrier, Donna Key, 200
2nd) NE NHD URX2 SI MC PTE UGRACH3 UCD UROC Her Majesty Princess Claire, Amb, Barbara A Casto, 200
3rd) NC PTE UGRACH URO1 Macy, Amb, Douglas Jackson Or Jeanie Jackson, 200
URO1 UCD UGRACH2 Ryan's Mr Guy, Lowchen, Dovie Ryan Or Dale E Ryan, 199
Division III
1st) UACH Pmya, The P Is Silent, German Shepherd Dog, William Linky Maxey, 200
2nd) URO2 UAGII Smokehouse Pop The Cork, Bernese Mountain Dog, Carol Minden, 200
3rd) UACH Golden Baxter Of Bristow, Golden Retriever, Marina Symcox, 199