OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association (09/11/2020) / Weight Pull - Saturday Pull 2
September 12, 2020
Hosted By: Carolina All Breed Association
Location: King, North Carolina
Rails Div: A, 6 entries
Judge: Dina M Davis
MWPPBP: UJJ UWP CH'PR'Smalltown's Southern Rebel, American Pit Bull Terrier, Lynsey R Tyndall, Gary L Tyndall, 39.8
50 pound
1st: UWP'PR'Tyndall's Smith & Wesson M&p, American Pit Bull Terrier, Lynsey R Tyndall, Gary L Tyndall, 39.43
60 pound
1st: USJ CH URO2 UWP Spader Mudhaus Thrill Ride SPOT-ON, Australian Cattle Dog, Kim Moore, Terri J Miller, 35.96
70 pound
1st: UJJ UWP CH'PR'Smalltown's Southern Rebel, American Pit Bull Terrier, Lynsey R Tyndall, Gary L Tyndall, 39.8
Rails Div: B, 6 entries
Judge: Dina M Davis
MWPPBP: AP VPA UWPO UWPCH URO3 GRCH'PR'Kaotic's The Destroyer @ Ba SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Erica Noseworthy, David Davis Jr, 59.63
60 pound
1st: AP VPA UWPO UWPCH URO3 GRCH'PR'Kaotic's The Destroyer @ Ba SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Erica Noseworthy, David Davis Jr, 59.63
80 pound
1st: UWPS AP4 VPE UGWPCH CH Sapphire's Under Investigation, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 35.75