OFFICIAL: Hampton Roads Kennel Club (12/06/2024) / SATURDAY WEIGHT PULL
December 7, 2024
Hosted By: Hampton Roads Kennel Club
Location: Courtland, Virginia
December 7, 2024
Pull 1
Wheels-artificial Div: A, 30 entries
Judge: Rachel E Richards
MWPPBP: UWPV AP VPA RUSH UWPCH EGCH Sapphires Moonlight Sonata, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, Cindy Lacy, 25.44
MWPPBP Vet: PN URO1 AP VPA RUSH GSJCH UWP EGCH Cowboy Casanova Baarvon Boylan, Rottweiler, Jennifer Bianchini, Teri Belanger, 12.44
20 pound
1st: UWP GRCH Modfs-awmcp Spicy Cup O' Joe, Poodle, Cindy Lacy, 8.09
40 pound
1st: UWPO PN VPE AP4 ROM UWPCHX CH'PR'Csb Agent Three Blind Mice Dna SPOT-ON, Silken Windhound, Stephanie Balser, 25.28
2nd: UWP URO1 CH RUSH'PR'Bloom's Will Turner SPOT, Silken Windhound, Amie Perkins, 8.2
50 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 22.34
2nd: Listed Entry, 25.15
3rd: UWPV AP2 VPE UWPCH The Beauty Of Change, Siberian Husky, Lauren Bour, 22.86
4th: NTD AP VPA NI UROC RMX URX NC RUSH CA RACE Cosmic Calibers Zero To Hero SPOT-, Standard Poodle, Jacquelyn Rudisill, 20.91
70 pound
1st: UWPV AP VPA RUSH UWPCH EGCH Sapphires Moonlight Sonata, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, Cindy Lacy, 25.44
2nd: UWP Ninkasi's Hocus Pocus, Siberian Husky, Laura Leskovics, 20.48
3rd: NTD AP VPA NC NI NE UROC RMX URX RUSH RACE Cosmic Caliber Galactic Knight SPO, Standard Poodle, Jacquelyn Rudisill, 16.11
4th: UWP NC URO2 HOP DASH UJJ Wynter Spirit's Bringer Of Light SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Kaeleigh Hume, 14.67
90 pound
1st: SV SC AP2 VPN USJCH NBOB NTD3 NGC LEAP UWP'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones, 25.17
2nd: CH URO1 UWP Von Sederhaus' Silver Lining SPOT-ON, Rottweiler, Lisa Ridley, 20.59
3rd: UWP URO3 CH Von Sederhaus Abbey Road SPOT-ON, Rottweiler, Susan Heidemann, 19.75
100 pound
1st: PN URO1 AP VPA RUSH GSJCH UWP EGCH Cowboy Casanova Baarvon Boylan, Rottweiler, Jennifer Bianchini, Teri Belanger, 12.44
Wheels-artificial Div: B, 30 entries
Judge: Rachel E Richards
MWPPBP: AI AE NN HOP PN AC RUSH VPU UWPU AP6 RACES Cady Falls Eros SPOT-ON, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 35.49
MWPPBP Vet: AI AE NN HOP PN AC RUSH VPU UWPU AP6 RACES Cady Falls Eros SPOT-ON, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 35.49
20 pound
1st: SE VPE UWPS AP3 MV MC AN UGWPCH CA URO1 RA Oakleaf's Hellcat Maggie, Patterdale Terrier, Chelsea Shafer, 36.64
40 pound
1st: UWPS VPE AP4 UGWPCH CH Blumombo N Kayo's Native Dancer, American Pit Bull Terrier, Kristina Browne, 26.35
50 pound
1st: UWPO NN PN AP2 VPE RUSH UWPCHX URO1 SGCH Sapphires Crazy Love Of Mine SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffee, 36.71
2nd: AP2 VPE UWPS UWPCHX Shepherd Of The Dioses, Siberian Husky, Lauren Bour, 36.5
3rd: PN NC VPE UWPS AP3 ROM UGWPCH GRCH Wlm Banking On A Beat SPOT, Carolina Dog, Ace Mattocks, 35.83
60 pound
1st: AP2 VPA UWPO UWPCHX Experiment 626, American Pit Bull Terrier, Nicole Paoline, 35.63
2nd: AP3 VPE UWPS UGWPCH Bold Bay's Planetary Motion, Labrador Retriever, Tamar Kiewe, 35.83
3rd: AP RACEA UWPCH CH Cimerrons Suneater, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Sami Mieir, Deborah C Peters, 35.56
4th: UWPS AP7 VPE UEWPCH Blitz SPOT, Unrecognized, Theresa L Thomas, 17.23
80 pound
1st: AI AE NN HOP PN AC RUSH VPU UWPU AP6 RACES Cady Falls Eros SPOT-ON, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 35.49
UNL Pound
1st: NTD URO2 AP3 VPE UWPS CH UGWPCH Dahlgren's Leon Sandcastle SPOT-ON, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Tamar Kiewe, 25.48
December 7, 2024
Pull 2
Wheels-artificial Div: A, 26 entries
Judge: Rachel E Richards
MWPPBP: PN URO1 AP VPA RUSH GSJCH UWP EGCH Cowboy Casanova Baarvon Boylan, Rottweiler, Jennifer Bianchini, Teri Belanger, 15.05
MWPPBP Vet: PN URO1 AP VPA RUSH GSJCH UWP EGCH Cowboy Casanova Baarvon Boylan, Rottweiler, Jennifer Bianchini, Teri Belanger, 15.05
50 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 26.3
2nd: UWPV AP2 VPE UWPCH The Beauty Of Change, Siberian Husky, Lauren Bour, 26.91
3rd: Listed Entry, 25.15
4th: NTD AP VPA NI UROC RMX URX NC RUSH CA RACE Cosmic Calibers Zero To Hero SPOT-, Standard Poodle, Jacquelyn Rudisill, 20.91
70 pound
1st: UWPV AP VPA RUSH UWPCH EGCH Sapphires Moonlight Sonata, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, Cindy Lacy, 25.44
2nd: UWP Ninkasi's Hocus Pocus, Siberian Husky, Laura Leskovics, 20.48
3rd: NTD AP VPA NC NI NE UROC RMX URX RUSH RACE Cosmic Caliber Galactic Knight SPO, Standard Poodle, Jacquelyn Rudisill, 16.11
4th: UWP NC URO2 HOP DASH UJJ Wynter Spirit's Bringer Of Light SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Kaeleigh Hume, 12.07
90 pound
1st: SV SC AP2 VPN USJCH NBOB NTD3 NGC LEAP UWP'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones, 25.17
2nd: CH URO1 UWP Von Sederhaus' Silver Lining SPOT-ON, Rottweiler, Lisa Ridley, 20.59
100 pound
1st: PN URO1 AP VPA RUSH GSJCH UWP EGCH Cowboy Casanova Baarvon Boylan, Rottweiler, Jennifer Bianchini, Teri Belanger, 15.05
Wheels-artificial Div: B, 26 entries
Judge: Rachel E Richards
MWPPBP: AI AE NN HOP PN AC RUSH VPU UWPU AP6 RACES Cady Falls Eros SPOT-ON, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 35.49
MWPPBP Vet: AI AE NN HOP PN AC RUSH VPU UWPU AP6 RACES Cady Falls Eros SPOT-ON, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 35.49
20 pound
1st: SE VPE UWPS AP3 MV MC AN UGWPCH CA URO1 RA Oakleaf's Hellcat Maggie, Patterdale Terrier, Chelsea Shafer, 36.64
40 pound
1st: UWPO PN VPE AP4 ROM UWPCHX CH'PR'Csb Agent Three Blind Mice Dna SPOT-ON, Silken Windhound, Stephanie Balser, 25.28
2nd: UWPS VPE AP4 UGWPCH CH Blumombo N Kayo's Native Dancer, American Pit Bull Terrier, Kristina Browne, 23.79
50 pound
1st: UWPO NN PN AP2 VPE RUSH UWPCHX URO1 SGCH Sapphires Crazy Love Of Mine SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffee, 36.71
2nd: AP2 VPE UWPS UWPCHX Shepherd Of The Dioses, Siberian Husky, Lauren Bour, 36.5
60 pound
1st: AP2 VPA UWPO UWPCHX Experiment 626, American Pit Bull Terrier, Nicole Paoline, 35.63
2nd: AP RACEA UWPCH CH Cimerrons Suneater, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Sami Mieir, Deborah C Peters, 35.56
3rd: AP3 VPE UWPS UGWPCH Bold Bay's Planetary Motion, Labrador Retriever, Tamar Kiewe, 35.83
4th: UWPS AP7 VPE UEWPCH Blitz SPOT, Unrecognized, Theresa L Thomas, 17.23
80 pound
1st: AI AE NN HOP PN AC RUSH VPU UWPU AP6 RACES Cady Falls Eros SPOT-ON, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 35.49
UNL Pound
1st: NTD URO2 AP3 VPE UWPS CH UGWPCH Dahlgren's Leon Sandcastle SPOT-ON, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Tamar Kiewe, 25.48