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OFFICIAL: Cascade American Pit Bull Terrier Club (04/01/2022) / Sunday, Conformation, Altered Conformation, Junior Showmanship Show 2

April 3, 2022

Hosted By: Cascade American Pit Bull Terrier Club

Location: Longview, Washington

April 3, 2022, Show 2
Judge Gary A Richards
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Declan

Guardian Dogs

American Bulldog, 2 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Male Puppy BM BOW BOB Blackwell's El Oso, Amy Blackwell
BHF BF Blackwell's Flogging Molly, Amy Blackwell

Cane Corso Italiano, 3 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
CH CH Battlebornprinceofdarknessofcdo, Thomas Demoss, Jessica Demoss
RCH CH Corso Diorthus Out For Blood, Thomas Demoss, Jessica Demoss
GRCH Invalid Entry

Doberman Pinscher, 3 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Jr. Female BF BOB Inizi Demon Of War, Evelyn Cuellar
Open Female RBF Sd Battle Ready, Amy Olsen

Great Dane, 6 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Female Puppy RBF Listed Entry
BHF BF Alta's Listen To The Rhythm, Aracely Altamirano
CH BOB CH Mhd Calhoun Earning His Stripes, Clifford Francis
RCH CH Bear Creeks Tutelary Rose, Kayla Burow
GRCH GRCH Mhd Hanna Jamie Bond 007, Clifford Francis

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Gary A Richards
1st) Great Dane, CH Mhd Calhoun Earning His Stripes
2nd) Cane Corso Italiano, Invalid Entry
3rd) Doberman Pinscher, Inizi Demon Of War
4th) American Bulldog, Blackwell's El Oso


Bluetick Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Gary A Richards
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Gary A Richards
2nd) Bluetick Coonhound, Listed Entry

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Borzoi, 1 Entry
Judge Gary A Richards
BHF BF BOB CH Laureate The Amber Spyglass, Monica E Barry

Greyhound, 4 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Male Puppy BM CH Pacific Red Hydra, Diana Pickering
CH BOB CH Pacific Kraken, Diana Pickering
RCH CH Yuwascallywabbit, Diana Pickering

Silken Windhound, 22 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Jr. Male BM BOW CH Allagante Inphenite-ly Special, J Vookles
Open Male RBM Listed Entry
Female Puppy Listed Entry
Jr. Female 'PR'Wildrose Allagante Inara, Karen Sanders
Open Female 'PR'Winsome's Dream Chaser, Tammy Mills
Adult Female RBF 'PR'Allagante Amoreena, Jeanie Maresh
BHF BF 'PR'Allagante Beyond Compare, Karen Sanders
CH CH Kristull Hobbit Of The Shire Dna, Karen Sanders, Paul Sanders
RCH CH'PR'Starfyre Whimsical @allagante, Karen Sanders, Paul Sanders
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Allagante Inphenite-y & Beyond, Jennifer Vookles
RGRCH EGCH'PR'Winsome's Macintosh SPOT-ON, Bella Goodell

Xoloitzcuintli, 3 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Jr. Female BFV BF BOW BOB Simply The Kitty's Barracuda, Kimberly C Walker, Laura Mc Dowell
Jr. Male BMV BM Simply Talking To The Moon, Kimberly Walker
Female Puppy BFV RBF Magh Itha's Amare, Kimberly Walker

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Gary A Richards
1st) Silken Windhound, GRCH'PR'Allagante Inphenite-y & Beyond
2nd) Greyhound, CH Pacific Kraken
3rd) Borzoi, CH Laureate The Amber Spyglass
4th) Xoloitzcuintli, Simply The Kitty's Barracuda

Gun Dogs

English Springer Spaniel, 2 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
CH BOB CH Majic Moves Gettin Ziggy Wit It, Allison Singer
RCH CH Laurelwyn Synthesis, Heather Jespersen

Golden Retriever, 4 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Female Puppy Listed Entry
Jr. Female BF CH Nalyn's Gem Of Mauna Loa, Heather Downing
BHF RBF CH Beckwith Lucy Inthesky W Diamonds, Lynn Marie Anderson

Irish Setter, 2 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
BHF BF BOB CH Flipadan Irish Penny, Angela Burns
CH CH Flipadan Harley Quin, Angela Burns
PUPPIES, 3 Entries
NMP BP Billy
NFP Missy

Irish Water Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Gary A Richards
Adult Female BF BOB Coomara Ogha O'bobn At Beltane, Lorece Newton

Labrador Retriever, 2 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
CH BOB UWP URO1 RACES CA RATN CH Sundog Don't Call Me Nymphodora SPOT-ON, Kristen Reiter

Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, 1 Entry
Judge Gary A Richards
Jr. Male BM BOB CH Hawks Nest The Party Finds You, Bella Goodell, Carolyn Kurth, Rochelle Kurth

Standard Poodle, 6 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Jr. Male BM BOW BOB Shuvaloff Moment Of Glory, Jacqueline Botello
Adult Male RBM Listed Entry
Jr. Female BF Valaurah's Have A Biscuit, Potter, Valerie Mitchem, Jacqueline Botello
Open Female RBF Listed Entry
CH Listed Entry

Standard Poodle M/C, 2 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Open Male BM BOB CH El Silencio's Magic At Valaurah's, Valerie Mitchem, Jacqueline Botello
CH RACEA CH Kvali's Spanish Phoenix SPOT, Danielle Qualheim

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Gary A Richards
2nd) Irish Water Spaniel, Coomara Ogha O'bobn At Beltane
3rd) Standard Poodle, Shuvaloff Moment Of Glory
4th) Labrador Retriever, AP2 VPA CA RATN RACES UWPCH URO3 UCD EGCH Sunnydaze For Peeps Sake SPOT-ON

Northern Breeds
Judge Gary A Richards
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Besker

American Eskimo, 6 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Male Puppy BMV BM BOW BOB 'PR'Nuuntok's Embrace The Chaos, Brenda Veldink
Female Puppy BFV BF CH'PR'Cualainn Anana Stets Fyreborne, Heidi Redfield, Stewart Redfield
BHF RBFV RBF 'PR'Smokey Mtn Girl Wears Prada, Candice Chamberlain
CH CH'PR'Smokey Mtn Three Faces Of Eve, Candice Chamberlain, Marcy Davis
RCH CH'PR'Stormrunner Piobaire Cu Alainn, Heidi Redfield, Stewart Redfield

Chinese Shar-Pei, 2 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Jr. Male BM BOB Listed Entry
CH UWP CH La Ce My Hearts On Fire Elvira SPOT-ON, Jennifer Merrill

Samoyed, 1 Entry
Judge Gary A Richards
CH BOB Listed Entry

Siberian Husky, 1 Entry
Judge Gary A Richards
Adult Female BF BOB Listed Entry

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Gary A Richards
1st) Samoyed, Listed Entry
2nd) Siberian Husky, Listed Entry
3rd) Chinese Shar-Pei, Listed Entry
4th) American Eskimo, 'PR'Nuuntok's Embrace The Chaos

Herding Dogs

Australian Shepherd, 2 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
BHM BM BOW BOB CH Aspen Hills Puits D'amour, Jennifer Pierce
Open Female BF NI NC Allstar Sundew Once Upon Jadis, Elizabeth Bernstein

Belgian Shepherd Dog, 3 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Open Male BMV BM BOW BOB 15 Firs Celticmoon O'wishcraft, Eva Gallagher
Open Female BFV BF 15 Firs Celticmoon Dolcetta, Eva Gallagher
BHF RBFV RBF Listed Entry

Cardigan Welsh Corgi, 1 Entry
Judge Gary A Richards
Female Puppy BF BOB Malicious Siren Of Mcowen, Rhealyn Burow

German Shepherd Dog, 6 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Male Puppy BM BOW BOB Listed Entry
Open Male RBM Listed Entry
Open Female BF CH Annbjorg Vom Cosabar, Katherine Berg
CH Listed Entry
RCH CH Aslaug Vom Cosabar, Melissa Berg

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Gary A Richards
1st) Belgian Shepherd Dog, 15 Firs Celticmoon O'wishcraft
2nd) Australian Shepherd, CH Aspen Hills Puits D'amour
3rd) Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Malicious Siren Of Mcowen
4th) German Shepherd Dog, Listed Entry


American Hairless Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Gary A Richards
GRCH BOB RACEA UWPS AP7 VPE RATN NBOB USA UFA CAX U Wmk's Cut The Line @ Vntg, Valerie Ann Piltz, Karyn S Pingel, Ryan Pingel, Aaron Pingel

American Pit Bull Terrier, 9 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Male Puppy BM BOW 'PR'Igy6 Ivieleag's Mischief Maker, Alicia Ivie, Donna Michael
Open Male RBM Blackstone's Bamboo Chop Stixx, Antoine Armstrong
BHM 'PR'Igy6's Mr Steal Ur Girl, Jesse Douglas, Jessica Lewho
Open Female BF 'PR'Igy6's Ring Of Fire, Julia Hale, Jessica Lewho, Jesse Douglas
CH CH'PR'Ivieleag's I Am Avatar, Alicia Ivie
RCH CH'PR'Ivieleags High Speed@vntg, Valerie Ann Piltz, Alicia Ivie
GRCH BOB EGCH'PR'Ivieleags How The West Was Won, Alicia Ivie
RGRCH GRCH'PR'Lelands Smokin Gun Ma Deuce, Jessica Lewno, Jesse Douglas
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Bellator

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Gary A Richards
1st) American Pit Bull Terrier, EGCH'PR'Ivieleags How The West Was Won
2nd) American Hairless Terrier, RACEA UWPS AP7 VPE RATN NBOB USA UFA CAX U Wmk's Cut The Line @ Vntg

Companion Dogs

American Bully, 10 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
Female Puppy BF BOW Dwb's Truth and Loyalty Of Vcb, Teresa Mc Lean, Lisa Nice
CH CH El Chapo 14k, Ramon Vargas-patino, Candalyn Simpson, Janine Simpson, Megan Mc Kinney
RCH CH Ftogb Mzconduct, Mitzy Crissler, Berry Clements
GRCH BOB RACEA RGCH Ftogb Rock Hard Wood, Barry Clements, Mitzy Crissler
RGRCH RBF GRCH Vcb Justa Little Cheeky Ftogb, Lisa Nice, Barry Clements

Bolognese, 1 Entry
Judge Gary A Richards
Female Puppy BF BOB Elfin's Fiorella, Ikuko Hisaka
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Cesear

Boston Terrier, 2 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
BHM BM BOW BOB Ta-koda's Follow D Christmas Star, R Lorene Jones, Annalyssa Jones
BHF BF CH Ta-koda's Written N The Stars, R Lorene Jones, Annalyssa Jones

Chinese Crested, 2 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
CH BOB RACEN CH Impressive 1000 Waves By Jove, Mary Edwards
RCH CH Impressives Day Dreamer By Jove, Mary Edwards

French Bulldog, 7 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Open Male BM Blackwell's Thor Odinson, Amy Blackwell
Adult Male BM BOW BOB Listed Entry
BHM RBM Pittrpatter's Kraven, Renee Teichmer
Jr. Female BF Listed Entry
CH CH Pittrpatter's Dark Knight, Renee Teichmer
RCH CH Pittrpatter's Blackrose, Renee Teichmer

Pomeranian, 2 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
CH CH Xizang Mischievous Ladylivewire, Brenda O'sullivan
GRCH BOB URO1 RACEA GRCH Prescott's I'm A Lil Rascal SPOT-ON, Brenda O'sullivan

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Gary A Richards
1st) Pomeranian, URO1 RACEA GRCH Prescott's I'm A Lil Rascal SPOT-ON
2nd) American Bully, RACEA RGCH Ftogb Rock Hard Wood
3rd) Boston Terrier, Ta-koda's Follow D Christmas Star
4th) French Bulldog, Listed Entry

BIS Great Dane, CH Mhd Calhoun Earning His Stripes, Clifford Francis
RBIS Silken Windhound, GRCH'PR'Allagante Inphenite-y & Beyond, Jennifer Vookles

April 3, 2022, Show 2

Doberman Pinscher, 1 Entry
Judge Gary A Richards
CH BOB ALGRCH CH Thunders High Hopes, Teresa Ritchey

Golden Retriever, 2 Entries
Judge Gary A Richards
Open Female RBF Meglen W Beckwiths Cascademist, Lynn Anderson
BHF BF BOB ALCH Beckwiths Diamond In Th Sky, Lynn Marie Anderson

ABIS Doberman Pinscher, ALGRCH CH Thunders High Hopes, Teresa Ritchey

Show: 2

Judge: Gary A Richards

Amani Anebo

Aniyah Anebo

1st) Grace Jespersen
2nd) Rhealyn Burow
3rd) Ayalneh Anebo
4th) Zakiah Jordan
Aaliyah Anebo

1st) Olivia Merrill
2nd) Lukas Johnson

1st) Maryah Love
2nd) Jaren Crissler

BJH w/Comp: Olivia Merrill

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