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OFFICIAL: UKC Premier Nationals (06/14/2023) / Conformation - Friday

June 16, 2023

Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan

June 16, 2023, Show 1

Guardian Dogs

American Bulldog, 8 Entries
Judge Donna Beadle
CH CH Jemm's All In Good Time SPOT, Jamie Robinson
RCH CH Jemm's Walkin The Line SPOT-ON, Jamie Robinson
GRCH BOB DASH CA UWP DGCH Eliana's The Man In Black SPOT-ON, Elizabeth Robinson
RGRCH UWP AE AV NN DASH USJ RMX2 DGCH CA AC URX3'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones

Bernese Mountain Dog, 2 Entries
Judge Donna Beadle
CH DASH URO1 CH Skylyn's Xtreme Velocity At Sochi SPOT, Kimberly Cordier
GRCH BOB DGCH Thalassa's Long Island Flavor SPOT, Alexis Kunkel

Boxer, 4 Entries
Judge Donna Beadle
BHM BM Listed Entry
GRCH BOB RACEN GRCH Adria N Baycliffs All About Me SPOT-ON, Brianna Hall
RGRCH URO1 GRCH Rizzleboxs Hot Rendezvous @rambox SPOT-ON, Laura Rambo, Kevin Armstrong, Irene Armstrong

Cane Corso Italiano, 3 Entries
Judge Donna Beadle
BHF BF BOB Listed Entry
CH RACEN UWP DASH CH Corso Diorthus Out For Blood SPOT-ON, Thomas De Moss, Jessica De Moss, Mary Edwards, Maryah Love
RCH CH Casanova's Agent Pissant, Emily Murray

Central Asian Shepherddog, 1 Entry
Judge Donna Beadle
CH BOB CH Koykon Iz Legendy Rokha, Meredith Halfpenny

Doberman Pinscher, 7 Entries
Judge Donna Beadle
BHM BM BOW CH Blackstone Detroit Made V Magic, Heather Sekovich
Female Puppy RBF Listed Entry
BHF BF Blackstone Light My Fire V Magic, Heather Sekovich
CH CH Glitterati Glamour Girl, Christy Jordan
GRCH BOB GRCH Magic Uptown Girl SPOT-ON, Daisy Doolittle
RGRCH DGCH Keterdobes In Pursuit Of Honor SPOT-ON, Marcy Nichols

Giant Schnauzer, 1 Entry
Judge Donna Beadle
GRCH BOB URO1 CCH DGCH Surefoot's Histylin' Rohan SPOT-ON, Brian Zbrzezny-ragland, Maura Hayes, Matthew Zbrzezny-ragland

Great Pyrenees, 2 Entries
Judge Donna Beadle
CH BOB CH Lecteur Steelbadger Lepont De Lis, Denise Hull, Lauren Hull
RCH DASH CH Lecteurreflectionfarm Fire&ice, Sarah Peak

Kangal Dog, 3 Entries
Judge Donna Beadle
Female Puppy BF Turkmen Kazak's Nevada, Marcy West Beard
CH BOB CH Turkmen Ocak Bey, Marcy K West, Tamara Taylor
RBF Turkmen Kazak's Montana Marcy West Beard

Mastiff, 3 Entries
Judge Donna Beadle
Male Puppy BM Listed Entry
Jr. Male RBM Listed Entry
CH BOB DASH RACEN UWP CH Mississippi Psycho Hound Dog, Buddy Whitaker, Christina Houghton

Newfoundland, 1 Entry
Judge Donna Beadle
CH BOB CH Wood Newfs Journey To Friends, Charles Ialungo

Perro De Presa Canario, 11 Entries
Judge Donna Beadle
Female Puppy RBF Listed Entry
Jr. Female BF Ibiza Of Proper K9, Kelly Mcintosh
CH CH Faycan De Rey Gladiador, Ewa Ziemska
RCH Listed Entry
GRCH BOB CA NN AE UJJ SC AI GRCH Siesta Of Proper K9, Kelly Mcintosh
RGRCH URO1 GRCH Skills Red Bull SPOT-ON, Stacey Preston

Rottweiler, 3 Entries
Judge Donna Beadle
Adult Male BM BOB Listed Entry
GRCH GRCH Arancia's Selective Fire, Angela Ebbs
RGRCH DASH URO1 UNJ EGCH Ketelhaus Mind Games Ignite Spark SPOT-ON, Kelly Garrett

South African Boerboel, 3 Entries
Judge Donna Beadle
CH BOB CH Freedom Denali, Elizabeth Mcelheny, Shane Mcelheny
RCH CH Ana Morgana Mahone Silverthorne, Lee Nevills

Standard Schnauzer, 1 Entry
Judge Donna Beadle
GRCH BOB DASH RACEA GRCH Celtic Cross Arklight, Sarah Peak

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Donna Beadle
1st) Bernese Mountain Dog, DGCH Thalassa's Long Island Flavor SPOT
2nd) Giant Schnauzer, URO1 CCH DGCH Surefoot's Histylin' Rohan SPOT-ON
3rd) Newfoundland, CH Wood Newfs Journey To Friends
4th) American Bulldog, DASH CA UWP DGCH Eliana's The Man In Black SPOT-ON


American B & T Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Felicity Trammell
CH BOB RACEN CH PN CCH Gilman's Driving Me Coconuts SPOT-ON, Misty Yarrington

American Leopard Hound, 2 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Jr. Male BM CH'PR'Stackemup Luck Is Believing, Abby Weber, Tricia L Snedegar
GRCH BOB PN URO1 RACEN SGCH GRCH(2)'PR'Thndrstrk Skin That Smoke Wagon, Haley Creasman, Effrem Creasman

Beagle, 2 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
CH BOB CCH Top Shelfs Belle Of The Ball, Ruth Matheos, Natalie Rice, Claire Rice
RCH CCH Maple Strasse's Hwin's Catcher, Maureen Ann Wentzel

Dachshund, 3 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Min. Jr. Male BMV BM BOW BOB CH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee Ms, Rita Kepner
Min. Jr. Female BFV BF Granite Moon Liht Spicy Cayenne, Sue Paradis
CH URO1 CH Granite Moon Liht Fury Kaida, Sue Paradis

Mountain Cur, 2 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
BHM BM Walnut Ridge Echos Of Thor's Omen, Mandy Middleton

Plott Hound, 3 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
CH RACEA CH CCH'PR'Swamp Briar's Lily Belle, Alan Little, Dee B. Little
RCH CH CCH'PR'October Road's Angel Among Us, Dee B Little, Alan Little, Brian Edmond, Stacy Edmond
GRCH BOB RACES CH CGRCH'PR'Swampbriar's Son-of-a Revenuer, Alan Little

Redbone Coonhound, 2 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Female Puppy BF 'PR'Rimfire's A Little Superficial, Danielle Madore
GRCH BOB DASH RACEN EGCH'PR'Grandrivers Song Of The South, Marissa Turner, Bethanie Sanders

Treeing Walker Coonhound, 5 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Open Male BM 'PR'Stackem Up Lutra's .38 Special, Tricia L Snedegar, Ryley Kirkland, Tracy Szaras, Tiffany Schmersal
BHM RBM 'PR'Stackem Up Cajun Party Of Justice, Tricia L Snedegar
BHF BF BOW 'PR'Stackem Up Lay Down The Law, Tricia L Snedegar
CH BOB CH CCH'PR'Stackem Up The Art Of Justice, Tricia L Snedegar

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Felicity Trammell
1st) Redbone Coonhound, DASH RACEN EGCH'PR'Grandrivers Song Of The South
2nd) American Leopard Hound, PN URO1 RACEN SGCH GRCH(2)'PR'Thndrstrk Skin That Smoke Wagon
3rd) Dachshund, CH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee Ms
4th) Plott Hound, RACES CH CGRCH'PR'Swampbriar's Son-of-a Revenuer

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Basenji, 1 Entry
Judge Felicity Trammell
GRCH BOB UWP RGCH Bon Mot Kiroja Sidewalk Ends, Kelli Harmon

Borzoi, 2 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Male Puppy BM Listed Entry
CH BOB CH Envious As We Fall, Rebecca Drollinger

Carolina Dog, 8 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Adult Female BF Swamp Fox Dark Angel, Donna Brisbin
CH DASH CH RACES Full Circle Meant To Bee SPOT-ON, Courtney Trares
RCH URO1 CH Desert Sand's Sedona SPOT-ON, Jennifer Farrior, Mac Farrior
GRCH BOB DASH RACEA AN SI EGCH Sweet Carolina Good Bones SPOT-ON, Raluca Williams
RGRCH GRCH Swamp Fox Davie Crockett, Donna Brisbin

Greyhound, 3 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
GRCH BOB AE AC NN URO1 CCB GRCH Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, Linda Zucker, Laurie Soutar
RGRCH GRCH Inphenite Artful Dodger, Jennifer Vookles

Irish Wolfhound, 1 Entry
Judge Felicity Trammell
CH BOB CH Darom's Power Of Three SPOT, Bruce Watkins

Peruvian Inca Orchid, 1 Entry
Judge Felicity Trammell
Jr. Male BM BOB CH Huatuntupaq Herman Munster, Amanda Bow

Podengo Portugueso, 4 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
PE WIRE Male Puppy BMV BM BOW Listed Entry
PE WIRE Female Puppy BFV BF Listed Entry
CH CH Ketka's Way Too Cute, Terese Worful
GRCH BOB GRCH Ketkas Tennessee Whisky Of Lochcu, Terese Worful

Rhodesian Ridgeback, 1 Entry
Judge Felicity Trammell
Adult Male BM BOB Camelots In My Heart At Sabig, Dawn R Gibas

Silken Windhound, 16 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Jr. Male BM BOW Listed Entry
BHM RBM 'PR'Windnsatin Blind Spot, Mary Childs
BHF BF CH'PR'Windnsatin Jagged Edge, Mary Childs
CH GRCH'PR'Jdf Sho-me Pride, Michelle A Witt
RCH CH'PR'Regalant Orzo, Katy Schulze
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Windspirit Wdance Nova, Susan Sears
RGRCH GRCH Allagante Inphenite-ly Special, J Vookles

Whippet, 9 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Adult Female BF URO1 BA Windsong's Miss Nellie Forbush, Roberta S Lutz
BHF RBF CH Dunesview Nature's Handiwork, Beth Borgman
CH BOB CH Dunesview Fly Into The Wind, Beth Borgman
RCH Listed Entry
GRCH GRCH Cariad N Robbins Cash Cab, Rebecca Allen-robbins
RGRCH Listed Entry

Xoloitzcuintli, 3 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
GRCH BOB EGCH Coolballow Unsung Promises, Amanda Watkins
RGRCH GRCH Coolballow's Art Of War, Amanda Watkins

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Felicity Trammell
1st) Silken Windhound, GRCH'PR'Windspirit Wdance Nova
2nd) Carolina Dog, DASH RACEA AN SI EGCH Sweet Carolina Good Bones SPOT-ON
3rd) Greyhound, AE AC NN URO1 CCB GRCH Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit
4th) Xoloitzcuintli, EGCH Coolballow Unsung Promises

Gun Dogs

Boykin Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Patrick O'donnell
Female Puppy BF BOB 'PR'Copper Creeks Sizzlin Spitfire, Bradley Mistic, Katherine Mistic

Brittany, 7 Entries
Judge Patrick O'donnell
Jr. Female RBF Skryps Flying Liberty, Colleen Skrypkun
Open Female BF Listed Entry
CH CH Skryp's Flying Ranger Ajz Vii, Colleen Skrypkun, Dianne Zimmerman
GRCH BOB GRCH Parkhurst's A Touch Of Spice, Wildeana Parkhurst, Bob A Parkhurst, Bob A Parkhurst Jr, Brice A Parkhurst
RGRCH RACES RGCH K Star Hope Pour Tea-z-man TAN, Mary Kathy Shannon

Curly-Coated Retriever, 1 Entry
Judge Patrick O'donnell
CH BOB DASH UNJ RATO URO1 CH Hayabusa's Iron Butterfly, Susan Davis

English Cocker Spaniel, 3 Entries
Judge Patrick O'donnell
CH GRCH Sugar Creek Keep The Fire Burning, Richard Richards, Margaret Ritch
RCH CH Ziel-lor's I Kid You Not, Linda Zielinski
GRCH BOB GRCH Zie-lor's No Kidding, Martha Strohm, Arthur D Sample

English Springer Spaniel, 2 Entries
Judge Patrick O'donnell
GRCH BOB DGCH Cerise Justify, Christine Kallivrousis
RGRCH GRCH Jason's Bah Humbug, Suzanne Benton, Richard C Benton

Epagneul Breton, 3 Entries
Judge Patrick O'donnell
GRCH BOB GRCH Smith's Remington Grace, Wesley Galloway, Margaret Galloway
RGRCH GRCH Smith's Pixie Pearl SPOT-ON, Cindy Hultz Walker

Field Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Patrick O'donnell
GRCH BOB DGCH Killara A Dark & Stormy Nite, Lori Carver, Dorothy O'neil, Karen Balinski

Flat-Coated Retriever, 3 Entries
Judge Patrick O'donnell
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
Adult Male RBM Catori Chocolate Temptation, Shawna Lea
CH BOB USJ CH UMJ Catori Second Bite Of The Apple, Shawna Lea

German Shorthaired Pntr, 11 Entries
Judge Patrick O'donnell
Jr. Male BM NI NC Fernweh's Heart Of Riptide, Maria L Kessell
Jr. Female BF BOW USJ CH UCD WSD BN MHD URO3 EN Fernwehs Fortune Favours The Bold, Emily Meko
CH CH Tsara All Eyes On Me, Audrey Reed, Tracy Samera, Lea Ann Boles, Tracy Boles
RCH NV CH Wind River's Up In Smoke, Alicia Haberstich
GRCH BOB RACEA GRCH Jaegersmann Pinupgirl @katwalk, Diane M Mulvey, Michael J Mulvey, Maryann Koropecky
RGRCH USJ NHD AI PN NN URO2 SC GRCH Schutzen's A Shot To Remember SPOT-ON, Deanna Glasgow
RBF UJJ EHDS SN Fernweh's Solid Plan Lynn Tourangeau, Emily Meko

German Wirehaired Pointer, 1 Entry
Judge Patrick O'donnell
CH BOB Listed Entry

Golden Retriever, 6 Entries
Judge Patrick O'donnell
Male Puppy BM NV NI UNJ URO1 Jetoca's Call Me Friend SPOT-ON, Brian Huss
Jr. Male RBM Kokopelli's Iconic Woodstock SPOT-ON, Carol Fryar
GRCH BOB URO1 GRCH Mardovar's Aquifoliaceae, Kimberly Bachert, Dodi Borsay Horowitz
RGRCH DASH PN BA USJ URO3 RACEN EGCH Champagne Forever #12 Rodgers SPOT, Austin Kressin

Irish Setter, 2 Entries
Judge David L Kittredge
CH BOB URO1 CH Beaubriar/Wicklow Wisdoms Top Dog, Beth Williams
RCH CH Erinfyr N Destiny Summer Lovin, Joanne Wright, Michael Wright, Mary Lamphier

Kooikerhondje, 1 Entry
Judge David L Kittredge
CH BOB URO3 BA CH Goldengatesimplytruevdwaterbound SPOT-ON, Cheryl Short

Labrador Retriever, 10 Entries
Judge David L Kittredge
Male Puppy BM BOW CH Red Birch's Sole Survivor, Barbara Christman
BHM RBM Starlight's Buckeye Boston, Patricia Finch, William Finch
Female Puppy BF Stroker's Sweet Emotion, Michael Darnell
CH Listed Entry
GRCH BOB Listed Entry
RGRCH GRCH Magnolias Grand Slam Tiebreaker SPOT-ON, Steve Chromy

Lagotto Romagnolo, 1 Entry
Judge David L Kittredge
CH BOB Listed Entry

Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, 1 Entry
Judge David L Kittredge
GRCH BOB DASH USJCH SGCH Beekauz Thesaint Come Marching In SPOT, Debra C Eib, Sharon Kauzlarich

Standard Poodle, 30 Entries
Judge David L Kittredge
Male Puppy RBM Listed Entry
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
BHM Aircastle's Sneak Attack, David Arthur
Female Puppy Listed Entry
Jr. Female CH Jacknic's Put Some Cheez On It, Kathleen Esio-king
Open Female Listed Entry
Adult Female RBF Listed Entry
BHF BF BOW Listed Entry
CH RACEN CH Crystal Creeks Guilty As Charged, Molli Miller
RCH CH Beatrice'sdiamond Of Forest Lakes, Michele Harvey, Kasey Schmidt
GRCH BOB SGCH Artic Fox N'co., Pamela Litz, Victor Litz
RGRCH GRCH Litilann's Wg Gold Coast, Joyce Wilson

Standard Poodle M/C, 20 Entries
Judge David L Kittredge
Male Puppy BM BOW Listed Entry
Female Puppy RBF Listed Entry
BHF BF Guilty Pleasures N'co., Pamela Litz, Michael Litz
CH NBOB CH Chapel Hill's A Heart That's True, Elaine Bolbach
RCH CH Rose City's Somebody To Love, Kathryn Zimmerman, Christopher Segrest
GRCH BOB DASH NC PN CA RACES URO2 DGCH Cosmic Calibers River Vixen SPOT-ON, Jordan Burns
RGRCH DASH GRCH Criggle's Serendipity; W.s.a. SPOT, Matthew Spiker
RBM Hd Sewing Wild Oats Hailey Wilcox

Sussex Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge David L Kittredge
GRCH BOB EGCH Kamands Tornado Alley At Seabreez, Lori Carver

Vizsla, 3 Entries
Judge David L Kittredge
Jr. Male BM CH Everedis Nobird Mockin This Scout, Mariah Swinker
CH CH Everedi's Gunner Of The Ozarks, Michael Swinker
GRCH BOB RACEN EGCH Starcastle Something Just Like Th, Carol Rappaport

Weimaraner, 1 Entry
Judge David L Kittredge
Jr. Male BM BOB DASH UNJ URO1 Trax Astro Out Of This World SPOT, Caroline Shaffer- Sabo

Welsh Springer Spaniel, 2 Entries
Judge David L Kittredge
CH BOB CH Upnorth Put It In Drive Upfront, Joyce E Pietryga
RCH CH Trystyn's Cutting Edge, Sandra Jennings

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: David L Kittredge
1st) Vizsla, RACEN EGCH Starcastle Something Just Like Th
2nd) Sussex Spaniel, EGCH Kamands Tornado Alley At Seabreez
3rd) Standard Poodle M/C, DASH NC PN CA RACES URO2 DGCH Cosmic Calibers River Vixen SPOT-ON
4th) Flat-Coated Retriever, USJ CH UMJ Catori Second Bite Of The Apple

Northern Breeds

Akita, 3 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
Female Puppy BF Daydreamkisstheskymila, Fred Shanks
CH BOB CH Excel Shu-kus Mainline At Toshimi, Sara Gersbach, Linda Ingemi
RCH CH Daydream'sborn To Be Wild Tikaani, Fred Shanks

Alaskan Klee Kai, 14 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
Min. Male Puppy BMV BM BOW 'PR'Sibridge's Parallel Universe, Korine Falk, Brian Falk
Min. Adult Female BFV RBF 'PR'Hope's Saucy Minx At Regal, Elisa Rataczak
St. Male Puppy BMV RBM 'PR'Excl's Hd I'm The Juggernaut, Melissa Wong-becker
St. Female Puppy BFV BF CH'PR'Ice's & Proper's Gemma, Barbara Wiebelhaus
St. Jr. Female RBFV 'PR'Hope's Midsummer Night's Dream, Michelle Short
CH CH'PR'Ice's Fergalicious Szso Flossy, Michelle Short
RCH DASH RATN CH'PR'Boston's Puff N Stuff @ Barkor, Korine Falk, Bartosz Jozwiak
GRCH BOB CA PN RACEA URO2 BA UAGI GRCH'PR'Thurisia's Voice Of Reason SPOT-ON, Jennifer Hsia, Cheryl Simpson
RGRCH UWP NBOB GRCH'PR'Ice's She's So Prim & Proper SPOT, Sarah Proper

Alaskan Malamute, 2 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
Female Puppy BF Iris, In Search Of The Leprechaun, Darrin Fulghum
CH BOB URO1 UWP CH Anua's Terra, She's Terrarific SPOT-ON, Darrin Fulghum

American Eskimo, 18 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
St. Male Puppy BMV BM BOW 'PR'Sierra's Polar Ice, Diana Allen, Joseph L Allen
St. BHM Katydid's Kensington, Cynthia Cwi
St. BHF BFV BF Katydid's Twillingate, Cynthia Cwi
RBMV 'PR'Ss Miracles Arctic Sapphire Penny J Wills
RBFV 'PR'Timber's Everhart Mi A Peach Tracy Vittetoe
CH BOB CH'PR'Miracle's I Believe, Amanda E Innerst
RCH CH'PR'Sierra Cornerstone, Diana L Allen, Joseph L Allen
GRCH RUSH RACEN EGCH'PR'Maremar's Ahs Today It's Tilly, Mary M Verness
RGRCH EGCH'PR'Sierra Music To My Eyes, Deborah Allen, Diana Allen
RBM 'PR'Ss Miracles Arctic Sapphire Penny J Wills
RBF 'PR'Timber's Everhart Mi A Peach Tracy Vittetoe

Chinese Shar-Pei, 2 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
GRCH BOB PN RUSH AP2 VPA UWPCH EGCH La Ce My Hearts On Fire Elvira SPOT-ON, Jennifer Merrill
RGRCH URO1 UWP SGCH Magiks Redfyre Sonofapreacher Man SPOT-ON, Anita Karban-neef

Finnish Lapphund, 1 Entry
Judge Tracey A Kallas
CH BOB GRCH Midnt Isle Sugarok Snow Dragon, Maureen Griffin

Hokkaido, 4 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
Female Puppy BF CH Mirina Go Kaijusou, Claire Matthews
Adult Female RBF CH Arashi Go Hokusei Kashinoki, Marsha Short
CH BOB CH Junmi Go Kaijusou, Marsha Short
RCH DASH CA RACEM CH Kinryuu Howasou SPOT, Claire Matthews

Japanese Akitainu, 4 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
BHF BF DASH Izumiryuu Go Kaijusou, Claire Matthews
CH BOB SV AP VPN MI AN UWP CH Deikahime Go Kaijusou SPOT-ON, Stephanie Dill
RCH NI NC CH Asatsuyu Go Odate Sannomarusou, Mira Micin

Kai, 3 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
CH BOB CH Shinwa's Overhaul Of Yamabushi, Eileen Jarp
RCH CH Shoga No Yumi, Autumn Arsenault
GRCH RACES CA GRCH Mijikai No Musashi Sarchi Go, Marsha Short

Keeshond, 1 Entry
Judge Tracey A Kallas
GRCH BOB URO2 RACEN SGCH Wundr Y Kctrl Time In A Bottle, Stacie S Beasley

Lundehund, 1 Entry
Judge Tracey A Kallas
CH BOB AC AE AI CH NNCH Sakaris Mad Eye Moody, Kim Bond

Norwegian Buhund, 2 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
CH CH Fortryllet Marvl @ Lifes Dream, Christine Van Vleet
GRCH BOB GRCH Tisla-syndattir Av Fjeldvidda, Ted Kenyon, Christa Kenyon, Micaela Kenyon, Shane Kenyon

Norwegian Elkhound, 2 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
CH RACEN CH Midnight Runners Zane Fra Ziva SPOT-ON, Donna J Zaj
GRCH BOB NC PTS URO1 GRCH Kasa Its Kharmatic Of Foxboro SPOT-ON, Donna J Zaj

Samoyed, 9 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
Jr. Female BF Crystalice&snowfox All Greek 2 Me, Gina Park
CH NC NI CH Snobiz A Journey Thru Time, Robin Clark
RCH DASH CH White Magic's Season Of The Witch, Darlene James
GRCH BOB DASH RGCH White Magic's Little Wing, Darlene James
RGRCH GRCH Sfx's Genius Billionaire Playboy, Lori Chapek-carleton

Shiba, 1 Entry
Judge Tracey A Kallas
Female Puppy BF BOB Yuko Akakiyosou, Stephanie Dill

Shikoku, 4 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
CH CH Jikino Kensha No Puca Go, Sarah Sears
RCH CH Himetsuruichimonji Go Miyako SPOT, Sarah Sears
GRCH BOB URO1 RACEA GRCH Berkana Pride Good Bear SPOT, Kelsea Staffordlouisiana
RGRCH UWP GRCH Daisuke Juushiro Go Kasatoriso, Samantha Walker

Siberian Husky, 9 Entries
Judge Tracey A Kallas
Open Male BM Bueno Pardo Expressed Olaf, Anastasia Cervelli Bopp, Patricia L Pisano, Tomara Twigg, Douglas Cervelli Bopp
CH BOB GRCH Anastasia Simbol Reis Wild Times, Anastasia Cervelli Bopp, Patricia Pisano, Tomara Twigg
RCH CH Anastasias Simbolreis Riot@miwuk, Patricia Pisano
GRCH GRCH Liberty S Mischief Maker, Margie Glenn
RGRCH GRCH Snowborn's The Buck Stops Here, James C Holt, Diana Brumbaugh

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Tracey A Kallas
1st) Finnish Lapphund, GRCH Midnt Isle Sugarok Snow Dragon
2nd) Keeshond, URO2 RACEN SGCH Wundr Y Kctrl Time In A Bottle
3rd) Samoyed, DASH RGCH White Magic's Little Wing
4th) Alaskan Klee Kai, CA PN RACEA URO2 BA UAGI GRCH'PR'Thurisia's Voice Of Reason SPOT-ON

Herding Dogs

Australian Cattle Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Matthew K Proctor
GRCH BOB NWCH ECH SCH AHD ACH URO1 NNCH MCH GRCH Kokopelli's Pardon My French SPOT, Lisa Ambrose, Heather Warn

Australian Shepherd, 17 Entries
Judge Matthew K Proctor
Male Puppy BM Listed Entry
Adult Male RBM CH Thornapple Go Boldly, Tina Reed
BHM URO1 BA Treasure Tyme 90 Proof SPOT, Beth Anglemyer
CH BOB CH Paramountelusivedrmlillimelite, Linda Barden
RCH URO1 CH Flynfire Barnum Astral Weeks, Grace Holton
GRCH GRCH Celtic Brae Im No Angel, Sara Ganoni
RGRCH URO3 EGCH Sky Creek Go Forth Have No Fear, Kaity Sevits

Belgian Shepherd Dog, 3 Entries
Judge Matthew K Proctor
CH BOB CHSD NWGC CH URO1 Images Caught Me Trippin', Laurie Mc Laughlin
RCH BA PN AE NN CH URO2 Cornus An Eclectic Celebration SPOT-ON, Susan Geers-meiners, Rachel Witzel

Berger Des Pyrenees, 1 Entry
Judge Matthew K Proctor
CH BOB NI NC RACEA URO1 CH Gryffindor De La Brise, Ashley Nunnelly

Border Collie, 6 Entries
Judge Matthew K Proctor
Female Puppy BF Listed Entry
CH BOB CH Mondenkind's Dk Side Of The Mn, Jo May Chow
GRCH EGCH Bmw Yippee Ki Yay SPOT-ON, Kim Stanton
RGRCH UACH URO1 GRCH Blazing Skys The Force Of Destiny, Jennifer Lewis, Steven Lewis

Bouvier Des Flandres, 1 Entry
Judge Matthew K Proctor
Open Female BF BOB War Bouviator Ewe Reign At Kimori, Kim Morissette

Cardigan Welsh Corgi, 10 Entries
Judge Matthew K Proctor
CH GRCH Jokin's Scandalous Legend, Nicole Palsgrove, Blythe Palsgrove Brady, Steve Palsgrove, Joseph Hunn
RCH CH Jokin's Mr. Boone, Nicole Palsgrove, Joseph Hunn, Steven Blythe Palsgrove, Willow Smith
GRCH BOB GRCH Winddancer wishing n hoping, Beverly Reid
RGRCH GRCH Jokin's Live Life To The Max, Nicole Palsgrove, Joseph Hunn, Steven Blythe Palsgrove, Willow Smith

Collie, 7 Entries
Judge Matthew K Proctor
Rough Male Puppy RBMV RBM Listed Entry
Rough Open Male BMV BM BOB Listed Entry
CH CH Wyndrush Starry Night, Jenni Lough Watson
RCH CH Braeton's Moonstruck, Jenni Lough Watson, Karen Weber

Czechoslovakian Vlcak, 2 Entries
Judge Matthew K Proctor
Adult Male BM BOB Lord Of Shadow Z Molu Es, Terri Wemigwans
CH CH Grapas Shadow Bron Loki, Jordan Worrell

Dutch Shepherd, 8 Entries
Judge Matthew K Proctor
Adult Male BM WSD Cher Car's Extreme Measures, Lisa Martin
Female Puppy BF BOW BOB NI CH NC Chercar's Sugar and Spice, Tanya Menard, Burt Menard
Jr. Female RBF URO1 CA CH NI NV AC Titans Sugarisland Fiery Lildevil, Tanya Menard, Burt Menard
Open Female CH RATCH UWP Reaction Des Crocs De Camargue, Amanda Janicki
CH NN CH Nova, Jody Bouma
RCH NN UNJ CH Kanjer V D Ganzeweide, Jody Bouma
GRCH RATM USJ UWPCH EGCH Vrijheid's Twist Of Fate, Amanda Janicki

German Shepherd Dog, 21 Entries
Judge Matthew K Proctor
Male Puppy BM Listed Entry
Adult Male RBM CH URO1 Reicherthaus Recon V Olsonhaus, Desiree Davis
Female Puppy BF BOW Listed Entry
Jr. Female URO1 Reicherthaus Rhue V Coppermoon, Desiree Davis, James Davis
Adult Female RBF Rumba Kay, Marlys Kanneman, Brinlea Rhyne, Janet Rhyne
CH URO1 GRCH Puttin On The Ritz Vom Coppermoon, Kathy Lamping
RCH CH URO1 Korrina-contra Von Gran Peregrino, Pamela Hendrickson
GRCH BOB URO1 GRCH Jdm's Blackhawk Of Tanglewood, Dottie Bowman
RGRCH UJJ EGCH Kennelwood Unchained Melody SPOT-ON, Victoria Jensen

Icelandic Sheepdog, 1 Entry
Judge Renee Strong
Jr. Female BF BOB Hidow Moon Goddess, Daniel Myers

La Catahoula Leopard Dog, 7 Entries
Judge Renee Strong
CH RACEN DASH URO1 CAX CH C Cross Khyber, Michelle Brinklow
GRCH BOB DASH CA RACEA GRCH Warrior River Original, Kayla Cooper
RGRCH DASH RACEA EGCH Maynard's I'ma Gonna Win, Chandly Maynard

Lancashire Heeler, 1 Entry
Judge Renee Strong
CH BOB DASH CH Prestige Ragin' Cajun, Kelly Herrera

Min American Shepherd, 1 Entry
Judge Renee Strong
GRCH BOB URO1 GRCH Ashland's Goer At Woodridge SPOT-ON, Evyenia Lawley

Mudi, 20 Entries
Judge Renee Strong
Male Puppy BM Menagerie's Don't Tell Me No Apex, Roxanne Vontayson
Jr. Male RBM Menageries Duel Of The Masters, Candace Kirk
Adult Male Listed Entry
Female Puppy RBF Roka Aethereal, Jenn Smith
Jr. Female BF BOW Listed Entry
Adult Female Listed Entry
CH BOB RACEN RUSH NI NC CH Twisted Acres Tuesday Afternoon, Elizabeth Vincent
RCH URO1 RACES USJ UJJ CH Koves-berci Betyar Puszta Wodan SPOT, Ellie Stivers
GRCH GRCH Graves Farm's Pea Eye Parker SPOT, Denise Graves

Pembroke Welsh Corgi, 9 Entries
Judge Renee Strong
Open Male BM CH Foxwood Chase Gold To Ulamauna, Deborah Brooks
Female Puppy RBF CH Vintage Lean On Me, Evangeline K Stuck Dvm
Jr. Female BF BOW CH Dragonfly Lakehylia O Ulamauna, Deborah Brooks
BHF Cicymru Roweena Hi Syn Dawnsio, Kathy Graves, Carl Graves
CH DASH UNJ RACEA CH Smvs Wannatequilalittletimewitu, Denise Malinowski
GRCH BOB RGCH Riverside Storm Surge SPOT-ON, Denise Malinowski
RGRCH URX2 UCD UROG SGCH Laif Spring Nit Herd SPOT-ON, Evangeline Stuck Dvm, Jenna Dirkschneider

Shetland Sheepdog, 10 Entries
Judge Renee Strong
Male Puppy BM Listed Entry
CH BOB CH Canami Sailor Moon, Jessica Radcliffe, Amanda Inzinna
RCH CH Twilightshadow Talk O'the Town, Susan Tarrant
GRCH RACEA EGCH Stornway Miamor Cool Casanova, Alexis Morales
RGRCH DGCH Clearsky Belmark Illumination, Pamela Moore, Kathy Belville

Swedish Vallhund, 4 Entries
Judge Renee Strong
Male Puppy BM Au Reult Sd Old Hickory At Ttf, Denise Hawkins
Jr. Male RBM Listed Entry
CH BOB CH Au Reult Joey In Ur Pocket At Ttf, Denise Hawkins
RCH CH Triple Tac's Summer Rescue, Denise E Hawkins

White Shepherd, 33 Entries
Judge Renee Strong
Male Puppy BM Royals We Don't Talk About It, Miranda Saldana, Graham Saldana
Adult Male Hungarian Avalanche Atos, Pamela Ann Horner
Jr. Female RBF CH Royal Imagine The Journey, Jean Reeves
Open Female Nestea Biale Wilki Z Wilkowa, Allison M Delang, Skyler Delang
Adult Female Listed Entry
BHF BF BOW CH Majestic's Rapture Aurelia Shujaa, Venera Grasso
CH RACEA CH Starfyre's Aged To Perfection SPOT-ON, Sharyl Sadowski
RCH CH Argeian Worrywort Nike, Linda Lipford
GRCH BOB RACEN USJ CA URO1 NBOB DGCH White Star's Victorious Nero SPOT-ON, Elexis Merlino, Cynthia L Goss
RGRCH MCH SCH AGC NGC EHD EN DGCH Royal Von Tasz Classic Martini SPOT-ON, Diana L Updike
RBM CH Hall's Shiny New Cadillac Piper Hall, Cari Hall

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Renee Strong
1st) Australian Shepherd, CH Paramountelusivedrmlillimelite
2nd) Pembroke Welsh Corgi, RGCH Riverside Storm Surge SPOT-ON
3rd) Border Collie, CH Mondenkind's Dk Side Of The Mn
4th) Lancashire Heeler, DASH CH Prestige Ragin' Cajun


American Hairless Terrier, 5 Entries
Judge Ronald V Horn
Hairless Male Puppy BMV BM Listed Entry
Hairless Female Puppy BFV BF BOW Listed Entry
GRCH BOB DASH GRCH Ratitatt Franibur Juliet Thy Love, Valerie Schiefer, Frances B. Nasiatka
RGRCH RUSH RACEA UWPS AP12 VPE RATN NBOB USA UFA Wmk's Cut The Line @ Vntg SPOT-ON, Valerie Ann Piltz, Karyn S Pingel, Ryan Pingel, Aaron Pingel

American Pit Bull Terrier, 11 Entries
Judge Ronald V Horn
Male Puppy BM BOW CH Horsepower's Redlin'n The Rpms, Anissa Littlefield
Jr. Male RBM UWP'PR'Flosi's Big Gun Blued, Larry Flosi, Sherri Flosi
BHF BF UWP'PR'Flosi's Splndr Of The Cascades, Larry Flosi, Sherri Flosi
CH CH'PR'Truhrt Voight Born Zb Queen, Corina Castillo
RCH CH'PR'Truhrt Ivieleag Got My Camo On, Alicia Ivie, Corina Castillo
GRCH BOB DASH AP VPN RACEA CA UWPCH EGCH Fantac's Bware Of My Magic Doll, Anissa Littlefield, Amanda Stevens
RGRCH DASH RATN BN PN RACES VPA UWPO AP4 UNJ CAX Horsepower's Run'n On High Octane, Anissa Littlefield

Bedlington Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Ronald V Horn
CH BOB CH Starcastle Styled Sophistication, Carol Rappaport

Border Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Ronald V Horn
CH BOB CH Crown's Walnut Jam, Christopher Baby, Linda Baby, Renee Wagner

Jack Russell Terrier, 5 Entries
Judge Ronald V Horn
Male Puppy RBM Private Stock Arie, Tyler Crane
BHM BM BOW BOB Listed Entry
Open Female BF Listed Entry
BHF RBF Private Stock Ainsley, Tyler Crane
CH CH Private Stock Skyy's The Limit, Tyler Crane

Jagdterrier, 1 Entry
Judge Ronald V Horn
Open Male BM BOB Lea Annimals Paw Harvey, Lea Ann Elliott

Kerry Blue Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Ronald V Horn
GRCH BOB EGCH Blulake Did My Heart Love Tillnow, Philip Lemieux, Jose Benavidez

Lakeland Terrier, 3 Entries
Judge Ronald V Horn
BHF BF Blulake's Dieu Et Mon Droit, Jose Benavidez, Philip Lemieux
GRCH BOB GRCH Keslake's Riding In The Front, Jose C Benavidez, Philip J Lemieux
RBF Blulake's Tomorrow Is Another Day Jose Benavidez, Philip Lemieux

Norwich Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Ronald V Horn
GRCH BOB DGCH Fishback It's Miller Time, Kelly Foos

Parson Russell Terrier, 2 Entries
Judge Ronald V Horn
10-12.5 Adult Female BFV BF RACEN DASH UNSR CA Cher Car's Sugar Island Rascal, Brittany Behm, Harvey Behm
OVER 12.5-15"
Over 12.5-15 Adult Male BMV BM BOW BOB DASH'PR'Cc's Sugarisland Flynn Rider, Brittany Behm, Ryan Behm

Rat Terrier, 4 Entries
Judge Ronald V Horn
CH BOB SI MC CH CA AN'PR'Ratitatt Im Smitten @ Venturehill, Valerie Schiefer, Marysa Snider
RCH CA CH Kickingbear Go For D Gusto@andado, Margaret Dancy
GRCH DASH RACEA GRCH Felixville's Hurricane Laura, Susan Mulligan, Joanne Mulligan
RGRCH DASH GRCH'PR'Ratitatt Franibur Prince Zuko, Valerie Schiefer

Scottish Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Ronald V Horn
CH BOB NV NI URO1 CH Redroxlandshark Conundrums Teapot, Rachel Peterson

Smooth Fox Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Ronald V Horn
GRCH BOB GRCH Springhill A Reason To Smile, Jane Nolan, Linda L Reece

Staffordshire Bullterrier, 4 Entries
Judge Ronald V Horn
CH BOB CH Nocturne Poetry Inmotionatbrewlin, Linda Ringle, Jane Lasher
RCH UWP CH Bedlam's Ultimate Trickster SPOT, Dominic Montesano
GRCH RACEA NN AC EGCH Superbs Tellmehaveyouseenher, Linda Ringle, Jane Lasher
RGRCH GRCH Cornerstone Gusto At Neverland, Jennifer Rice, Natalie Rice, Claire Rice

Teddy Roosevelt Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Ronald V Horn
GRCH BOB NBOB RACES SGCH'PR'Barnett's Forever and A Day, Tammy Stefanie

Toy Fox Terrier, 5 Entries
Judge Ronald V Horn
Jr. Female BF CH'PR'Trackside Midnight Lace, Sharon Bruckschen, Lori King
CH BOB CH'PR'Trackside Venus In The Evening, Sharon Bruckschen, Lori King
GRCH GRCH'PR'Azefer Sir St Nick, Lila Fast
RGRCH NGRCH GRCH Trackside's Catch A Wave, Sharon Bruckschen, Lori King

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Ronald V Horn
1st) Kerry Blue Terrier, EGCH Blulake Did My Heart Love Tillnow
2nd) Norwich Terrier, DGCH Fishback It's Miller Time
3rd) Lakeland Terrier, GRCH Keslake's Riding In The Front
4th) Border Terrier, CH Crown's Walnut Jam

Companion Dogs

American Bully, 4 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
CH URO1 UWP CH Betos Weekend Warrior SPOT, Melissa Anne Streater
RCH CH Wulfsbane Ignite The Scene SPOT-ON, Mary Tyson, Kristina Metz
GRCH BOB RACEN URO1 AP2 VPN UWPV UGWPCH DGCH Ark9s Noschitt Sherlock SPOT-ON, Jonathon Foster, Sondra Peirson, Aaron Pelan
RGRCH EGCH King Ezekiel, Michael Harris

Biewer Terrier, 6 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Adult Male BM BOW CH Magnificent Keeper Snow Avalanche, Jennifer Hale, Jonathan Hale
Open Female BF Listed Entry
CH BOB RACEA CH Ravenwood Essence Of Isabella, Kathleen Kruk, Michael Kruk
RCH Listed Entry
GRCH RACEA GRCH Lewis Brookwood Olaf, Kathleen Kruk, Michael Kruk

Boston Terrier, 2 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Jr. Female BF BOB Davane Redneck Woman @ Shel-rae, Shelley R Hysong
CH CH Davane Honey Bee, Shelley R Hysong

Cavalier Kng.Chas.Spaniel, 2 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Open Male BM BOW BOB CH Nr Romeo Mon Amour, Cyndi Murphy
Open Female BF Listed Entry

Chihuahua, 1 Entry
Judge Patricia Till
BHM BM BOB Listed Entry

Chinese Crested, 12 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Jr. Male RBM Listed Entry
Open Male Listed Entry
BHM BM BOW Listed Entry
Jr. Female BF Listed Entry
CH CH Hitline Ltd Klondike, Candice Radziewicz
RCH RUSH RACEA CH Orenda Viva Phantom Pete, Debi Golden
GRCH BOB DASH NBIS RACEA USA UFA RGCH Orendaviva Jumpinlittle Jukejoint, Debi J Golden
RGRCH SGCH Valour's The Rightful Heir SPOT, Brenda Carlson

Coton De Tulear, 3 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
CH NBOB CH Legacy's A Royal Scandal, Christa Schonscheck
RCH CH Legacy's Dancing In The Moonli, Elaine E Taylor
GRCH BOB GRCH Dior's I'm In The Mood For Love SPOT-ON, Denise Simenauer, Peter Simenauer

Dalmatian, 1 Entry
Judge Patricia Till
GRCH BOB RGCH Engine Co's Evening Serenade, Maureen Watson

French Bulldog, 9 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
CH CH Kentucky Made's All In On Black, Marina Embry
RCH CH Blackwell's Touch Of Gold @ Opal, Pam R Key, Anissa Littlefield
GRCH BOB EGCH C and D's Dotties Che Bella, Pat Kurth
RGRCH UFA UWPO AP4 VPA UWPCHX RGCH Jemm's Enjoy The Show, Jamie Robinson

Havanese, 1 Entry
Judge Patricia Till
Adult Female BF BOB Listed Entry

Italian Greyhound, 2 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Male Puppy BM BOB Listed Entry
Open Male RBM Uwharrie A Blast From The Past, Cassandra Muro

Mi-Ki, 6 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Open Female BF Listed Entry
CH BOB Listed Entry
RCH CH Midwest Mini Sebastian, Jennifer Martin, Susan Versmesse
GRCH GRCH Little Angels Echos Of Heaven, Susan Versmesse
RBF Listed Entry

Miniature Pinscher, 5 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Jr. Female BF Listed Entry
GRCH BOB GRCH Witzend Blow Me Away, Christine Bixler
RGRCH GRCH Sun Reh Firehawk, Martha Wojtaszek

Papillon, 9 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Male Puppy Windcrest Ring Of Fire @ Indigo, Marcia Mcdiarmid
Jr. Male RBM Pizaz's Casper Tfg, Carol Rosecrans
BHM BM CH Pizaz's Phantom, Carol Rosecrans
CH RACEA CH Nightfires A Thousand Bets, Jenniefr K Milnes
RCH CH Windcrest Ndg Majik & Mischief, Marcia Mcdiarmid
GRCH BOB NT RACEN GRCH Lyra Silvertongue Of Indigo Wc SPOT-ON, Jennifer Harman
RGRCH DASH BA UROC PN BN UCD USR UFR ROM RGCH Casabellas Set The World On Fire SPOT, Carol R Lauren-schmidt, Linda Shedd

Pekingese, 2 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry
CH Listed Entry

Poodle, 6 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Min. BHF BFV BF Listed Entry
CH Listed Entry
RCH Listed Entry
GRCH BOB EGCH Wanderlust I Can Touch Clouds, Misty Frye

Poodle M/C, 3 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
GRCH BOB NBOB GRCH Showcase For Love and Honor, Jennifer Casse
RGRCH NBOB GRCH Imajn My Gambit, Jami L Whitehead

Pug, 4 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Female Puppy BF Listed Entry
GRCH BOB GRCH San-su's Gemini Dream, Susan Wade
RGRCH EGCH Exquisite Tucked In At San-su, Susan L Wade, Sandra L Wade

Russkiy Toy, 5 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
BHM BM BOW BOB CH Pizaz's Vasyll Aterae, Carol Rosecrans
Female Puppy Pizaz's Cinnamon Bun, Carol Rosecrans
Open Female RBF CH Erae's Last Jedi, Eloise Raymond
BHF BF Erae's The Force Be With You, Eloise Raymond

Schipperke, 3 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
CH CH Kurakuma A Force Of Nature, Ellen Montle
RCH CH Pandymonium Turquoise Temptation, Jody Kinney
GRCH BOB RACES SGCH Raffinee Armani, Virginia Larioza, Joyce Larioza

Tibetan Spaniel, 2 Entries
Judge Patricia Till
Open Male BM BOB CH Eagle Crest Marauder, Joline Finke, David Finke
CH CH Eagle Crest Warrior's Princess, Joline Finke, David Finke, Jill Wright

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Patricia Till
1st) Dalmatian, RGCH Engine Co's Evening Serenade
2nd) Chinese Crested, DASH NBIS RACEA USA UFA RGCH Orendaviva Jumpinlittle Jukejoint
3rd) Coton De Tulear, GRCH Dior's I'm In The Mood For Love SPOT-ON
4th) Schipperke, RACES SGCH Raffinee Armani

BIS Kerry Blue Terrier, EGCH Blulake Did My Heart Love Tillnow, Philip Lemieux, Jose Benavidez
RBIS Bernese Mountain Dog, DGCH Thalassa's Long Island Flavor SPOT, Alexis Kunkel

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