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OFFICIAL: United Dog Owners Group, Inc. (08/30/2019) / Conformation - Friday Show 2

August 30, 2019

Hosted By: United Dog Owner's Group, Inc.

Location: Marshall, Texas

Guardian Dogs

Boxer, 2 Entries
Judge Stanley J Matsumoto
Jr. Male BM BOW BOB CH El Capitan Box Von Sanchez, Cassandra Jeffries
Adult Female BF Bailey Ann Cunningham, Cassandra Jeffries

Doberman Pinscher, 3 Entries
Judge Stanley J Matsumoto
Adult Male BM Rellaps Thunder, Charlene Payne
Jr. Female BF BOW BOB Payne's Texas Hopes And Dreams, Charlene Payne, Austin Payne, Maverick Payne
CH URO2 CH Masaya's Love The Bomb, Amber L Koehl

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Stanley J Matsumoto
1st) Doberman Pinscher, Payne's Texas Hopes And Dreams
2nd) Boxer, CH El Capitan Box Von Sanchez


Plott Hound, 2 Entries
Judge Roland L Pelland
Adult Male BM CCH CA CH'PR'White Deer Skyplott Ryder, Scr Burkett, Sonia Yearwood
CH BOB FCH WCH CA GRCH CCH'PR'White Deer Maltese Cross, S C R Burkett

Redbone Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Roland L Pelland
Jr. Female BF BOB Listed Entry

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Roland L Pelland
1st) Plott Hound, FCH WCH CA GRCH CCH'PR'White Deer Maltese Cross
2nd) Redbone Coonhound, Listed Entry

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Rhodesian Ridgeback, 3 Entries
Judge Stanley J Matsumoto
Jr. Male BM CH Mythicals Anything Is Possible, Kimberly Rogers
Female Puppy BF BOW CH Mythicals Unforgettable Beauty, Kimberly Rogers
CH BOB GRCH Mythical's Mission Of Mercy SPOT-ON, Kimberly Rogers

Silken Windhound, 3 Entries
Judge Stanley J Matsumoto
Open Male BM CH Kristull Winter Is Coming, Francie Stull
Jr. Female Invalid Entry
GRCH BOB GRCH Gryffyn Kristull Bolero Dna, Francie Stull

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Stanley J Matsumoto
1st) Silken Windhound, GRCH Gryffyn Kristull Bolero Dna
2nd) Rhodesian Ridgeback, GRCH Mythical's Mission Of Mercy SPOT-ON

Gun Dogs

Curly-Coated Retriever, 2 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Jr. Female BF URO1 Ayershire Desert Winds Of June SPOT-ON, Stephanie Ayers
CH BOB URO3 CH Ayershire She's One Hot Mess SPOT-ON, Stephanie Ayers, Jim Ayers

German Shorthaired Pntr, 4 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Female Puppy RBF Listed Entry
Adult Female BF CH Braerwood Party Princess, Mandy Massara, Rebecca Mc Casland
GRCH BOB GRCH Braerwood Sincerely Sweet, Rebecca Mc Casland, Tommy Mc Dowell

Labrador Retriever, 2 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
CH BOB CH Castle Hills Royal Crown Jewel, Brenda Shukla
GRCH SHR GRCH Vader's Hope, Brenda Shukla

Ns Duck Tolling Retriever Entries
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Ember

Standard Poodle, 4 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Jr. Female RBF Listed Entry
BHF BF URO2 CH Figz Cotija SPOT-ON, April Albin, Tanya Figliozzi, Kerry Hogle
GRCH BOB EGCH Fleetwoods Go Your Own Way, Zachary George

Standard Poodle M/C, 8 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Jr. Male RBM Listed Entry
Adult Male BM URO1 CH Poetrys Ill Be Your Everything SPOT-ON, Valerie Petronella, Dana Davis
Jr. Female BF BOW CH Mystique Kastle Exorbitant, Doug Matney, Louann Smith
BHF RBF CH Mystiquekastle Extraordinaryjewel, Doug Matney, Louann Smith
CH CH Mystique Kastle Extra Magnificent, Douglas Matney, Louann J Smith
RCH CH Symplee Ca Dreamin' @ Rose City, Kathryn Zimmerman, Christopher Segrest
GRCH BOB RGCH Rose City's Queen Of The Night, Kathryn Zimmerman, Christopher J Segrest

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Felicity Trammell
1st) German Shorthaired Pntr, GRCH Braerwood Sincerely Sweet
2nd) Curly-Coated Retriever, URO3 CH Ayershire She's One Hot Mess SPOT-ON
3rd) Standard Poodle, EGCH Fleetwoods Go Your Own Way
4th) Standard Poodle M/C, RGCH Rose City's Queen Of The Night

Northern Breeds

Alaskan Klee Kai, 3 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
Jr. Male BMV BM BOW CH'PR'Bbcook's Beau Monde Foxx, Sheila Sweet
Female Puppy BFV BF CH'PR'Foxx's Wynn Your Heart, Sheila Sweet
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Totemhills Winter Time Blues, Sheila Sweet

American Eskimo, 4 Entries
Judge Felicity Trammell
BHF BFV RBF 'PR'Trinity Marley, Leslie Floyd
Open Female BFV BF CH'PR'Debonair Rock Star SPOT, Michelle Fitch, Mark Fitch
CH CH'PR'Wck's Princess Leia, Catherine Jackson
GRCH BOB EGCH'PR'Trinity's Amazing Grace, Linda Wheatley

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Felicity Trammell
1st) American Eskimo, EGCH'PR'Trinity's Amazing Grace
2nd) Alaskan Klee Kai, GRCH'PR'Totemhills Winter Time Blues

Herding Dogs

Australian Cattle Dog, 2 Entries
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
CH BOB NI AC UAGI CH URO3 Runamok Mystical Knight Dream SPOT, Ann Bridges
RCH UCD URX UROC UAGI CH Runamok's Knight Of Acheron SPOT, Ann Bridges

Australian Shepherd, 5 Entries
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
Open Male RBM Broadway's See Me Cummin, Irene Haefner, Maggie Pryor
Adult Male BM BOB CH Western Hills All That And More, Nancy Mc Kee
CH CH South Wind Point Break, Tracy L Marek
RCH CH Westernhills Attitudeiseverything, Pam Riney
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Broadway's Angelina, Irene Haefner, Maggie Pryor

Belgian Shepherd Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
Open Male BMV BM BOB Listed Entry

Dutch Shepherd, 4 Entries
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
CH BOB GRCH Kanak Van Neerland, Judith Powell
RCH GRCH Mac Khalahann's Gloria, Judith Van Heugten Powell
GRCH GRCH Mea Culpa Van Neerland, Judith Van Heugten Powell, Debbie Holmes

English Shepherd, 4 Entries
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
Male Puppy BM BOW BOB CH Threedarkbays General Patton, Cindi Schuler
Jr. Female BF 'PR'Threedarkbays Redstar Kjb Yada, Cindi Schuler
CH CH'PR'Threedarkbays Macaroni Penguin, Cindi Schuler
RCH CH Texas Outlaws Urban Mink, Cindi Schuler
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Bricker

German Shepherd Dog, 2 Entries
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
Male Puppy BM Xastor Vom Amur, Debra Kohler, Kimberly Rogers
GRCH BOB DGCH 3colors Sharp Dressed Man SPOT-ON, Jessica Mc Rae, Emily Erskin

La Catahoula Leopard Dog, 4 Entries
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
Male Puppy BM Listed Entry
CH BOB UJJ GRCH Dawson Hollow's Griselda, Michelle Covington
RCH URO1 UJJ GRCH Dawson Hollow's Fiona SPOT-ON, Michelle Covington

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Nina Marie Sherrer
1st) Dutch Shepherd, GRCH Kanak Van Neerland
2nd) German Shepherd Dog, DGCH 3colors Sharp Dressed Man SPOT-ON
3rd) Australian Cattle Dog, NI AC UAGI CH URO3 Runamok Mystical Knight Dream SPOT
4th) Australian Shepherd, CH Western Hills All That And More


American Hairless Terrier, 3 Entries
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
Jr. Male BMV BM BOW BOB CH Strider's Something In The Air, Debbie Holmes, Jody Bacon, Barbara Trammell
Female Puppy BFV BF Sundial Falinabareitfawndlyfwk, Heather Perillo
Adult Female RBFV RBF Imagine Twinkletoes Vonfuzzywasnt, Claudia Perillo, Heather Perillo

American Pit Bull Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
CH BOB UNJ CA UWPCH CH URO1 Horsepower's Run'n On High Octane SPOT-ON, Anissa Littlefield
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Teddy Roosevelt Terrier, 2 Entries
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
BHM BM BOW BOB 'PR'Triple C's Cajun Wannabe Boss, Cheryl Wimberly
BHF BF 'PR'Triple C's Lunar Eclipse, Cheryl Wimberly

Toy Fox Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
Male Puppy BM BOB CH'PR'Fritzfox Casanova, Lea Ann Boles
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Starley

W.Highland White Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Nina Marie Sherrer
CH BOB CH Captain Roquefort Of Alborada, Connie Romano

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Nina Marie Sherrer
1st) American Hairless Terrier, CH Strider's Something In The Air
2nd) American Pit Bull Terrier, UNJ CA UWPCH CH URO1 Horsepower's Run'n On High Octane SPOT-ON
3rd) Toy Fox Terrier, CH'PR'Fritzfox Casanova
4th) W.Highland White Terrier, CH Captain Roquefort Of Alborada

Companion Dogs

American Bully, 1 Entry
Judge Roland L Pelland
Jr. Male BM BOB CH Zbullyz Revn Up The Horsepower, Anissa Littlefield

Brussels Griffon, 4 Entries
Judge Roland L Pelland
Adult Male BM BOW BOB CH Tracker Of Legends Heart, Lew Olson
Jr. Female RBF Listed Entry
Adult Female URO1 Blackwood Wrecking Ball, Lew Olson
BHF BF URO1 Blackwood Alice In Wonderland, Lew Olson

Papillon, 1 Entry
Judge Roland L Pelland
CH Invalid Entry

Poodle, 1 Entry
Judge Roland L Pelland
Jr. Male BMV BM BOB CH Kasselsbuddyholll@mystiquekastle, Doug Matney, Louann Smith, Debra L Smith

Poodle M/C, 3 Entries
Judge Roland L Pelland
Jr. Female BFV BF Kasselspatsyclineofmystiquekastie, Doug Matney, Lovann Smith, Debra L Smith
RBFV Kassel's Honey Bunny Doug Matney, Debra L Smith
CH BOB CH Mystique Kastle Parti Paige, Douglas Matney, Louann J Smith

Schipperke Entries
VETERAN, 2 Entries
Male Veteran: URO1 GRCH Bar Lo's High Plains Drifter SPOT-ON, Nancy K Anderson
Female Veteran: Best Veteran EHD EN CH Bar Lo's Wendi From Heartthrob, Nancy K Anderson

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Roland L Pelland
1st) Brussels Griffon, CH Tracker Of Legends Heart
2nd) Papillon, Invalid Entry
3rd) Poodle M/C, CH Mystique Kastle Parti Paige
4th) Poodle, CH Kasselsbuddyholll@mystiquekastle

BRUSSELS GRIFFON, URO1 Blackwood Alice In Wonderland, Lew Olson

BIS German Shorthaired Pntr, GRCH Braerwood Sincerely Sweet, Rebecca Mc Casland, Tommy Mc Dowell
RBIS American Eskimo, EGCH'PR'Trinity's Amazing Grace, Linda Wheatley

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