OFFICIAL: UKC Eastern Classic (11/01/2024) / SUNDAY RALLY OBEDIENCE
November 3, 2024
Location: Lebanon, Pennsylvania
November 3, 2024, Trial 1, 42 Entries
RO 1A - Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
URO1 Graves Farm Pucker Up Wodan, Mudi, Carrie Dennison, 95
Listed Entry, 92
URO1 RUSH GRCH'PR'Nordics Neika Silver Flare SPOT-ON, Alaskan Klee Kai, Brenda Tobin, Lori Robson, 97
1st) URO1 EGCH Legend Kristull Cardamom Kheerdna SPOT-ON, Silken Windhound, Jessica Rennenkampf, 100
2nd) URO1 CH'PR'Satomis Strength In The Force SPOT-ON, Silken Windhound, Leah Cocco, 100
3rd) URO1 GRCH Apricitys Rhythmical Creation SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Christina Skorupa, 100
4th) URO1 EGCH'PR'Csb Agent Little Nellie, Silken Windhound, Haleigh Roller, 98
RO 1B - Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
1st) URO1 CH Piccolo's Nordic Magic, Standard Poodle, Evelyn Comer, 100
2nd) URO1 CH HOP Snowdancer's All Over U,baby!, Siberian Husky, Melissa Mount, James Mount, Laura Mount, 100
3rd) URO1 CA RACEA CH Brewlin's Today's Tom Sawyer SPOT-ON, Staffordshire Bullterrier, Jane Lasher, Linda Ringle, 98
Rally Obedience Class 1 C - Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
3rd) HOP NTD RUSH URO1 UWPS AP4 VPE SPRINT UGWP'PR'Bossi's Transforming History SP, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, Joy L'ecuyer, 97
RO 2A - Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
1st) UWP NC URO2 HOP DASH UJJ Wynter Spirit's Bringer Of Light SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Kaeleigh Hume, 95
RO 2B - Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
NTD URO2 AP3 VPE UWPS CH UGWPCH Dahlgren's Leon Sandcastle SPOT-ON, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Tamar Kiewe, 100
HOP RACEA RUSH AI NN AC URO3 GRCH Arian Farms Gandalf The Grey SPOT, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Beth Ann Rizzi, 99
RMC UWP URX PN UROC EGCH Tangaloor Whole Nine Yards SPOT-ON, Silken Windhound, Stephanie Balser, 99
1st) CH BN URO2 PN Piccolo's Picture Perfect, Standard Poodle, Evelyn Comer, 100
2nd) NTD AP VPN UCDX RUSH RACEA AC UWPCH UJJ GR Jetoca's Call Me Friend SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian Huss, 100
3rd) URX USJCH ACD UCDX UROC GRCH Thornvalley's Wonderful Oz SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Melanie Fuellgraf, 100
4th) USJCH RACES UCDX PN BN CH URO3 Piccolo's Iron Forged Harvey, Standard Poodle, Deborah Swartz, 100
RO 3B - Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
URX USJCH ACD UCDX UROC GRCH Thornvalley's Wonderful Oz SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Melanie Fuellgraf, 97
URO2 Bbh Stars To Fill My Dreams SPOT, Unrecognized, Jax Burns, 74
1st) NTD AP VPN UCDX RUSH RACEA AC UWPCH UJJ GR Jetoca's Call Me Friend SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian Huss, 100
2nd) RMC UWP URX PN UROC EGCH Tangaloor Whole Nine Yards SPOT-ON, Silken Windhound, Stephanie Balser, 100
3rd) USJCH RACES UCDX PN BN CH URO3 Piccolo's Iron Forged Harvey, Standard Poodle, Deborah Swartz, 99
4th) NV AP VPA UWP PN ROM Bluebirdhill's Indiana Jones SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Jax Burns, 99
Rally Obedience Class Master B - Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
1st) SI MC SE GJJCH RUSH RMX2 URX2 RACEM UROG U Shor'line Bondi Beach SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian T Huss, 100
2nd) NTD AP VPN UCDX RUSH RACEA AC UWPCH UJJ GR Jetoca's Call Me Friend SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian Huss, 100
3rd) RMC UWP URX PN UROC EGCH Tangaloor Whole Nine Yards SPOT-ON, Silken Windhound, Stephanie Balser, 96