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OFFICIAL: UKC Premier Nationals (06/13/2024) / Dock Jumping Friday Splash

June 14, 2024

Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan

June 14, 2024

Judge: James Birch
Splash: 1, 46 Entries

RACEN USJ RUSH GRCH Beachn Black Betty Bam-ba-lam SPOT, Labrador Retriever, Kelly Carpenter, Kalee Carpenter, 168

UJJ RACEN DASH UNJ CH Bonum Et Malum Hurka, Mudi, Yvette Piantadosi, 126
UJJ UCD DASH UNJ URO2 Trax Astro Out Of This World SPOT, Weimaraner, Caroline Shaffer- Sabo, 116
UJJ URO1 UNJ RACES GRCH Royal Nova Ride Offk SPOT, White Shepherd, Jean Reeves, Nicholas S Foreman, 113

CH Rnr For The Love Of Maddie, German Wirehaired Pointer, Madeline Steele, 91
UWP RACEN CH Wmk's By Any Other Name, American Bulldog, Monique Laperriere, Elaine Rohaly Mason, 9
NTD USJ RACEA HOP RUSH UNJ UWPCH URO1 EGCH Sb Knightfall, American Bully, Krista Roque, 87
UNJCH URO1 GRCH Sb The Prince Who Was Promised, American Bully, Krista Roque, 85
UNJCH RUSH URO1 SGCH Ketelhaus Mind Games Ignite Spark SPOT-ON, Rottweiler, Kelly Garrett, 83
UACH UCD RACEN URO1 GRCH Makintrax Magna Cum Laude SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Vicki Maxa, Joseph T Maxa, 7.1
NC Vino Ardanza Of Proper K9, Perro De Presa Canario, Kelly Mc Intosh, 75
Listed Entry, 74
UNJCH URO1 FLY EGCH Balewater's Coming In Hot SPOT, Labrador Retriever, Sue Schultze, 72
UNJ URO1 CH Kessel Run Dawn Of The Jedi, Icelandic Sheepdog, Emma Tinklenberg, 58
DASH UNJ GRCH Bonum Et Malum Wodan Gryffin, Mudi, Elizabeth Brooks, 52
NTD UNJ PN DASH NC NI ASGCH RATN URO1 RACE Pendachs-jack's-curl-royal-dilly S, Dachshund, Aimee J Phillips, 51
URO1 RACEA GRCH Wodan's Stop Ghosting Me, Mudi, Joseph Tolsma, 4.1
RUSH URO1 UNJ RACEN Unchained & Hit The Ground Runnin SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Allie Benedict, 35

ARGCH DASH USJ UJJ CA RACEA URO1 EGCH Winterswind Moonbeams Adventure SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Emily Carabello, 194
RACEN DASH UJJ NWGC ALCH Jozie's Locked Loaded N Chilln, Labrador Retriever, Nancie Carlson, Mike Carlson, 189
RACEN CH URO2 Graves Farm's Mixed Up N Moody, Mudi, Kevin Lanteigne, 17.1
NE NHD BA WSD NC NI UJJCH FLY UWPS VPE AP6 Sundog Don't Call Me Nymphodora SP, Labrador Retriever, Kristen Reiter, 177
AE AV NN USJ MC UJJ RATO CH Sweet Carolina Mine SPOT-ON, Carolina Dog, Kenton Williams, 167
CH Weth De Canarian Bull, Perro De Presa Canario, Stacey Preston, Reann Phillips, 162
UWP Kansaquests Ramble On, Australian Shepherd, Megan Sitz, 159

Listed Entry, 144
UWP CA AN SE UJJ SC GRCH Siesta Of Proper K9, Perro De Presa Canario, Kelly Mcintosh, 138
Turbo Max 2620, German Shepherd Dog, Timothy Bond, Diane Myers-bond, 135
RACEN DASH UJJ USJ GRCH Joy-a-len's Noise In The Night SPOT, Bouvier Des Flandres, Lee Ann Layman, Judith Allen, 12.1
Listed Entry, 116
UJJ URO3 UWP CH Esoteric's Gonna Start A Riot SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Jessica Huffmaster, 102

BA RUSH USJCH URO1 BN Groves Turbo, English Shepherd, Pam Sisler, 187
USJ Finns Rainbows Que Sera Sera, German Shepherd Dog, Stacey Hare, 17.1
DASH USJ Groves Temperance, English Shepherd, Pamela Sisler, Thomas Groves, 176
CA UCD BN DASH PN IA USJ URO3 RACEA RGCH Champagne Forever #12 Rodgers SPOT, Golden Retriever, Austin Kressin, 16.1
UJJ USJ CH URO1 Moro Fairyhale Phenomenal One SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Jennifer Hale, Jonathan Hale,, Zachary Newton, 168
NTD SI RATO BN USJ NHD PN AN URO3 SC EGCH Schutzen's A Shot To Remember SPOT-, German Shorthaired Pntr, Deanna Glasgow, 163
DASH UJJ USJ UNJ CH FS Bourbon Nights SPOT, American Bully, Savanna Fernandez, 154
URO1 SE AN SC USJ GRCH Wylie's Wah Watusi, Whippet, Debra Borton, 154

PN SGCH URO2 HR Ajsilvercreek Afistfulofdollars, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Anne Nicholson, Jeff Nicholson, 134
CA DASH ROM UACH UCDX RACEA UJJ GRCH Forever The Skye's The Limit SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Jennifer Kressin, 132
UJJCH EE RATS EHD MN EC URO2 GRCH CAX Raeah De Cabeza Grande SPOT-ON, Perro De Presa Canario, Kelly Mc Intosh, 124
DASH URO2 RACES USJ UJJ CH Koves-berci Betyar Puszta Wodan SPOT, Mudi, Ellie Stivers, 122
NI UWPO AP VPE UJJCH USJCH GRCH UWPCH RACE Bonum Et Malum Chance SPOT, Mudi, Yvette Piantadosi, 102

DASH RACEA UMJ CH Twisted Acres Life Is A Highway, Mudi, Theresa Stilger, 212
CH Vonruann Nlieblinghs Justify King, German Shorthaired Pntr, Tracey L Mirgon, 205

NTD UCD CA DASH BN IA PN RACEA USJ RATN RO Hoffmanns Martin Dog Kressin SPOT, Labrador Retriever, Logan Kressin, 187

AE USJ NN SV URO1 EGCH Wind River's Scouts Honor, German Shorthaired Pntr, Alicia Haberstich, 13.2

NT NH DASH E3K EHDS UACH UMJ ALCH NWGC RAC Emma Mae Be Shootin To Chill, Labrador Retriever, Nancie Jo Carlson, 214

Splash: 2, 27 Entries

UJJ UCD DASH UNJ URO2 Trax Astro Out Of This World SPOT, Weimaraner, Caroline Shaffer- Sabo, 142
UJJ URO1 UNJ RACES GRCH Royal Nova Ride Offk SPOT, White Shepherd, Jean Reeves, Nicholas S Foreman, 137
UJJ RACEN DASH UNJ CH Bonum Et Malum Hurka, Mudi, Yvette Piantadosi, 134
NTD RUSH UWPO UJJ AP3 VPE RATN SPRINT UWPC Ohanas Hello From The Darkside, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony Flynn, 132
NTD USJ RACEA HOP RUSH UNJ UWPCH URO1 EGCH Sb Knightfall, American Bully, Krista Roque, 113
UNJCH RUSH URO1 SGCH Ketelhaus Mind Games Ignite Spark SPOT-ON, Rottweiler, Kelly Garrett, 105
URO1 RACEA GRCH Wodan's Stop Ghosting Me, Mudi, Joseph Tolsma, 104

NC Vino Ardanza Of Proper K9, Perro De Presa Canario, Kelly Mc Intosh, 9.4
UWP RACEN CH Wmk's By Any Other Name, American Bulldog, Monique Laperriere, Elaine Rohaly Mason, 98
UNJCH URO1 FLY EGCH Balewater's Coming In Hot SPOT, Labrador Retriever, Sue Schultze, 92
CH Rnr For The Love Of Maddie, German Wirehaired Pointer, Madeline Steele, 8.1
UNJ URO1 CH Kessel Run Dawn Of The Jedi, Icelandic Sheepdog, Emma Tinklenberg, 57
RUSH URO1 UNJ RACEN Unchained & Hit The Ground Runnin SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Allie Benedict, 49

RACEN DASH UJJ NWGC ALCH Jozie's Locked Loaded N Chilln, Labrador Retriever, Nancie Carlson, Mike Carlson, 203
ARGCH DASH USJ UJJ CA RACEA URO1 EGCH Winterswind Moonbeams Adventure SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Emily Carabello, 202

USJ CH UCD MI BN URO1 CA UJJ EHDS SN Fernweh's Solid Plan SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Lynn Tourangeau, Emily Meko, 187
Listed Entry, 175
NE NHD BA WSD NC NI UJJCH FLY UWPS VPE AP6 Sundog Don't Call Me Nymphodora SP, Labrador Retriever, Kristen Reiter, 174
SHR USJ CH UCDX WSD BN MHD ROM EN Fernwehs Fortune Favours The Bold SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Emily Meko, 16.1
CH Weth De Canarian Bull, Perro De Presa Canario, Stacey Preston, Reann Phillips, 16
AE AV NN USJ MC UJJ RATO CH Sweet Carolina Mine SPOT-ON, Carolina Dog, Kenton Williams, 15.1
RACEN DASH UJJ USJ GRCH Joy-a-len's Noise In The Night SPOT, Bouvier Des Flandres, Lee Ann Layman, Judith Allen, 159

UWP CA AN SE UJJ SC GRCH Siesta Of Proper K9, Perro De Presa Canario, Kelly Mcintosh, 14.1
UWP Kansaquests Ramble On, Australian Shepherd, Megan Sitz, 14.1
UJJ URO3 UWP CH Esoteric's Gonna Start A Riot SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Jessica Huffmaster, 113
Listed Entry, 113

USJ Finns Rainbows Que Sera Sera, German Shepherd Dog, Stacey Hare, 184
CA UCD BN DASH PN IA USJ URO3 RACEA RGCH Champagne Forever #12 Rodgers SPOT, Golden Retriever, Austin Kressin, 177
UJJ USJ CH URO1 Moro Fairyhale Phenomenal One SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Jennifer Hale, Jonathan Hale,, Zachary Newton, 177
BA RUSH USJCH URO1 BN Groves Turbo, English Shepherd, Pam Sisler, 174
NTD NNCH HOP UWP ACH RUSH USJ RMX2 DGCH CA'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones, 163
USJ BN PN URO2 GRCH Thornvalley's Wonderful Dream SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Melanie Fuellgraf, 162
DASH URO2 RACES USJ UJJ CH Koves-berci Betyar Puszta Wodan SPOT, Mudi, Ellie Stivers, 154

URO1 SE AN SC USJ GRCH Wylie's Wah Watusi, Whippet, Debra Borton, 14.1
DASH UJJ USJ UNJ CH FS Bourbon Nights SPOT, American Bully, Savanna Fernandez, 145
UJJCH EE RATS EHD MN EC URO2 GRCH CAX Raeah De Cabeza Grande SPOT-ON, Perro De Presa Canario, Kelly Mc Intosh, 132
CA DASH ROM UACH UCDX RACEA UJJ GRCH Forever The Skye's The Limit SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Jennifer Kressin, 124
NTD BN ALGRCH VPN PN AP SE USJ AHD AN SC R Bnj Ordinary Hero SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Deanna Glasgow, 124

DASH RACEA UMJ CH Twisted Acres Life Is A Highway, Mudi, Theresa Stilger, 222

NTD UCD CA DASH BN IA PN RACEA USJ RATN RO Hoffmanns Martin Dog Kressin SPOT, Labrador Retriever, Logan Kressin, 195
CH Vonruann Nlieblinghs Justify King, German Shorthaired Pntr, Tracey L Mirgon, 18.1
AE USJ NN SV URO1 EGCH Wind River's Scouts Honor, German Shorthaired Pntr, Alicia Haberstich, 179

NT NH DASH E3K EHDS UACH UMJ ALCH NWGC RAC Emma Mae Be Shootin To Chill, Labrador Retriever, Nancie Jo Carlson, 216

Splash: 3, 14 Entries

UJJ URO1 UNJ RACES GRCH Royal Nova Ride Offk SPOT, White Shepherd, Jean Reeves, Nicholas S Foreman, 148
NTD RUSH UWPO UJJ AP3 VPE RATN SPRINT UWPC Ohanas Hello From The Darkside, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony Flynn, 137
NTD USJ RACEA HOP RUSH UNJ UWPCH URO1 EGCH Sb Knightfall, American Bully, Krista Roque, 115
UNJCH RUSH URO1 SGCH Ketelhaus Mind Games Ignite Spark SPOT-ON, Rottweiler, Kelly Garrett, 103

NC Vino Ardanza Of Proper K9, Perro De Presa Canario, Kelly Mc Intosh, 9

USJ CH UCD MI BN URO1 CA UJJ EHDS SN Fernweh's Solid Plan SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Lynn Tourangeau, Emily Meko, 203

RACEN USJ CH Ourdream's I'd Wanna Be Me Too, Vizsla, Mary-ellen Harvey, 197
SHR USJ CH UCDX WSD BN MHD ROM EN Fernwehs Fortune Favours The Bold SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Emily Meko, 179
NE NHD BA WSD NC NI UJJCH FLY UWPS VPE AP6 Sundog Don't Call Me Nymphodora SP, Labrador Retriever, Kristen Reiter, 172
AE AV NN USJ MC UJJ RATO CH Sweet Carolina Mine SPOT-ON, Carolina Dog, Kenton Williams, 163

RACEN DASH UJJ NWGC ALCH Jozie's Locked Loaded N Chilln, Labrador Retriever, Nancie Carlson, Mike Carlson, 148
UJJ RACEN USJ CA URO1 NBOB DGCH White Star's Victorious Nero SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Elexis Merlino, Cynthia L Goss, 148
UWP Kansaquests Ramble On, Australian Shepherd, Megan Sitz, 146

USJ Finns Rainbows Que Sera Sera, German Shepherd Dog, Stacey Hare, 184
Listed Entry, 179
UJJ USJ CH URO1 Moro Fairyhale Phenomenal One SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Jennifer Hale, Jonathan Hale,, Zachary Newton, 178
USJ BN PN URO2 GRCH Thornvalley's Wonderful Dream SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Melanie Fuellgraf, 15.1
RUSH USJCH DGCH Beekauz Thesaint Come Marching In SPOT, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Debra C Eib, Sharon Kauzlarich, 159

DASH UJJ USJ UNJ CH FS Bourbon Nights SPOT, American Bully, Savanna Fernandez, 149
NN URO1 DASH AV GRCH Wind River's Up In Smoke, German Shorthaired Pntr, Alicia Haberstich, 106

RATM USJ UWPCH EGCH Vrijheid's Twist Of Fate, Dutch Shepherd, Amanda Janicki, 92

CH Vonruann Nlieblinghs Justify King, German Shorthaired Pntr, Tracey L Mirgon, 191

NT NH DASH E3K EHDS UACH UMJ ALCH NWGC RAC Emma Mae Be Shootin To Chill, Labrador Retriever, Nancie Jo Carlson, 214

Splash: 4, 13 Entries

UJJ URO1 UNJ RACES GRCH Royal Nova Ride Offk SPOT, White Shepherd, Jean Reeves, Nicholas S Foreman, 147

RACEN USJ CH Ourdream's I'd Wanna Be Me Too, Vizsla, Mary-ellen Harvey, 187
RACEN DASH UJJ NWGC ALCH Jozie's Locked Loaded N Chilln, Labrador Retriever, Nancie Carlson, Mike Carlson, 17.1
NE NHD BA WSD NC NI UJJCH FLY UWPS VPE AP6 Sundog Don't Call Me Nymphodora SP, Labrador Retriever, Kristen Reiter, 172
AE AV NN USJ MC UJJ RATO CH Sweet Carolina Mine SPOT-ON, Carolina Dog, Kenton Williams, 165
AE URO2 ET E3K3 NN USJ NH NT AC UACHX SPRI Norwood Drwill Bwith Eweinamoment, Border Collie, Lyndsay Klemens, 162
UJJ RACEN USJ CA URO1 NBOB DGCH White Star's Victorious Nero SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Elexis Merlino, Cynthia L Goss, 158

NH NN N3K2 UNJ NTE UJJ UACH Twobytwo Fly The Nest SPOT-ON, Lagotto Romagnolo, Margaret Andreau, 97

NN URO1 DASH AV GRCH Wind River's Up In Smoke, German Shorthaired Pntr, Alicia Haberstich, 18.1
USJ Finns Rainbows Que Sera Sera, German Shepherd Dog, Stacey Hare, 186
UJJ USJ CH URO1 Moro Fairyhale Phenomenal One SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Jennifer Hale, Jonathan Hale,, Zachary Newton, 169
RUSH USJCH DGCH Beekauz Thesaint Come Marching In SPOT, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Debra C Eib, Sharon Kauzlarich, 159

DASH UJJ USJ UNJ CH FS Bourbon Nights SPOT, American Bully, Savanna Fernandez, 146
URO1 HOP UJJ DASH CA RACES RGCH Sky Wachterin Von Weaver SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Heidi Farmer, 128
NHD MI ACH UJJCH NNCH EC RACES HOP DASH UR Dyson Vom Royale SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Morgan Stanley, 123

NT NH DASH E3K EHDS UACH UMJ ALCH NWGC RAC Emma Mae Be Shootin To Chill, Labrador Retriever, Nancie Jo Carlson, 215

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