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OFFICIAL: Lilac City Dog Training Club (10/14/2023) / Sunday Conformation

October 15, 2023

Hosted By: Lilac City Dog Training Club

Location: Spokane, Washington

October 15, 2023, Show 1

Guardian Dogs

Boxer, 2 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Male Puppy BM BOW BOB Listed Entry
BHF BF Listed Entry

Cane Corso Italiano, 4 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
Jr. Female RBF Listed Entry
BHF BF BOW Listed Entry
CH BOB RACEA UWP DASH CH Corso Diorthus Out For Blood SPOT-ON, Thomas De Moss, Jessica De Moss, Mary Edwards, Maryah Love

Doberman Pinscher, 1 Entry
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry

Great Dane, 4 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
BHM BM BOW Listed Entry
Jr. Female BF CH Legado's Popular V Drr, Nicole Dunn
CH CH Petrichor's Special Agent Gibbs, Tami Rohde-sauter
GRCH BOB GRCH Legadondanekraafts Defyinggravity, Nicole Dunn, Chris Dunn, Francisco Camacho

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Kathryn Kudron
1st) Boxer, Listed Entry
2nd) Great Dane, GRCH Legadondanekraafts Defyinggravity
3rd) Cane Corso Italiano, RACEA UWP DASH CH Corso Diorthus Out For Blood SPOT-ON
4th) Doberman Pinscher, Listed Entry


Redbone Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Open Female BF BOB Listed Entry

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Kathryn Kudron
1st) Redbone Coonhound, Listed Entry

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Whippet, 1 Entry
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Jr. Male BM BOB Chedwyn's Luck O'yellowstone, Jolee Stegemoller

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Kathryn Kudron
1st) Whippet, Chedwyn's Luck O'yellowstone

Gun Dogs

English Springer Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Adult Female BF BOB Ramblewood Miss Emmy, Karen Williams

Golden Retriever, 3 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
BHM BM BOW BOB URO1 Golden Acres Bentley Tour Dlux SPOT, Linda Gordon
Jr. Female RBF Oregon's Summer Breeze Thru Willo, Lesli Bartlett
Adult Female BF Listed Entry

Standard Poodle, 5 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Female Puppy Valaurahs Wont Say Im In Love, Valerie Mitchem
Jr. Female BF Ncrs Radiance Beyond Compare, Valerie Mitchem
Adult Female RBF Listed Entry
CH CH DASH RACEA Lola Sweet Pea Of Echo Lake, Valerie Mitchem
GRCH BOB N3K URO1 RACEN EGCH Mistels Snobell Prize SPOT-ON, Kacy Hottell

Standard Poodle M/C, 18 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Male Puppy Ncr's Lucky Charm At Valaurah's, Valerie Mitchem
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
Open Male RBM RACEN DASH Windswept Flash Back In Mania, Valerie Mitchem
Adult Male Pressed For Time SPOT, Jacqueline Botello
Jr. Female Listed Entry
Open Female RBF RACEN DASH Ncrs The Singing Sorceress, Valerie Mitchem
Adult Female BF BOW Listed Entry
BHF RACEN DASH Valaurah's Don't Be Vain, Valerie Mitchem
CH BOB RACEN RUSH CH Whiskey River By Moonlight, Lesli Bartlett
RCH CH RACEA RUSH Valaurah's Luna Adventures Katmai, Valerie Mitchem
GRCH NE AC FLY UWP RACEN RACEM EGCH El Silencio's Magic At Valaurah's SPOT, Valerie Mitchem, Jacqueline Botello, Serina Bowlin

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Kathryn Kudron
1st) Standard Poodle, N3K URO1 RACEN EGCH Mistels Snobell Prize SPOT-ON
2nd) Standard Poodle M/C, RACEN RUSH CH Whiskey River By Moonlight
3rd) English Springer Spaniel, Ramblewood Miss Emmy
4th) Golden Retriever, URO1 Golden Acres Bentley Tour Dlux SPOT

Northern Breeds

Alaskan Klee Kai, 2 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Min. Female Puppy BFV BF BOW BOB URO1'PR'Thurisias Set The World Ablaze, Ingrid Knorr, Jennifer Hsia
St. BHM BMV BM 'PR'Quest's Damn The Torpedoes, Ingrid Knorr

Alaskan Malamute, 1 Entry
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Open Male BM BOB Orionblu This Is The Way, Bridget Reiser, Thomas and Jessica Demoss

Hokkaido, 1 Entry
Judge Kathryn Kudron
CH BOB RUSH CA SPRINT CH Kinryuu Howasou SPOT, Claire Matthews

Shiba, 1 Entry
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Open Male BM BOB Listed Entry

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Kathryn Kudron
1st) Alaskan Malamute, Orionblu This Is The Way
2nd) Shiba, Listed Entry
3rd) Hokkaido, RUSH CA SPRINT CH Kinryuu Howasou SPOT
4th) Alaskan Klee Kai, URO1'PR'Thurisias Set The World Ablaze

Herding Dogs

Shetland Sheepdog, 2 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Jr. Male BM BOB Asgards Heir To The Throne, Kade Paasch
Adult Male RBM Asgards Green Mile, Kade Paasch

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Kathryn Kudron
1st) Shetland Sheepdog, Asgards Heir To The Throne


American Pit Bull Terrier, 4 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Jr. Female BF RACEA DASH'PR'Igy6s Hotter Than A Pistol SPOT, Jessica Lewno, Jesse Douglas
CH BOB CH RACEA DASH'PR'Bartin's Good Golly Miss Molly, Jessica Lewno, Jesse Douglas
RCH RACEA DASH CH'PR'Igy6slet Slip The Dog Of War, Jessica Lewno, Jesse Douglas

Bedlington Terrier, 2 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Female Puppy RBF Listed Entry
Open Female BF BOB Listed Entry

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Kathryn Kudron
1st) American Pit Bull Terrier, CH RACEA DASH'PR'Bartin's Good Golly Miss Molly
2nd) Bedlington Terrier, Listed Entry

Companion Dogs

American Bully, 5 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Open Male BM CH Vcb Fight Like Rip, Lisa Nice
CH BOB Ftogb Morning Hard Wood, Barry Clements
RCH CH Vcb La Fleur, Lisa Nice
GRCH GRCH Vcb The Greatest Showman, Lisa Nice

Boston Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Open Female BF BOB Destiny's Captivating Queen Of Co, Dena Smith

Chinese Crested, 4 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Open Male BM Listed Entry
Female Puppy BF RBF BOW Listed Entry
CH BOB Listed Entry

French Bulldog, 1 Entry
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Male Puppy BM BOB Padlock's Carmel Bunz, Tami Rohde-sauter

Poodle, 2 Entries
Judge Kathryn Kudron
Min. Open Male BMV BM Valaurah's Lockhart Of Idajewels, Valerie Mitchem
CH BOB CH Valaurah's Prince Of Potions, Valerie Mitchem

Poodle M/C, 1 Entry
Judge Kathryn Kudron
CH BOB CH RUSH RACEM Valaurahs Fame Is Fickle Idajewel, Valerie Mitchem

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Kathryn Kudron
1st) American Bully, Ftogb Morning Hard Wood
2nd) French Bulldog, Padlock's Carmel Bunz
3rd) Poodle M/C, CH RUSH RACEM Valaurahs Fame Is Fickle Idajewel
4th) Chinese Crested, Listed Entry

BIS Standard Poodle, N3K URO1 RACEN EGCH Mistels Snobell Prize SPOT-ON, Kacy Hottell
RBIS Redbone Coonhound, Listed Entry

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