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OFFICIAL: Bay Area Regional Kennel Club (05/17/2024) / Total Dog Saturday

May 18, 2024

Hosted By: Bay Area Regional Kennel Club

Location: Corunna, Michigan

May 18, 2024
SN URO2 NT AHD MI IA EC NGC DGCH Ulana Vom Dinaburg Ii SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Kristy Szczesny
RACEN RGCH Sugar Creek Riding On A Venture SPOT-ON, English Cocker Spaniel, Annette David Balkevitch
CH Upnorth Put It In Drive Upfront, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Joyce E Pietryga
NWGC EHD DGCH Royal Von Tasz Classic Martini SPOT-ON, White Shepherd, Diana L Updike
PN NC PTS URO1 RGCH Kasa Its Kharmatic Of Foxboro SPOT-ON, Norwegian Elkhound, Donna J Zaj
AV AI RUSH AC NHD UWPV NNCH AEGCH URO1 PN2 Mischievous Nymph SPOT, Alaskan Malamute, Colleen Lack, Darrinn Fulghum
DASH NI URO1 RACEM GRCH Anadune Journey To Infinity, Border Collie, John Lewis
NV NC NI RACEN URO2 GRCH Hot Shot Tristan Mo Chroi Aisling SPOT-ON, Border Collie, Jayme Mc Farland
AN DASH BN MC NHD RATO NNCH ROM PN EGCH Swamp Fox Black Beauty SPOT-ON, Carolina Dog, Courtney Trares
Listed Entry
CH Brynmere Rhythm N Blues At Miamor, Shetland Sheepdog, Alexis Morales
NN ALGRCH RACEA SC PTS CH Sverdrups Seymour, Basset Fauve De Bretagne, Char Williams
CH NN Ares Dark Black, German Shepherd Dog, Alicia Skelding

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