OFFICIAL: Canine Headquarters (12/08/2017) / Nosework - Sunday, Trial 2
December 10, 2017
Location: Hutto, Texas
Judge: Tracy Patton
Interior Novice A
1st Listed Entry, Nov Int P HIT
2nd Listed Entry, Nov Int P
3rd NC NI NV PTS CH Oakleafs Careful What U Wish 4, Cathy Thomas, Patterdale Terrier, Nov Int P
Interior Novice B
1st NN PTA URO1 Gordo The Bookman, Holly Taylor, Brittany, Nov Int P
Interior Superior A
1st MC ME SN PTE Nicky Herzberg, Shannon Herzberg, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Sup Int P HIT
2nd SE AN PTE Ace's Mr Spock, Ginny Conway, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Sup Int P
Interior Master A
1st MC MI USJ SN PTE Lexi, Sharon Schroeder, German Shepherd Dog, Mst Int P HIT
2nd SE SC SI AN PTM Sky Acres Up,up And Away, Margie Fedderly, Cliff Fedderly, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Mst Int P
Interior Elite A
1st MN EE Monte, Kathleen S Sohner, Unrecognized, Elt Int P HIT
2nd EV EC MN Belcol C'est Frater Eli, Judy Quick, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Elt Int P
Interior Elite B
1st EI EV EC MN Mystic Classic Timepiece, Mark Slevin, Golden Retriever, Elt Int P
2nd Listed Entry, Elt Int P
3rd ME EC EV MN RATO CA GJJCH UAGI UCD UWPO URO2 USCH UFCH UWPCHX GRCH Cmcs Tara The Terror Of Oakleaf SPOT-ON, Cathy Thomas, Patterdale Terrier, Elt Int P