OFFICIAL: Capital City Canine Club (10/19/2024) / SATURDAY AGILITY
October 19, 2024
Hosted By: Capital City Canine Club
Location: Lansing, Michigan
October 19, 2024, Trial 1, 90 Entries
High in Trial: NT NH E3K UGRACH4 Grand Oakes Into The Matrix, Border Collie, Colleen Hinzmann, 200
Beginner Agility - Maggie Andreau
Division 1 - A
1st) BA Ruby Red Shoes, Poodle, Ellie Nichols, 1758
Division 1 - B
1st) NT UGRACH2 Brody's Gaff SPOT, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Jill Pitylak, 195
2nd) NT UGRACH Peaches Pumpkin N' Spice, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, William Pitylak Iii, 194
3rd) SV PTE UAGII MC AN CH Safe Harbor's Keeping The Faith, English Cocker Spaniel, Shelly M Barton, 188
Division 3 - A
1st) BA Lady Whisper, Standard Poodle, Linda Witham, 200
2nd) BA Frederick Glistens Of Gold, Australian Shepherd, Kara Oates, 197
Division 3 - B
1st) EH ET NH NT E3K3 UGRACH5 Smudge SPOT, Unrecognized, Pam Hawkins, 200
2nd) IA ROM SHR UCD ALCH UROC Beaucaniche P Neruda Colando SPOT, Standard Poodle, Shirley Robertson, 200
3rd) IA Thornapple For King & Country, Australian Shepherd, Barb Kintner, 199
4th) NH NT E3K UJJ UNJCH UGRACH Ginger, Labrador Retriever, Traci Osman, 199
Dynamic Hurdles - Maggie Andreau
Division 1 - Novice
NT UGRACH Peaches Pumpkin N' Spice, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, William Pitylak Iii
BA Ruby Red Shoes, Poodle, Ellie Nichols
Division 2 - Novice
BA NT CH Wilhavens Dont Stop Believing, Lagotto Romagnolo, Maggie Sawdy
UNJCH NH NN N3K2 NTE UACH Twobytwo Fly The Nest SPOT-ON, Lagotto Romagnolo, Margaret Andreau
Division 3 - Elite
EH ET NH NT E3K3 UGRACH5 Smudge SPOT, Unrecognized, Pam Hawkins
BA Erin's You Had Your Chance, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Colleen P Cashman
BA Erin's Run Like The Wind, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Colleen P Cashman
Division 3 - Novice
NT NH E3K UGRACH4 Grand Oakes Into The Matrix, Border Collie, Colleen Hinzmann
IA Thornapple For King & Country, Australian Shepherd, Barb Kintner
NH E3K ROM NT IA UROC ACD UCDX Trailborn Wynter Colando SPOT, Standard Poodle, Doreen Buck, Shirley Robertson
URO1 The Elite Decoy, Labrador Retriever, Madison Morgan
BA Lady Whisper, Standard Poodle, Linda Witham
BA DASH AN Duncan Macdubh, Unrecognized, Laura Coats
NH NT E3K UJJ UNJCH UGRACH Ginger, Labrador Retriever, Traci Osman
Listed Entry
Intermediate Agility - Maggie Andreau
Division 1 - B
1st) NT UGRACH2 Brody's Gaff SPOT, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Jill Pitylak, 200
2nd) SV PTE UAGII MC AN CH Safe Harbor's Keeping The Faith, English Cocker Spaniel, Shelly M Barton, 197
3rd) NT UGRACH Peaches Pumpkin N' Spice, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, William Pitylak Iii, 185
4th) NT UGRACH Jaxs William Pitylak, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Jill Pitylak, William Pitylak, 184
Division 2 - A
1st) IA Pixie, Min American Shepherd, Peri Bianchi, 199
Division 3 - B
1st) NT NH E3K UGRACH4 Grand Oakes Into The Matrix, Border Collie, Colleen Hinzmann, 200
2nd) EH ET NH NT E3K3 UGRACH5 Smudge SPOT, Unrecognized, Pam Hawkins, 200
3rd) NH NT E3K UJJ UNJCH UGRACH Ginger, Labrador Retriever, Traci Osman, 200
4th) IA Thornapple For King & Country, Australian Shepherd, Barb Kintner, 194
Dynamic Tunnels - Maggie Andreau
Division 1 - Novice
SV PTE UAGII MC AN CH Safe Harbor's Keeping The Faith, English Cocker Spaniel, Shelly M Barton
BA Ruby Red Shoes, Poodle, Ellie Nichols
Division 2 - Elite
BA NT CH Wilhavens Dont Stop Believing, Lagotto Romagnolo, Maggie Sawdy
Division 2 - Novice
UNJCH NH NN N3K2 NTE UACH Twobytwo Fly The Nest SPOT-ON, Lagotto Romagnolo, Margaret Andreau
Division 3 - Elite
EH ET NH NT E3K3 UGRACH5 Smudge SPOT, Unrecognized, Pam Hawkins
BA Erin's You Had Your Chance, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Colleen P Cashman
BA Erin's Run Like The Wind, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Colleen P Cashman
NT SI MC UAGI URO1 NN PTE Charming Nero SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Beth Prater
NH E3K ROM NT IA UROC ACD UCDX Trailborn Wynter Colando SPOT, Standard Poodle, Doreen Buck, Shirley Robertson
Division 3 - Novice
Listed Entry
NT NH E3K UGRACH4 Grand Oakes Into The Matrix, Border Collie, Colleen Hinzmann
Listed Entry
BA Lady Whisper, Standard Poodle, Linda Witham
BA DASH AN Duncan Macdubh, Unrecognized, Laura Coats
NH NT E3K UJJ UNJCH UGRACH Ginger, Labrador Retriever, Traci Osman
IA ROM SHR UCD ALCH UROC Beaucaniche P Neruda Colando SPOT, Standard Poodle, Shirley Robertson
URO1 The Elite Decoy, Labrador Retriever, Madison Morgan
Excellent Agility - Maggie Andreau
Division 1
1st) NT UGRACH2 Brody's Gaff SPOT, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Jill Pitylak, 197
Division 3
1st) NT NH E3K UGRACH4 Grand Oakes Into The Matrix, Border Collie, Colleen Hinzmann, 200
2nd) EH ET NH NT E3K3 UGRACH5 Smudge SPOT, Unrecognized, Pam Hawkins, 197