OFFICIAL: K-9 Sports Club (10/01/2021) / Friday, Rally Obedience Trial
October 1, 2021
Hosted By: K-9 Sports Club
High in Trial: UCD URO2 Kell's High Caliber, Shetland Sheepdog, Kathy M Davidson, 100
RO 1B - Judge: Lorelle Jones
1st) Brchhvn Pomde My Bonnie Prince, Pomeranian, Debra Watson, 100
2nd) Avante's Legendary Hero, Lakeland Terrier, Patricia Wyatt, 94
3rd) BN Beckon Echo Of Highland Jester, Shetland Sheepdog, Marilyn Cornelius, 91
4th) Mcs Wilhelmina Fluffpuff, Pomeranian, Carol Rowe, 88
RO 2B - Judge: Lorelle Jones
1st) URO1 I'll Take A Q V Schlosfelsen, German Shepherd Dog, Lorelle Jones, David Jones, 96
RO 3B - Judge: Lorelle Jones
1st) UCD URO2 Kell's High Caliber, Shetland Sheepdog, Kathy M Davidson, 100
2nd) URO2 UCD Blackmyst Play The Game, Shetland Sheepdog, Anna Arndt, 99
3rd) UCD EN URO2 Mikel's Freckled Collie Tucker, Unrecognized, Susan Mikel, 96
Rally Obedience Class Master B - Judge: Lorelle Jones
1st) UOCH URO3 Albee Flying Solo, Shetland Sheepdog, Alice Drexler, 100