OFFICIAL: Oklahoma American Eskimo Dog Club (10/05/2024) / SUNDAY CONFORMATION
October 6, 2024
Hosted By: Oklahoma American Eskimo Dog Club
Location: Norman, Oklahoma
October 6, 2024, Show 1
Guardian Dogs
Akbash Dog, 4 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
Jr. Male BM BOW BOB CH Patteran Thor's Bruce, Kristal Spenrath
Jr. Female BF Listed Entry
RBF 'PR'Kg Ranch Rover's Red Linda Kristal Spenrath
Boxer, 2 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
Open Male BM Listed Entry
BHF BF BOW BOB CH Lieben's Pride & Joy, Sarah Schuldheisz
Doberman Pinscher, 1 Entry
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
GRCH BOB GRCH Valiant Mind Your Notions, Felicity Trammell
Kangal Dog, 11 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
Male Puppy RBM Listed Entry
Jr. Male BM CH Soylemez Kara Of Turkmen, Tamara Taylor, Caden Taylor
Female Puppy Turkmen Kane's Keyif, Tamara Taylor
Jr. Female RBF 'PR'Turkmen Zeus Kati, Kristal Spenrath
Adult Female BF BOW BOB CH Turkmen Kazak's Nevada, Marcy West Beard
Perro De Presa Canario, 3 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
CH CH Villa D'eivissa Of Proper K9, Reann Phillips, Kelly Mc Intosh
RCH CH La Canari Guardiana Of Proper K9, Reann Phillips
GRCH BOB NN UWPV USJ AP VPN UCD AC URO3 UWPCH EGCH Guardian Del Sol De Terra Presa SPO, Reann Phillips
Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Larry E Hansen Jr
1st) Doberman Pinscher, GRCH Valiant Mind Your Notions
2nd) Kangal Dog, CH Turkmen Kazak's Nevada
3rd) Akbash Dog, CH Patteran Thor's Bruce
4th) Perro De Presa Canario, NN UWPV USJ AP VPN UCD AC URO3 UWPCH EGCH Guardian Del Sol De Terra Presa SPO
Basset Fauve De Bretagne, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
CH BOB CH Hilwinz Oh Henry, Kellie Whipple
Beagle, 2 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Open Female BF On Taps Shamrockarita, Rebecca Pinkston
CH BOB CCH Burway Wolfrun Hot For Teacher, Felicity Trammell
Bluetick Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
Open Male BM BOB 'PR'Fallouts One Cold Night, Matthew Ferrell, Jessica Turner
Redbone Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
Male Puppy BM BOB 'PR'Grandrivers Where Legends R Made, Marissa Turner
Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Lila Fast
1st) Beagle, CCH Burway Wolfrun Hot For Teacher
2nd) Basset Fauve De Bretagne, CH Hilwinz Oh Henry
3rd) Redbone Coonhound, 'PR'Grandrivers Where Legends R Made
4th) Bluetick Coonhound, 'PR'Fallouts One Cold Night
Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs
Carolina Dog, 5 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
Open Male RBM 'PR'Legacy'ss Love Is Tragedy, Spencer Reisman
BHM BM BOW Wild's Light and Ma'at, Sage Johnson
Female Puppy RBF Wild's Through The Spyglass, Sage Johnson
Jr. Female BF 'PR'Legacy'ss It's A Vibe Check SPOT-ON, Spencer Reisman
CH BOB CH'PR'Legacy'ss Drop The Bass, Mercury Steele
Greyhound, 1 Entry
Judge Pamela A Moore
Male Puppy BM BOB Cashel's One More Score, Sandra Hudspeth
Silken Windhound, 13 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
Jr. Male BM 'PR'Wyndolyn Pirate King, Jan Decker
Jr. Female BF BOW CH Kristull Dragonfly At Daybreak, Angela Crowley
Open Female RBF Kristull Xxss, Francie Stull, Chuck Stull
CH BOB CH Daybreak Clue Me In, Angela Crowley
RCH CH'PR'Entourage A Touch Of Class, Vicki Frey
GRCH GRCH'PR'Entourage Carbon Copy Dna, Jan Decker
RGRCH GRCH Kristull Witcher, Francie Stull
RBM CH Kristull Fiber Optic Kimberlie Lumsden
Whippet, 2 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
Male Puppy BM Karasar's Advocate, Megan Cox
CH BOB CH NC NI Liberty Lawless Flawless Gambino, Christine Beisert, Donald Beisert
Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Pamela A Moore
1st) Silken Windhound, CH Daybreak Clue Me In
2nd) Whippet, CH NC NI Liberty Lawless Flawless Gambino
3rd) Carolina Dog, CH'PR'Legacy'ss Drop The Bass
4th) Greyhound, Cashel's One More Score
Gun Dogs
German Shorthaired Pntr, 2 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
Jr. Male RBM Listed Entry
Open Male BM BOB Listed Entry
Standard Poodle, 3 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
Female Puppy RBF CH Ncr Zeeva Dauntless In Motion, Sherry Meador
Adult Female BF BOB There Is Only Zuul, Jamie Moulton
Standard Poodle M/C, 9 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
Jr. Male BM CH Oberon Warrior Prince, Sherry Meador
Adult Male RBM Listed Entry
Female Puppy BF BOW CH Omahas Dauntless Valkyrie, Sherry Meador
Open Female RBF Criders Critter On The Barbie, Shelby Crider
CH BOB GRCH Spotlights Gem Of Faith@sunsett, Michelle Smith, Tosha Ruttman
RCH CH R&r Love At First Sight, Jaiden Lydick
Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Pamela A Moore
1st) Standard Poodle M/C, GRCH Spotlights Gem Of Faith@sunsett
2nd) German Shorthaired Pntr, Listed Entry
3rd) Standard Poodle, There Is Only Zuul
Herding Dogs
Judge Lila Fast
BOB Information not Available
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Male Veteran: Best Veteran GRCH South Wind Jamie Frazier, Marcy K West
Bearded Collie, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
Open Male BM BOB Listed Entry
Beauceron, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry
Bouvier Des Flandres, 4 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Open Female BF BOB Listed Entry
Adult Female RBF Listed Entry
CH Listed Entry
German Shepherd Dog, 3 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Male BM BOW King Max Altair, Belinda Stephens
Open Female BF Iveigh V D Burg Austerlitz, Rebecca Pinkston
CH BOB CH Vidarr Oswald Vom Angelhaus, Heather Stevens
La Catahoula Leopard Dog, 3 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
CH CH Maynard's Oops I Did It Again, Chandly Maynard
RCH CH Maynard's Blue Steel, Chandly Maynard
GRCH BOB NBIS RUSH RACES DGCH Maynard's I'ma Gonna Win SPOT-ON, Chandly Maynard
Pembroke Welsh Corgi, 3 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Female BF Heart Built Like A Truck, Taryn Batt
CH RACEN URO1 CH Ozblu's Ursa Major SPOT-ON, Kimberlie Adams
GRCH BOB LEAP RACEA RUSH EGCH Cicymru Roweena Hi Syn Dawnsio, Kathy Graves, Carl Graves
Swedish Vallhund, 2 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
CH BOB NN CH Au Reult Sd Sven The Red, Robin Kelly
Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lila Fast
1st) La Catahoula Leopard Dog, NBIS RUSH RACES DGCH Maynard's I'ma Gonna Win SPOT-ON
2nd) Bouvier Des Flandres, Listed Entry
3rd) Swedish Vallhund, NN CH Au Reult Sd Sven The Red
4th) Pembroke Welsh Corgi, LEAP RACEA RUSH EGCH Cicymru Roweena Hi Syn Dawnsio
American Hairless Terrier, 2 Entries
Judge Mary Happel
Hairless Jr. Female BFV BF NI NV Bellridge Made You Look Icharm, Lisa Grieger
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Strider's Set Fire To The Rain, Elaine Lambino
American Pit Bull Terrier, 5 Entries
Judge Mary Happel
BHM BM Listed Entry
CH BOB UWPCH RACEN GRCH Horsepower's Im Fancy Like That, Anissa Littlefield
RCH URO1 GRCH Ambition's Sunshine On The Ground, Daleesa Wyatt
Rat Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Mary Happel
Min. BHF BFV BF BOB Listed Entry
Teddy Roosevelt Terrier, 8 Entries
Judge Mary Happel
CH CH'PR'Big Groves Cupcake @ Bridges, Leslie Bridges, Joe Bridges
RCH CH'PR'Stone's Leather and Lace, Shaleena Stone
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Stone's Eye Of The Tiger, Shaleena Stone
RGRCH EGCH'PR'Big Groves Malibu Breeze, Nancy Wyatt
Toy Fox Terrier, 3 Entries
Judge Mary Happel
BHF BF Watson's Sirius Mia's Legacy, Teresa Watson
CH CH Fritzfox Good Golly Miss Molly, Lea Ann Boles
GRCH BOB GRCH Fritzfox Steal My Show, Lea Ann Boles
W.Highland White Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Mary Happel
Open Female BF BOB Presto Change-o! Z Knyazhegodvora, Alexis Wymer
Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Mary Happel
1st) American Pit Bull Terrier, UWPCH RACEN GRCH Horsepower's Im Fancy Like That
2nd) Rat Terrier, Listed Entry
3rd) Toy Fox Terrier, GRCH Fritzfox Steal My Show
4th) American Hairless Terrier, GRCH'PR'Strider's Set Fire To The Rain
Companion Dogs
American Bully, 7 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
Male Puppy BM Listed Entry
Adult Male RBM CH Swala Forrest, Bonnie Grubb
Female Puppy BF BOW BOB CH Ark9 Mia Schitt, Bonnie Grubb
CH Listed Entry
RCH GRCH Ark9s Daddys Money, Jonathon Foster
Chihuahua, 1 Entry
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
Adult Female BF BOB Listed Entry
Coton De Tulear, 4 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
Jr. Female BF Listed Entry
Open Female RBF Listed Entry
CH BOB Listed Entry
RCH Listed Entry
French Bulldog, 12 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
Male Puppy RBM Listed Entry
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
Female Puppy RBF Listed Entry
Jr. Female BF BOW Listed Entry
Open Female Dally Okas Rea Of Sunshine, Michaela Thornton
BHF Listed Entry
CH CH Swalwtail Hickry N Tmakn Oftriplm, Baylee Mcgehee
RCH RUSH RACES CH Opals Cherri, Pam R Key
GRCH BOB DGCH B&t Suspenders Limited, Sara Waldon
RGRCH GRCH Blackwell's Touch Of Gold @ Opal, Pam R Key, Anissa Littlefield
Poodle, 2 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
Min. Female Puppy BFV BF Listed Entry
GRCH BOB NBOB RACES SGCH Wanderlust Storm Clouds Brewing, Misty Frye
Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Larry E Hansen Jr
1st) Poodle, NBOB RACES SGCH Wanderlust Storm Clouds Brewing
2nd) French Bulldog, DGCH B&t Suspenders Limited
3rd) American Bully, CH Ark9 Mia Schitt
4th) Chihuahua, Listed Entry
BIS Doberman Pinscher, GRCH Valiant Mind Your Notions, Felicity Trammell
RBIS La Catahoula Leopard Dog, NBIS RUSH RACES DGCH Maynard's I'ma Gonna Win SPOT-ON, Chandly Maynard
October 6, 2024, Show 2
Guardian Dogs
Akbash Dog, 4 Entries
Judge Mary Happel
Jr. Female BF BOB 'PR'Kg Ranch Rover's Red Linda, Kristal Spenrath
CH CH Patteran Thor's Bruce, Kristal Spenrath
RBF 'PR'Latte Da Sam Ii's Possum Anne Jones
Doberman Pinscher, 1 Entry
Judge Mary Happel
GRCH BOB GRCH Valiant Mind Your Notions, Felicity Trammell
Perro De Presa Canario, 3 Entries
Judge Mary Happel
CH CH La Canari Guardiana Of Proper K9, Reann Phillips
RCH CH Villa D'eivissa Of Proper K9, Reann Phillips, Kelly Mc Intosh
GRCH BOB NN UWPV USJ AP VPN UCD AC URO3 UWPCH EGCH Guardian Del Sol De Terra Presa SPO, Reann Phillips
Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Mary Happel
1st) Doberman Pinscher, GRCH Valiant Mind Your Notions
2nd) Perro De Presa Canario, NN UWPV USJ AP VPN UCD AC URO3 UWPCH EGCH Guardian Del Sol De Terra Presa SPO
3rd) Akbash Dog, 'PR'Kg Ranch Rover's Red Linda
Basset Fauve De Bretagne, 1 Entry
Judge Pamela A Moore
CH BOB CH Hilwinz Oh Henry, Kellie Whipple
Beagle, 2 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
Open Female BF On Taps Shamrockarita, Rebecca Pinkston
CH BOB CCH Burway Wolfrun Hot For Teacher, Felicity Trammell
Bluetick Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Pamela A Moore
Open Male BM BOB 'PR'Fallouts One Cold Night, Matthew Ferrell, Jessica Turner
Redbone Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Pamela A Moore
Male Puppy BM BOB 'PR'Grandrivers Where Legends R Made, Marissa Turner
Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Pamela A Moore
1st) Beagle, CCH Burway Wolfrun Hot For Teacher
2nd) Basset Fauve De Bretagne, CH Hilwinz Oh Henry
3rd) Redbone Coonhound, 'PR'Grandrivers Where Legends R Made
4th) Bluetick Coonhound, 'PR'Fallouts One Cold Night
Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs
Carolina Dog, 7 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Male Puppy RBM Wild's Memento Mori, Sage Johnson
Open Male BM 'PR'Legacy'ss Love Is Tragedy, Spencer Reisman
BHM Wild's Light and Ma'at, Sage Johnson
Female Puppy BF BOW BOB Wild's Through The Spyglass, Sage Johnson
CH Invalid Entry
RCH CH'PR'Legacy'ss Drop The Bass, Mercury Steele
RBF Wild's Heart Of Atlantis Sage Johnson
Greyhound, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
Male Puppy BM BOB Cashel's One More Score, Sandra Hudspeth
Silken Windhound, 13 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Male BM CH'PR'Empyrean Happily Ever After, Vicki Frey
Jr. Female BF BOW CH Kristull Dragonfly At Daybreak, Angela Crowley
Open Female RBF Kristull Xxss, Francie Stull, Chuck Stull
CH CH'PR'Entourage Day Dream Believer, Vicki Frey
RCH CH Royal Sooner Rosehill Halitopa, Frank Young
GRCH BOB GRCH Kristull Witcher, Francie Stull
RGRCH EGCH'PR'Jusrics Empyrean All Of Me, Vicki Frey
RBM CH Kristull Fiber Optic Kimberlie Lumsden
Whippet, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
Male Puppy BM BOB Karasar's Advocate, Megan Cox
Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lila Fast
1st) Silken Windhound, GRCH Kristull Witcher
2nd) Carolina Dog, Wild's Through The Spyglass
3rd) Whippet, Karasar's Advocate
4th) Greyhound, Cashel's One More Score
Gun Dogs
German Shorthaired Pntr, 2 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Male BM BOB Listed Entry
Open Male RBM Listed Entry
Standard Poodle, 3 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Female Puppy RBF CH Ncr Zeeva Dauntless In Motion, Sherry Meador
Adult Female BF BOB There Is Only Zuul, Jamie Moulton
Standard Poodle M/C, 9 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Male BM BOW CH Oberon Warrior Prince, Sherry Meador
Adult Male RBM Listed Entry
Female Puppy RBF Poetrys Queen Of The Dauntless, Sherry Meador
Open Female BF Criders Critter On The Barbie, Shelby Crider
CH BOB GRCH Spotlights Gem Of Faith@sunsett, Michelle Smith, Tosha Ruttman
RCH CH R&r Love At First Sight, Jaiden Lydick
Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lila Fast
1st) Standard Poodle, There Is Only Zuul
2nd) Standard Poodle M/C, GRCH Spotlights Gem Of Faith@sunsett
3rd) German Shorthaired Pntr, Listed Entry
Herding Dogs
Judge Pamela A Moore
BOB Information not Available
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Male Veteran: Best Veteran GRCH South Wind Jamie Frazier, Marcy K West
Beauceron, 1 Entry
Judge Pamela A Moore
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry
Bouvier Des Flandres, 4 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
Open Female RBF Listed Entry
Adult Female BF Listed Entry
CH BOB Listed Entry
German Shepherd Dog, 3 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
Jr. Male BM BOW BOB King Max Altair, Belinda Stephens
Open Female BF Iveigh V D Burg Austerlitz, Rebecca Pinkston
CH CH Vidarr Oswald Vom Angelhaus, Heather Stevens
La Catahoula Leopard Dog, 3 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
CH CH Maynard's Oops I Did It Again, Chandly Maynard
RCH CH Maynard's Blue Steel, Chandly Maynard
GRCH BOB NBIS RUSH RACES DGCH Maynard's I'ma Gonna Win SPOT-ON, Chandly Maynard
Pembroke Welsh Corgi, 3 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
Jr. Female BF Heart Built Like A Truck, Taryn Batt
CH RACEN URO1 CH Ozblu's Ursa Major SPOT-ON, Kimberlie Adams
GRCH BOB LEAP RACEA RUSH EGCH Cicymru Roweena Hi Syn Dawnsio, Kathy Graves, Carl Graves
Swedish Vallhund, 2 Entries
Judge Pamela A Moore
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
CH BOB NN CH Au Reult Sd Sven The Red, Robin Kelly
Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Pamela A Moore
1st) La Catahoula Leopard Dog, NBIS RUSH RACES DGCH Maynard's I'ma Gonna Win SPOT-ON
2nd) Swedish Vallhund, NN CH Au Reult Sd Sven The Red
3rd) German Shepherd Dog, King Max Altair
4th) Pembroke Welsh Corgi, LEAP RACEA RUSH EGCH Cicymru Roweena Hi Syn Dawnsio
American Hairless Terrier, 2 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
Hairless Jr. Female BFV BF NI NV Bellridge Made You Look Icharm, Lisa Grieger
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Strider's Set Fire To The Rain, Elaine Lambino
American Pit Bull Terrier, 5 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
BHM BM Listed Entry
CH BOB Listed Entry
RCH URO1 GRCH Ambition's Sunshine On The Ground, Daleesa Wyatt
GRCH UWPCH RACEN GRCH Horsepower's Im Fancy Like That, Anissa Littlefield
Rat Terrier, 2 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
Min. BHF BFV BF BOB Listed Entry
St. Adult Female BFV RBF Listed Entry
Smooth Fox Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
CH BOB CH Toddot Rhyme and Reason, Jane Engemann
Teddy Roosevelt Terrier, 8 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
CH CH'PR'Big Groves Blue Chip, Erika Swenson, Nancy Wyatt, Leslie Bridges
RCH CH'PR'Stone's Leather and Lace, Shaleena Stone
GRCH BOB DASH RACEA GRCH'PR'Big Groves Stella Rose @ Oasis, Nancy Wyatt
RGRCH EGCH'PR'Big Groves Malibu Breeze, Nancy Wyatt
Toy Fox Terrier, 3 Entries
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
BHF BF Watson's Sirius Mia's Legacy, Teresa Watson
CH BOB CH Fritzfox Good Golly Miss Molly, Lea Ann Boles
GRCH GRCH Fritzfox Steal My Show, Lea Ann Boles
W.Highland White Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Larry E Hansen Jr
Open Female BF BOB Presto Change-o! Z Knyazhegodvora, Alexis Wymer
Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Larry E Hansen Jr
1st) Rat Terrier, Listed Entry
2nd) Teddy Roosevelt Terrier, DASH RACEA GRCH'PR'Big Groves Stella Rose @ Oasis
3rd) American Pit Bull Terrier, Listed Entry
4th) W.Highland White Terrier, Presto Change-o! Z Knyazhegodvora
Companion Dogs
American Bully, 8 Entries
Judge Mary Happel
Male Puppy BM BOW Listed Entry
Jr. Male CH Sb Born With Horns, Krista Roque
Adult Male RBM CH Swala Forrest, Bonnie Grubb
Female Puppy BF CH Ark9 Mia Schitt, Bonnie Grubb
CH BOB GRCH Ark9s Daddys Money, Jonathon Foster
RCH Listed Entry
Chihuahua, 1 Entry
Judge Mary Happel
Adult Female BF BOB Listed Entry
Coton De Tulear, 2 Entries
Judge Mary Happel
Open Female BF Listed Entry
CH BOB Listed Entry
French Bulldog, 12 Entries
Judge Mary Happel
Male Puppy RBM Listed Entry
Jr. Male BM BOW Listed Entry
Female Puppy Listed Entry
Jr. Female RBF Listed Entry
Open Female Dally Okas Rea Of Sunshine, Michaela Thornton
BHF BF Listed Entry
CH CH Opals Zip 2 Impress, Pam Key
RCH RUSH RACES CH Opals Cherri, Pam R Key
GRCH BOB DGCH B&t Suspenders Limited, Sara Waldon
RGRCH GRCH Blackwell's Touch Of Gold @ Opal, Pam R Key, Anissa Littlefield
Poodle, 1 Entry
Judge Mary Happel
GRCH BOB NBOB RACES SGCH Wanderlust Storm Clouds Brewing, Misty Frye
Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Mary Happel
1st) Poodle, NBOB RACES SGCH Wanderlust Storm Clouds Brewing
2nd) American Bully, GRCH Ark9s Daddys Money
3rd) Chihuahua, Listed Entry
4th) Coton De Tulear, Listed Entry
BIS Doberman Pinscher, GRCH Valiant Mind Your Notions, Felicity Trammell
RBIS Standard Poodle, There Is Only Zuul, Jamie Moulton