OFFICIAL: Dog Scent Sports Club of Joliet (01/11/2025) / SATURDAY NOSEWORK
January 11, 2025
Hosted By: Dog Scent Sports Club of Joliet
Location: Joliet, Illinois
January 11, 2025, Trial: 1
Judge: Dennis George
Container Novice A
1st NE NC UCD CH Indabas Conservation Officer, Carla Ogert, Weimaraner, Nov Cnt P
2nd Menagerie's Graven Image, John Pierce, Mudi, Nov Cnt P
3rd NN Creme's Ooh La La, Joyce Anne Polivka, Bichon Frise, Nov Cnt P
4th NI NC Sittingbullies Knappsters Magic, Anne Barclay, English Bulldog, Nov Cnt P
NN Little Mister Good Time Charlie, Regina Cameron, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Nov Cnt P
AE AC AI NN Winkelmans Letsplay2erniebanks, Janet Funk, German Shorthaired Pntr, Nov Cnt P
Container Novice B
1st NNCH Marsh-mutt's Heygirl Of Gingerway, Michelle Riccelli, Labrador Retriever, Nov Cnt P
2nd NNCH SN Cor Carolis Starry Night, Sharon Blaszak, Bernese Mountain Dog, Nov Cnt P
3rd ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Nov Cnt P
4th NNCH EN Sambuca Demolizione, Ulysses James, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Cnt P
NGC Battermans Rip, Corinne Batterman, Min American Shepherd, Nov Cnt P
NN Bad Betty Boo, Marilyn Steward, Unrecognized, Nov Cnt P
EN Sambuca Orazio, Connie Austin, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Cnt P
NI Good Friday Of St. Rita Of Cascia, Joyce Duriga, Unrecognized, Nov Cnt P
NV NI NC Zelda Warrior Princess When Fates, Cathy Ruchaj, Doberman Pinscher, Nov Cnt P
NV NI NC Misty Highland Valor, Roberta Whitesides, Border Collie, Nov Cnt P
AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Nov Cnt P
ME MC SN Hey Lady You Call Him Doctor Bone, Kelli Anderson, Unrecognized, Nov Cnt P
NN Mera, Sue Sentowski, Newfoundland, Nov Cnt P
Container Advanced A
1st AI AC WSD NN Le Rajesh Charlie Rather, April Rather, Australian Shepherd, Adv Cnt P
Container Advanced B
1st NNCH MN Rav'nleigh's Lil Bit Of Hoppiness SPOT, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Adv Cnt P
2nd AN CH Rosewoods Shoot4stars @ Olderidge, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Cnt P
3rd SV NNCH SI NHD ACH SC Rustic Pines When Legends Rise, Sharon Blaszak, Golden Retriever, Adv Cnt P
4th AN CH Windheims Perfect Blend, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Cnt P
AE NN AI AC UJJ Isengard's Rated R Avatar, Susan M Spinhirne, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Adv Cnt P
NNCH AN Heavenly Honey Mia, Schatzy Brown, Chihuahua, Adv Cnt P
AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Adv Cnt P
AN NGC Karbits Quite A Guy, Sharon Lecompte, Poodle, Adv Cnt P
Container Superior A
1st SV SI SC AN Calhoons Aspen Sky, Kathleen Calhoon, Unrecognized, Sup Cnt P
2nd ME MC SN Hey Lady You Call Him Doctor Bone, Kelli Anderson, Unrecognized, Sup Cnt P
Container Superior B
1st ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Sup Cnt P
2nd LEAP RUSH RACEN SNGC EN AHD GRCH URO3 Wigglebutt Izzie Does It SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Scott Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Sup Cnt P
3rd CH EN Nightsky's Symphony Of The Stars, Mary Lantis, Pomeranian, Sup Cnt P
4th SE SC AN Sergeant Suppertime, Karen Scobbie, Pug, Sup Cnt P
UNJCH URO2 EN CH Chercars Days Of Future Passed SPOT-ON, Carole Field, German Shepherd Dog, Sup Cnt P
Container Master A
1st MC PN HOP DASH SN URO2 CH Lakebound's Life Without Limits, Mandi Smith, Golden Retriever, Mst Cnt P
Container Master B
1st ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Mst Cnt P
2nd MN AGC NGC SNGC Takn A Walk Thru Ur Heart, Shari Hoffman Preucil, Saint Bernard, Mst Cnt P
3rd EH ETE NH NT EN UGRACH5 Radar Ralph, Jackie Foldenauer, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Mst Cnt P
4th LEAP RUSH RACEN SNGC EN AHD GRCH URO3 Wigglebutt Izzie Does It SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Scott Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Mst Cnt P
MC MV SN AHD NNCH 4c Wigglebutt Trouble W Tribbles, Sandra Carbonell, Min American Shepherd, Mst Cnt P
MC SN NNCH Sittingbullies Peace and Love, Anne Barclay, English Bulldog, Mst Cnt P
SV SI MC AN Hootie-patootie, Janice Triptow, Unrecognized, Mst Cnt P
AI SC NN Tubila's Game Changer, Charlene Rabinak, William Rabinak, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Mst Cnt P
Container Elite B
1st ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Elt Cnt P
2nd EN You Make Me Dizzy Miss Lizzy, Nancy Kwain, Unrecognized, Elt Cnt P
3rd USJ RUSH GJJCH LEAP RACEN MCH AHD URO3 EN Wigglebutt Miss B Haven SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Elt Cnt P
4th ACH DASH NNCH RACEA RATN EN URO1 PTE GNJCH'PR'Cher Car's Nasty Girl SPOT-ON, Carole Field, Parson Russell Terrier, Elt Cnt P
ET EH NH NT EE MN EC UGRACH4 EI Benson Bear SPOT, Jackie Foldenauer, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Elt Cnt P
MGC NWCH SNGC NGC AGC Tilly Minelli, Rebecca Evans, Unrecognized, Elt Cnt P
MCH SCH ACH NNCH AHD EN Lolly, Cynthia Lafond, Unrecognized, Elt Cnt P
EN Calico Ridge Meant To Be, Charlene Rabinak, William Rabinak, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Elt Cnt P
Interior Novice A
1st NN Creme's Ooh La La, Joyce Anne Polivka, Bichon Frise, Nov Int P
2nd NN Little Mister Good Time Charlie, Regina Cameron, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Nov Int P
3rd NI NC Sittingbullies Knappsters Magic, Anne Barclay, English Bulldog, Nov Int P
4th Menagerie's Graven Image, John Pierce, Mudi, Nov Int P
Interior Novice B
1st ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Nov Int P
2nd Listed Entry, Nov Int P
3rd NV NI NC Misty Highland Valor, Roberta Whitesides, Border Collie, Nov Int P
4th NN Bad Betty Boo, Marilyn Steward, Unrecognized, Nov Int P
EN Sambuca Orazio, Connie Austin, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Int P
NNCH Marsh-mutt's Heygirl Of Gingerway, Michelle Riccelli, Labrador Retriever, Nov Int P
NNCH EN Sambuca Demolizione, Ulysses James, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Int P
NWCH UACH EHD Wingssong Talk About Me, Kathleen J Coe, Papillon, Nov Int P
NNCH SN Cor Carolis Starry Night, Sharon Blaszak, Bernese Mountain Dog, Nov Int P
AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Nov Int P
NGC Battermans Rip, Corinne Batterman, Min American Shepherd, Nov Int P
EH ETE NH NT EN UGRACH5 Radar Ralph, Jackie Foldenauer, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Nov Int P
ME MC SN Hey Lady You Call Him Doctor Bone, Kelli Anderson, Unrecognized, Nov Int P
NN Mera, Sue Sentowski, Newfoundland, Nov Int P
NV NI NE RACEN NT DASH BA USJ UJJ Echo, Denise Duriga, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Nov Int P
NI Good Friday Of St. Rita Of Cascia, Joyce Duriga, Unrecognized, Nov Int P
NV NI NC Zelda Warrior Princess When Fates, Cathy Ruchaj, Doberman Pinscher, Nov Int P
Interior Advanced A
1st AE AC AI NN Winkelmans Letsplay2erniebanks, Janet Funk, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Int P
2nd AI AC WSD NN Le Rajesh Charlie Rather, April Rather, Australian Shepherd, Adv Int P
Interior Advanced B
1st AN NGC Karbits Quite A Guy, Sharon Lecompte, Poodle, Adv Int P
2nd AN CH Windheims Perfect Blend, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Int P
3rd AE NN AI AC UJJ Isengard's Rated R Avatar, Susan M Spinhirne, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Adv Int P
4th NNCH MN Rav'nleigh's Lil Bit Of Hoppiness SPOT, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Adv Int P
AN CH Rosewoods Shoot4stars @ Olderidge, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Int P
AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Adv Int P
Interior Superior A
1st SV SI SC AN Calhoons Aspen Sky, Kathleen Calhoon, Unrecognized, Sup Int P
Interior Superior B
1st ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Sup Int P
2nd SV SI MC AN Hootie-patootie, Janice Triptow, Unrecognized, Sup Int P
3rd CH EN Nightsky's Symphony Of The Stars, Mary Lantis, Pomeranian, Sup Int P
4th LEAP RUSH RACEN SNGC EN AHD GRCH URO3 Wigglebutt Izzie Does It SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Scott Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Sup Int P
AI SC NN Tubila's Game Changer, Charlene Rabinak, William Rabinak, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Sup Int P
UNJCH URO2 EN CH Chercars Days Of Future Passed SPOT-ON, Carole Field, German Shepherd Dog, Sup Int P
Interior Master B
1st MC SN NNCH Sittingbullies Peace and Love, Anne Barclay, English Bulldog, Mst Int P
2nd MCH EN AGC URO1 NGC SNGC EHD Bluemoon's Life Of Zoe, Mary M Burke, Damian Burke, Newfoundland, Mst Int P
3rd MGC NWCH SNGC NGC AGC Tilly Minelli, Rebecca Evans, Unrecognized, Mst Int P
4th NWCH AGC NGC SNGC MGC Po, Andrew Strusiner, American Bully, Mst Int P
ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Mst Int P
Interior Elite B
1st EN Rocco Ruddock, Chris Ruddock, Giant Schnauzer, Elt Int P
2nd USJ RUSH GJJCH LEAP RACEN MCH AHD URO3 EN Wigglebutt Miss B Haven SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Elt Int P
3rd EN You Make Me Dizzy Miss Lizzy, Nancy Kwain, Unrecognized, Elt Int P
4th EI DASH ACH MN AHD NNCH Twoshadows' Rowan At Keenonne, Jennifer M Seul, Siberian Husky, Elt Int P
EN Calico Ridge Meant To Be, Charlene Rabinak, William Rabinak, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Elt Int P
Exterior Novice A
1st AE AC AI NN Winkelmans Letsplay2erniebanks, Janet Funk, German Shorthaired Pntr, Nov Ext P
2nd Jester, Caryn Crouch, Min American Shepherd, Nov Ext P
3rd AN SC Spank My Blue Heart, Carol A Brooks, Rat Terrier, Nov Ext P
Exterior Novice B
1st ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Nov Ext P
2nd NN Bad Betty Boo, Marilyn Steward, Unrecognized, Nov Ext P
3rd NNCH SN Cor Carolis Starry Night, Sharon Blaszak, Bernese Mountain Dog, Nov Ext P
4th NWCH UACH EHD Wingssong Talk About Me, Kathleen J Coe, Papillon, Nov Ext P
NN Mera, Sue Sentowski, Newfoundland, Nov Ext P
NV NI NE RACEN NT DASH BA USJ UJJ Echo, Denise Duriga, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Nov Ext P
NNCH EN Sambuca Demolizione, Ulysses James, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Ext P
Exterior Advanced B
1st NNCH MN Rav'nleigh's Lil Bit Of Hoppiness SPOT, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Adv Ext P
Exterior Superior B
1st LEAP RUSH RACEN SNGC EN AHD GRCH URO3 Wigglebutt Izzie Does It SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Scott Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Sup Ext P
2nd SE SC AN Sergeant Suppertime, Karen Scobbie, Pug, Sup Ext P
3rd CH EN Nightsky's Symphony Of The Stars, Mary Lantis, Pomeranian, Sup Ext P
EI DASH ACH MN AHD NNCH Twoshadows' Rowan At Keenonne, Jennifer M Seul, Siberian Husky, Sup Ext P
MC SN NNCH Sittingbullies Peace and Love, Anne Barclay, English Bulldog, Sup Ext P
Exterior Master A
1st SC SE SI AN O Solo Mio, Kelli Anderson, Unrecognized, Mst Ext P
Exterior Master B
1st ET EH NH NT EE MN EC UGRACH4 EI Benson Bear SPOT, Jackie Foldenauer, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Mst Ext P
2nd MN AGC NGC SNGC Takn A Walk Thru Ur Heart, Shari Hoffman Preucil, Saint Bernard, Mst Ext P
3rd Invalid Entry
4th ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Mst Ext P
Exterior Elite B
1st USJ RUSH GJJCH LEAP RACEN MCH AHD URO3 EN Wigglebutt Miss B Haven SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Elt Ext P
2nd MGC NWCH SNGC NGC AGC Tilly Minelli, Rebecca Evans, Unrecognized, Elt Ext P
3rd EN Rocco Ruddock, Chris Ruddock, Giant Schnauzer, Elt Ext P
4th EI DASH ACH MN AHD NNCH Twoshadows' Rowan At Keenonne, Jennifer M Seul, Siberian Husky, Elt Ext P
ACH DASH NNCH RACEA RATN EN URO1 PTE GNJCH'PR'Cher Car's Nasty Girl SPOT-ON, Carole Field, Parson Russell Terrier, Elt Ext P
EN You Make Me Dizzy Miss Lizzy, Nancy Kwain, Unrecognized, Elt Ext P
Vehicle Novice A
1st NV NI NE RACEN NT DASH BA USJ UJJ Echo, Denise Duriga, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Nov Veh P
2nd AN SC Spank My Blue Heart, Carol A Brooks, Rat Terrier, Nov Veh P
3rd AE AC AI NN Winkelmans Letsplay2erniebanks, Janet Funk, German Shorthaired Pntr, Nov Veh P
Vehicle Novice B
1st NGC Battermans Rip, Corinne Batterman, Min American Shepherd, Nov Veh P
2nd AE NN AI AC UJJ Isengard's Rated R Avatar, Susan M Spinhirne, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Nov Veh P
3rd NNCH SN Cor Carolis Starry Night, Sharon Blaszak, Bernese Mountain Dog, Nov Veh P
4th NN Bad Betty Boo, Marilyn Steward, Unrecognized, Nov Veh P
NNCH EN Sambuca Demolizione, Ulysses James, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Veh P
NWCH UACH EHD Wingssong Talk About Me, Kathleen J Coe, Papillon, Nov Veh P
NNCH Marsh-mutt's Heygirl Of Gingerway, Michelle Riccelli, Labrador Retriever, Nov Veh P
EH ETE NH NT EN UGRACH5 Radar Ralph, Jackie Foldenauer, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Nov Veh P
AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Nov Veh P
NV NI NC Misty Highland Valor, Roberta Whitesides, Border Collie, Nov Veh P
NNCH AN Heavenly Honey Mia, Schatzy Brown, Chihuahua, Nov Veh P
NN Mera, Sue Sentowski, Newfoundland, Nov Veh P
NV NI NC Zelda Warrior Princess When Fates, Cathy Ruchaj, Doberman Pinscher, Nov Veh P
Vehicle Advanced B
1st AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Adv Veh P
Vehicle Superior A
1st SV SI SC AN Calhoons Aspen Sky, Kathleen Calhoon, Unrecognized, Sup Veh P
Vehicle Superior B
1st SV SI MC AN Hootie-patootie, Janice Triptow, Unrecognized, Sup Veh P
2nd ACH SCH NHD NNCH EE EI EC MN Myster E Of Wyndsor, Ule James, Whippet, Sup Veh P
3rd ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Sup Veh P
Vehicle Elite B
1st MGC NWCH SNGC NGC AGC Tilly Minelli, Rebecca Evans, Unrecognized, Elt Veh P
January 11, 2025, Trial: 2
Judge: Dennis George
Container Novice A
1st NE NC UCD CH Indabas Conservation Officer, Carla Ogert, Weimaraner, Nov Cnt P
2nd NI NC Sittingbullies Knappsters Magic, Anne Barclay, English Bulldog, Nov Cnt P
3rd NN Creme's Ooh La La, Joyce Anne Polivka, Bichon Frise, Nov Cnt P
Container Novice B
1st NV NI NC Zelda Warrior Princess When Fates, Cathy Ruchaj, Doberman Pinscher, Nov Cnt P
2nd ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Nov Cnt P
3rd NV NI NC Misty Highland Valor, Roberta Whitesides, Border Collie, Nov Cnt P
4th NGC NHD NWCH Sambuca Orsino, Ule James, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Cnt P
EN Sambuca Orazio, Connie Austin, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Cnt P
NNCH SN Cor Carolis Starry Night, Sharon Blaszak, Bernese Mountain Dog, Nov Cnt P
NNCH Marsh-mutt's Heygirl Of Gingerway, Michelle Riccelli, Labrador Retriever, Nov Cnt P
NN Mera, Sue Sentowski, Newfoundland, Nov Cnt P
NGC Battermans Rip, Corinne Batterman, Min American Shepherd, Nov Cnt P
AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Nov Cnt P
NN Bad Betty Boo, Marilyn Steward, Unrecognized, Nov Cnt P
NV NI NE RACEN NT DASH BA USJ UJJ Echo, Denise Duriga, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Nov Cnt P
Container Advanced A
1st AI AC WSD NN Le Rajesh Charlie Rather, April Rather, Australian Shepherd, Adv Cnt P
2nd AE AC AI NN Winkelmans Letsplay2erniebanks, Janet Funk, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Cnt P
Container Advanced B
1st NNCH MN Rav'nleigh's Lil Bit Of Hoppiness SPOT, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Adv Cnt P
2nd AN CH Windheims Perfect Blend, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Cnt P
3rd AN CH Rosewoods Shoot4stars @ Olderidge, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Cnt P
4th AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Adv Cnt P
SV NNCH SI NHD ACH SC Rustic Pines When Legends Rise, Sharon Blaszak, Golden Retriever, Adv Cnt P
NNCH EN Sambuca Demolizione, Ulysses James, Cirneco Dell'etna, Adv Cnt P
AE NN AI AC UJJ Isengard's Rated R Avatar, Susan M Spinhirne, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Adv Cnt P
AN NGC Karbits Quite A Guy, Sharon Lecompte, Poodle, Adv Cnt P
Container Superior A
SV SI SC AN Calhoons Aspen Sky, Kathleen Calhoon, Unrecognized, Sup Cnt P
Container Superior B
1st ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Sup Cnt P
2nd CH EN Nightsky's Symphony Of The Stars, Mary Lantis, Pomeranian, Sup Cnt P
3rd UNJCH URO2 EN CH Chercars Days Of Future Passed SPOT-ON, Carole Field, German Shepherd Dog, Sup Cnt P
4th SE SC AN Sergeant Suppertime, Karen Scobbie, Pug, Sup Cnt P
Container Master A
1st ME MC SN Hey Lady You Call Him Doctor Bone, Kelli Anderson, Unrecognized, Mst Cnt P
2nd MC PN HOP DASH SN URO2 CH Lakebound's Life Without Limits, Mandi Smith, Golden Retriever, Mst Cnt P
Container Master B
1st ET EH NH NT EE MN EC UGRACH4 EI Benson Bear SPOT, Jackie Foldenauer, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Mst Cnt P
2nd ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Mst Cnt P
3rd LEAP RUSH RACEN SNGC EN AHD GRCH URO3 Wigglebutt Izzie Does It SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Scott Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Mst Cnt P
4th MN AGC NGC SNGC Takn A Walk Thru Ur Heart, Shari Hoffman Preucil, Saint Bernard, Mst Cnt P
SV SI MC AN Hootie-patootie, Janice Triptow, Unrecognized, Mst Cnt P
MC SN NNCH Sittingbullies Peace and Love, Anne Barclay, English Bulldog, Mst Cnt P
Container Elite B
1st ACH DASH NNCH RACEA RATN EN URO1 PTE GNJCH'PR'Cher Car's Nasty Girl SPOT-ON, Carole Field, Parson Russell Terrier, Elt Cnt P
2nd USJ RUSH GJJCH LEAP RACEN MCH AHD URO3 EN Wigglebutt Miss B Haven SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Elt Cnt P
3rd MGC CA NWCH SNGC PN URO1 AGC NGC LEAP FLY Mojos America At Its Best SPOT-ON, Keri Goff, American Bulldog, Elt Cnt P
4th MCH SCH ACH NNCH AHD EN Lolly, Cynthia Lafond, Unrecognized, Elt Cnt P
EN You Make Me Dizzy Miss Lizzy, Nancy Kwain, Unrecognized, Elt Cnt P
EN Calico Ridge Meant To Be, Charlene Rabinak, William Rabinak, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Elt Cnt P
Interior Novice A
1st NN Creme's Ooh La La, Joyce Anne Polivka, Bichon Frise, Nov Int P
2nd NI NC Sittingbullies Knappsters Magic, Anne Barclay, English Bulldog, Nov Int P
Interior Novice B
1st NGC NHD NWCH Sambuca Orsino, Ule James, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Int P
2nd EN Sambuca Orazio, Connie Austin, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Int P
3rd NNCH Marsh-mutt's Heygirl Of Gingerway, Michelle Riccelli, Labrador Retriever, Nov Int P
4th ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Nov Int P
NNCH SN Cor Carolis Starry Night, Sharon Blaszak, Bernese Mountain Dog, Nov Int P
NWCH UACH EHD Wingssong Talk About Me, Kathleen J Coe, Papillon, Nov Int P
NGC Battermans Rip, Corinne Batterman, Min American Shepherd, Nov Int P
EH ETE NH NT EN UGRACH5 Radar Ralph, Jackie Foldenauer, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Nov Int P
AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Nov Int P
Listed Entry, Nov Int P
NN Mera, Sue Sentowski, Newfoundland, Nov Int P
NV NI NE RACEN NT DASH BA USJ UJJ Echo, Denise Duriga, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Nov Int P
NV NI NC Zelda Warrior Princess When Fates, Cathy Ruchaj, Doberman Pinscher, Nov Int P
NV NI NC Misty Highland Valor, Roberta Whitesides, Border Collie, Nov Int P
NI Good Friday Of St. Rita Of Cascia, Joyce Duriga, Unrecognized, Nov Int P
Interior Advanced A
1st AE AC AI NN Winkelmans Letsplay2erniebanks, Janet Funk, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Int P
2nd AI AC WSD NN Le Rajesh Charlie Rather, April Rather, Australian Shepherd, Adv Int P
Interior Advanced B
1st ET EH NH NT EE MN EC UGRACH4 EI Benson Bear SPOT, Jackie Foldenauer, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Adv Int P
2nd SV NNCH SI NHD ACH SC Rustic Pines When Legends Rise, Sharon Blaszak, Golden Retriever, Adv Int P
3rd AN NGC Karbits Quite A Guy, Sharon Lecompte, Poodle, Adv Int P
4th NNCH EN Sambuca Demolizione, Ulysses James, Cirneco Dell'etna, Adv Int P
NNCH MN Rav'nleigh's Lil Bit Of Hoppiness SPOT, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Adv Int P
AN CH Rosewoods Shoot4stars @ Olderidge, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Int P
AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Adv Int P
AN CH Windheims Perfect Blend, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Int P
AE NN AI AC UJJ Isengard's Rated R Avatar, Susan M Spinhirne, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Adv Int P
Interior Superior A
1st SV SI SC AN Calhoons Aspen Sky, Kathleen Calhoon, Unrecognized, Sup Int P
Interior Superior B
1st ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Sup Int P
2nd UNJCH URO2 EN CH Chercars Days Of Future Passed SPOT-ON, Carole Field, German Shepherd Dog, Sup Int P
Interior Master A
1st ME MC SN Hey Lady You Call Him Doctor Bone, Kelli Anderson, Unrecognized, Mst Int P
Interior Master B
1st MN AGC NGC SNGC Takn A Walk Thru Ur Heart, Shari Hoffman Preucil, Saint Bernard, Mst Int P
2nd ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Mst Int P
3rd LEAP RUSH RACEN SNGC EN AHD GRCH URO3 Wigglebutt Izzie Does It SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Scott Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Mst Int P
Interior Elite B
1st USJ RUSH GJJCH LEAP RACEN MCH AHD URO3 EN Wigglebutt Miss B Haven SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Elt Int P
2nd EN You Make Me Dizzy Miss Lizzy, Nancy Kwain, Unrecognized, Elt Int P
3rd EN Rocco Ruddock, Chris Ruddock, Giant Schnauzer, Elt Int P
4th EI DASH ACH MN AHD NNCH Twoshadows' Rowan At Keenonne, Jennifer M Seul, Siberian Husky, Elt Int P
Exterior Novice A
1st AN SC Spank My Blue Heart, Carol A Brooks, Rat Terrier, Nov Ext P
2nd Jester, Caryn Crouch, Min American Shepherd, Nov Ext P
3rd NE NC UCD CH Indabas Conservation Officer, Carla Ogert, Weimaraner, Nov Ext P
4th NN Creme's Ooh La La, Joyce Anne Polivka, Bichon Frise, Nov Ext P
Exterior Novice B
1st ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Nov Ext P
2nd EN Sambuca Orazio, Connie Austin, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Ext P
3rd NGC NHD NWCH Sambuca Orsino, Ule James, Cirneco Dell'etna, Nov Ext P
4th NNCH Marsh-mutt's Heygirl Of Gingerway, Michelle Riccelli, Labrador Retriever, Nov Ext P
NGC Battermans Rip, Corinne Batterman, Min American Shepherd, Nov Ext P
NV NI NE RACEN NT DASH BA USJ UJJ Echo, Denise Duriga, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Nov Ext P
Listed Entry, Nov Ext P
NN Mera, Sue Sentowski, Newfoundland, Nov Ext P
NWCH UACH EHD Wingssong Talk About Me, Kathleen J Coe, Papillon, Nov Ext P
Exterior Advanced A
1st SV SI SC AN Calhoons Aspen Sky, Kathleen Calhoon, Unrecognized, Adv Ext P
Exterior Advanced B
1st AN CH Windheims Perfect Blend, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Ext P
2nd NNCH EN Sambuca Demolizione, Ulysses James, Cirneco Dell'etna, Adv Ext P
3rd NNCH MN Rav'nleigh's Lil Bit Of Hoppiness SPOT, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Adv Ext P
4th SV NNCH SI NHD ACH SC Rustic Pines When Legends Rise, Sharon Blaszak, Golden Retriever, Adv Ext P
AN CH Rosewoods Shoot4stars @ Olderidge, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Ext P
AE NN AI AC UJJ Isengard's Rated R Avatar, Susan M Spinhirne, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Adv Ext P
Exterior Superior B
1st ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Sup Ext P
2nd UNJCH URO2 EN CH Chercars Days Of Future Passed SPOT-ON, Carole Field, German Shepherd Dog, Sup Ext P
3rd MC SN NNCH Sittingbullies Peace and Love, Anne Barclay, English Bulldog, Sup Ext P
4th SE SC AN Sergeant Suppertime, Karen Scobbie, Pug, Sup Ext P
EI DASH ACH MN AHD NNCH Twoshadows' Rowan At Keenonne, Jennifer M Seul, Siberian Husky, Sup Ext P
Exterior Master A
1st MC PN HOP DASH SN URO2 CH Lakebound's Life Without Limits, Mandi Smith, Golden Retriever, Mst Ext P
Exterior Master B
1st ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Mst Ext P
2nd ET EH NH NT EE MN EC UGRACH4 EI Benson Bear SPOT, Jackie Foldenauer, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Mst Ext P
3rd LEAP RUSH RACEN SNGC EN AHD GRCH URO3 Wigglebutt Izzie Does It SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Scott Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Mst Ext P
Exterior Elite B
1st USJ RUSH GJJCH LEAP RACEN MCH AHD URO3 EN Wigglebutt Miss B Haven SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Elt Ext P
Vehicle Novice A
1st NV NI NE RACEN NT DASH BA USJ UJJ Echo, Denise Duriga, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Nov Veh P
2nd AN SC Spank My Blue Heart, Carol A Brooks, Rat Terrier, Nov Veh P
3rd AE AC AI NN Winkelmans Letsplay2erniebanks, Janet Funk, German Shorthaired Pntr, Nov Veh P
4th Jester, Caryn Crouch, Min American Shepherd, Nov Veh P
Vehicle Novice B
1st NNCH AN Heavenly Honey Mia, Schatzy Brown, Chihuahua, Nov Veh P
2nd EH ETE NH NT EN UGRACH5 Radar Ralph, Jackie Foldenauer, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Nov Veh P
3rd AE NN AI AC UJJ Isengard's Rated R Avatar, Susan M Spinhirne, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Nov Veh P
4th NGC Battermans Rip, Corinne Batterman, Min American Shepherd, Nov Veh P
NNCH Marsh-mutt's Heygirl Of Gingerway, Michelle Riccelli, Labrador Retriever, Nov Veh P
NV NI NC Misty Highland Valor, Roberta Whitesides, Border Collie, Nov Veh P
NN Mera, Sue Sentowski, Newfoundland, Nov Veh P
NV NI NC Zelda Warrior Princess When Fates, Cathy Ruchaj, Doberman Pinscher, Nov Veh P
ACH AHD URX UCD EN UAGI GJJCH UWP CAX UROC Rav'nleigh's Lil' Bit Of Mayhem SP, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Nov Veh P
NNCH SN Cor Carolis Starry Night, Sharon Blaszak, Bernese Mountain Dog, Nov Veh P
AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Nov Veh P
NWCH UACH EHD Wingssong Talk About Me, Kathleen J Coe, Papillon, Nov Veh P
Vehicle Advanced A
1st AI AC WSD NN Le Rajesh Charlie Rather, April Rather, Australian Shepherd, Adv Veh P
Vehicle Advanced B
1st ACH SCH NHD NNCH EE EI EC MN Myster E Of Wyndsor, Ule James, Whippet, Adv Veh P
2nd NNCH MN Rav'nleigh's Lil Bit Of Hoppiness SPOT, Jennifer Wahlund, Border Collie, Adv Veh P
3rd NNCH AN Heavenly Honey Mia, Schatzy Brown, Chihuahua, Adv Veh P
4th AN CH Windheims Perfect Blend, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Veh P
NNCH EN Sambuca Demolizione, Ulysses James, Cirneco Dell'etna, Adv Veh P
AN Evie, Nikki Williams, Unrecognized, Adv Veh P
SV NNCH SI NHD ACH SC Rustic Pines When Legends Rise, Sharon Blaszak, Golden Retriever, Adv Veh P
AN CH Rosewoods Shoot4stars @ Olderidge, Robyn Rafalzik, German Shorthaired Pntr, Adv Veh P
Vehicle Superior A
1st SV SI SC AN Calhoons Aspen Sky, Kathleen Calhoon, Unrecognized, Sup Veh P
Vehicle Superior B
1st LEAP RUSH RACEN SNGC EN AHD GRCH URO3 Wigglebutt Izzie Does It SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Scott Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Sup Veh P
2nd CH EN Nightsky's Symphony Of The Stars, Mary Lantis, Pomeranian, Sup Veh P
3rd ACH SCH NHD NNCH EE EI EC MN Myster E Of Wyndsor, Ule James, Whippet, Sup Veh P
Vehicle Elite B
1st EN SNGC MGC NGC AGC J'rue The Day Des Deux Sabre, Nikki Williams, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Elt Veh P
2nd USJ RUSH GJJCH LEAP RACEN MCH AHD URO3 EN Wigglebutt Miss B Haven SPOT-ON, Kristy Hubbard, Min American Shepherd, Elt Veh P
3rd MCH SCH ACH NNCH AHD EN Lolly, Cynthia Lafond, Unrecognized, Elt Veh P
4th MGC NWCH SNGC NGC AGC Tilly Minelli, Rebecca Evans, Unrecognized, Elt Veh P
EN You Make Me Dizzy Miss Lizzy, Nancy Kwain, Unrecognized, Elt Veh P