Tournament of Champions entries are open! Entry Deadline: March 10, 2025

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OFFICIAL: Tulsa Agility Club, Inc. (01/10/2025) / SUNDAY OBEDIENCE

January 12, 2025

Hosted By: Tulsa Agility Club, Inc.

Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma

January 12, 2025, Trial 1, 44 Entries

High in Trial: SI SV MC AHD UCDX NN BA UACHX URO1 Pennies From Heaven Copper, German Shorthaired Pntr, Johnnie L Hart, 196.5

Begin Novic - Judge: Sarah Schroeder
BN NE AC BA Ganderhills kendi SPOT, Labrador Retriever, Jeri Hajek, 187
AE URO1 PN SI NN MC Lookout Cannonball Is Acomin, Border Collie, Linda Weatherly, 194.5
URO1 Hagel Vom Haus Stummelrute, Miniature Schnauzer, Kieran Barrows, 182
BN AI AC AV NN CH Beaubriarn Wicklow Topshelf, Irish Setter, Sarah Schroeder, 199
BN SN NHD GRCH Wicklow Hopped Up On Mtn Dew, Irish Setter, Sarah Schroeder, 186
1st) BN URX ALCH NHD UCD EN UAGI UROC Pic N Ezee's What's Up Doc, Papillon, Kathryn S Mc Hugh, 199
2nd) URO1 PN UCD BN Trademarks Lucy Lu, Standard Poodle, Judy Spens, 198
3rd) BN Butchers Bromancing The Bone, Coton De Tulear, Meredith Butcher, 195.5
4th) Dw, Standard Poodle, Ruby Sands, 192

Novice A - Judge: Sarah Schroeder
1st) NE NHD RACEN DASH AC PN CH ROM Bamboo Run's Crimson Sooner, Australian Shepherd, Johannah Fischer, Terri Rein, Tyler Deviney, 189
2nd) URO1 UCD NH EHDS NWGC UGRACH2 BN HDCH Marvelous Blue Tornado, Australian Shepherd, Linda Duca, 189
3rd) URO1 PN Heidi Barrows, Miniature Schnauzer, Kieran Barrows, 186
4th) UCD NH NWGC HDCH MHDX EHDS UGRACH BN URO2 Amazing Second Chance Fancy, Australian Shepherd, Linda Duca, 171

Novice B - Judge: Sarah Schroeder
URO1 PN UCD BN Trademarks Lucy Lu, Standard Poodle, Judy Spens, 171
1st) Listed Entry
2nd) UCD Carter's Dat Dude Rocco, Unrecognized, Kelly Carter, 185.5
3rd) Aspencoves Ventura Highway, Portuguese Water Dog, Dan Stahl, 180
4th) UCD MV NNCH ME NHD SN EC IA BN PN Destiny's Unanimous Decision, Scottish Terrier, Kathy Gray, Susan Finn, 177.5

Open B - Judge: Sarah Schroeder
1st) SI SV MC AHD UCDX NN BA UACHX URO1 Pennies From Heaven Copper, German Shorthaired Pntr, Johnnie L Hart, 196.5
2nd) AI IA AV MC UCDX NN NHD URO3 Alouettes Havinfun At Duqwd SPOT, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Gail Brown, 194.5

PreNovice - Judge: Sarah Schroeder
1st) PN ME EI SN EHD EC URO1 Tidmore Rising Star Basil, German Shepherd Dog, Gisella Klindera, 199.5
2nd) URO1 PN UCD BN Trademarks Lucy Lu, Standard Poodle, Judy Spens, 197.5
3rd) Raina Queen Of Hearts, Unrecognized, Barbara Casto, 197
4th) PN URO1 Otreks Dancing In The Rain, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Claudia Brierre, 196

January 12, 2025, Trial 2, 42 Entries

High in Trial: AI IA AV MC UCDX NN NHD URO3 Alouettes Havinfun At Duqwd SPOT, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Gail Brown, 198

Begin Novic - Judge: Dovie Ryan
BN NE AC BA Ganderhills kendi SPOT, Labrador Retriever, Jeri Hajek, 193
BN Butchers Bromancing The Bone, Coton De Tulear, Meredith Butcher, 191
BN AI AC AV NN CH Beaubriarn Wicklow Topshelf, Irish Setter, Sarah Schroeder, 189.5
BN URX ALCH NHD UCD EN UAGI UROC Pic N Ezee's What's Up Doc, Papillon, Kathryn S Mc Hugh, 187.5
Twin Hills Whitney's Song, Unrecognized, Laura Morris, 185.5
1st) Rylees All Wound Up and Talkin, German Shepherd Dog, Aaron Bradley Goodwin, 199.5
2nd) URO1 PN UCD BN Trademarks Lucy Lu, Standard Poodle, Judy Spens, 196
3rd) BN SN NHD GRCH Wicklow Hopped Up On Mtn Dew, Irish Setter, Sarah Schroeder, 195.5
4th) AE URO1 PN SI NN MC Lookout Cannonball Is Acomin, Border Collie, Linda Weatherly, 194

Novice A - Judge: Dovie Ryan
1st) NE NHD RACEN DASH AC PN CH ROM Bamboo Run's Crimson Sooner, Australian Shepherd, Johannah Fischer, Terri Rein, Tyler Deviney, 186.5
2nd) URO1 PN Heidi Barrows, Miniature Schnauzer, Kieran Barrows, 186
3rd) UCD NH NWGC HDCH MHDX EHDS UGRACH BN URO2 Amazing Second Chance Fancy, Australian Shepherd, Linda Duca, 184
4th) URO1 UCD NH EHDS NWGC UGRACH2 BN HDCH Marvelous Blue Tornado, Australian Shepherd, Linda Duca, 175

Novice B - Judge: Dovie Ryan
URO1 PN UCD BN Trademarks Lucy Lu, Standard Poodle, Judy Spens, 176
Aspencoves Ventura Highway, Portuguese Water Dog, Dan Stahl, 176
Listed Entry
1st) UCD Carter's Dat Dude Rocco, Unrecognized, Kelly Carter, 191.5
2nd) NH UACH URO1 BN PN Winnifred Lady Bird SPOT-ON, English Setter, Jessica Hardy, 190.5
3rd) Listed Entry
4th) UCD MV NNCH ME NHD SN EC IA BN PN Destiny's Unanimous Decision, Scottish Terrier, Kathy Gray, Susan Finn, 189.5

Open B - Judge: Dovie Ryan
1st) AI IA AV MC UCDX NN NHD URO3 Alouettes Havinfun At Duqwd SPOT, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Gail Brown, 198

PreNovice - Judge: Dovie Ryan
1st) PN URO1 Otreks Dancing In The Rain, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Claudia Brierre, 199.5
2nd) URO1 PN UCD BN Trademarks Lucy Lu, Standard Poodle, Judy Spens, 199
3rd) PN ME EI SN EHD EC URO1 Tidmore Rising Star Basil, German Shepherd Dog, Gisella Klindera, 199
4th) Raina Queen Of Hearts, Unrecognized, Barbara Casto, 198

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