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OFFICIAL: Carnation City Kennel Club (05/04/2019) / Conformation - Saturday, Show 2

May 4, 2019

Hosted By: Carnation City Kennel Club

Location: Atwater, Ohio

Guardian Dogs

Bullmastiff, 3 Entries
Judge Glenda Bruneau
Male Puppy BM BOW BOB Faithdriven's Kardiac Kid, Leslie Leach
Jr. Female BF Listed Entry
RBF Listed Entry

Cane Corso Italiano, 9 Entries
Judge Glenda Bruneau
Male Puppy RBM Giangreco's Omie Don't Play, Sarah Mcclary
Open Male BM BOW BOB El Mesquital Viking, Andrew Giangreco
Female Puppy BF Listed Entry
CH URO2 CH Black Pearl Illusion Of Orion SPOT, Ayalla Ruvio, Brandy Barbour
RCH CH Stonehearts Just Like Fire, Christy Six, Adam Holcomb
GRCH GRCH Atlantean's Kamari, Brandon M Mc Cluney

Caucasian Ovcharka, 1 Entry
Judge Glenda Bruneau
Open Male BM BOB Listed Entry

Doberman Pinscher, 3 Entries
Judge Glenda Bruneau
Adult Female BF Mirabel Scandalous Love, Gisele Jarvie
CH BOB CH Gnr Vicarious Vizcaya, Phyllis H Weber
RCH RATN CH URO1 Drago Daker SPOT, Linda Rusinko, Jackie Spratt

Leonberger, 2 Entries
Judge Glenda Bruneau
Jr. Male BM BOB Listed Entry
CH CH Great Northern's Bushwacker, James Henshaw, Jessica Ricker

Rottweiler, 2 Entries
Judge Glenda Bruneau
Jr. Male BM BOB Barrelheads Jump@chancevcamphaven, Lucy Jontony
RBM Drakkenfels Global Menace Denise A English
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Male Veteran: Best Veteran Barrelhead's Woolly Bully, Lucy Jontony

Saint Bernard, 3 Entries
Judge Glenda Bruneau
CH CH Mann's Scooby-doo, Mary Mann
GRCH BOB GRCH Mann's Shining Star, Mary Mann

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Glenda Bruneau
1st) Cane Corso Italiano, El Mesquital Viking
2nd) Doberman Pinscher, CH Gnr Vicarious Vizcaya
3rd) Caucasian Ovcharka, Listed Entry
4th) Bullmastiff, Faithdriven's Kardiac Kid


Beagle, 1 Entry
Judge Paul G Bruneau
CH BOB CCH Ironwood Wise Guy At Tarr Hill, Brittanney Dagan, Bethany Dagan

Dachshund, 2 Entries
Judge Paul G Bruneau
CH CH Red's Jack Daniels Ms, Rita Kepner
GRCH BOB GRCH Red's Jim Beam Ms, Rita Kepner
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Male Veteran: Best Veteran GRCH Red's Jim Beam Ms, Rita Kepner

Treeing Walker Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Paul G Bruneau
CH BOB CCH GRCH'PR'Broken Rd's Carolina Chrome, Joshua Balanowski, Kathryn Paulson

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Paul G Bruneau
1st) Beagle, CCH Ironwood Wise Guy At Tarr Hill
2nd) Dachshund, GRCH Red's Jim Beam Ms
3rd) Treeing Walker Coonhound, CCH GRCH'PR'Broken Rd's Carolina Chrome

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Basenji, 1 Entry
Judge Glenda Bruneau
CH BOB CH Pandoras U've Been Thunderstruck, April Post

Canaan Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Glenda Bruneau
CH BOB CH Hatikva Tk Kismet Mgnfcnt Thor, Tracey Kopea, Alla Geretz

Greyhound, 1 Entry
Judge Glenda Bruneau
Female Puppy BF BOB Kj's Queen Of Drama, Kelly Grubaugh, John Grubaugh

Irish Wolfhound, 1 Entry
Judge Glenda Bruneau
Jr. Female BF BOB Listed Entry

Saluki, 2 Entries
Judge Glenda Bruneau
Male Puppy BM Sharwassim Fawad, Judith A Ellis
CH BOB CH Deiconsorti Starlite Appletini, Lisa Sangregorio

Whippet, 2 Entries
Judge Glenda Bruneau
Female Puppy BF Windsong Walks Like A Lady, Lynn Mitchell
CH BOB CH Snowhill A Whimsical Watercolor, Tina J Kocab, Mark S Kocab, Mary Grace Kocab

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Glenda Bruneau
1st) Saluki, CH Deiconsorti Starlite Appletini
2nd) Irish Wolfhound, Listed Entry
3rd) Whippet, CH Snowhill A Whimsical Watercolor
4th) Basenji, CH Pandoras U've Been Thunderstruck

Gun Dogs

Brittany, 1 Entry
Judge Timothy Catterson
CH BOB CH Wild Mtn Screaming Eagle 92, Elizabeth Woolford

Curly-Coated Retriever, 1 Entry
Judge Timothy Catterson
Adult Female BF BOB URO1 Brio Jollycurl Girl Gone Wild, Susan Davis

English Cocker Spaniel, 4 Entries
Judge Timothy Catterson
Jr. Female BF Ziel-lor's Not Kidding Around, Linda Zielinski
CH CH Zie-lor's No Kidding, Martha Strohm, Arthur D Sample
RCH CH Ziel-lor's I Kid You Not, Linda Zielinski
GRCH BOB GRCH Ritchhaven's Kid Poker, Margaret Ritch

English Springer Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Timothy Catterson
Adult Female BF BOB Vistah's Lovestruck, Christine Baloh

Golden Retriever, 6 Entries
Judge Timothy Catterson
Male Puppy RBM Gold Star's Grand Slam, Kathleen Moore
Jr. Male BM BOW URO1 CH Jax Opk's Q T Pie SPOT-ON, Christine Harp
Female Puppy RBF CH Gsrs All I Have To Do Is Dream, Rebecca Cole
Jr. Female BF Opk's Abcedee Knows Her Abc's, Christine Harp
CH BOB CH Gsr's Hard As Steel, Mary Jo Kline
RCH CH Glamour's Primo SPOT-ON, Zoe Burba

Labrador Retriever, 9 Entries
Judge Timothy Catterson
BHM BM BOW CH Starlight's Buckeye Brutus, Patty Finch, Sarah Finch, Andrew Finch, Bill Finch
Female Puppy BF Captain Nick's Ship's Belle, Christine Nickerson
Adult Female RBF Borador's Black Type, Christine Nickerson
GRCH BOB GRCH Starlight's Buckeye Archie 2x, Patricia Finch, William P Finch

Standard Poodle, 3 Entries
Judge Timothy Catterson
Adult Female BF BOB Rosebud's White Glove Affair, Amber Sipes
CH CH Sng's Garnet's Major Journey SPOT-ON, Billie Martin Barnes, Sandra Hollabaugh
GRCH GRCH Teampinks Silly Milly SPOT, Lynda Dudley Britt

Standard Poodle M/C, 3 Entries
Judge Timothy Catterson
Open Female BF Ccs Love In The Afternoon, Kathrene Evans
CH BOB CH Rodnac's Walker Du Dubois, Lauri Whatley
GRCH GRCH Teampinks Anna Belle Dudley, Lynda Dudley

Wirehaired Point. Griffon, 1 Entry
Judge Timothy Catterson
Male Puppy BM BOB Chukars Bear Hug Tanks Memorys, Karen Spiess

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Timothy Catterson
1st) English Cocker Spaniel, GRCH Ritchhaven's Kid Poker
2nd) Labrador Retriever, GRCH Starlight's Buckeye Archie 2x
3rd) Brittany, CH Wild Mtn Screaming Eagle 92
4th) Wirehaired Point. Griffon, Chukars Bear Hug Tanks Memorys

Northern Breeds

American Eskimo, 1 Entry
Judge Lori Sargent
Open Male BMV BM BOB CH'PR'Sierra's Sarkany O'aviron, Joseph Eder, Mona Eder, Leann Neiman

Finnish Spitz, 1 Entry
Judge Lori Sargent
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry

Keeshond, 1 Entry
Judge Lori Sargent
Open Female BF BOB Listed Entry

Samoyed, 2 Entries
Judge Lori Sargent
Adult Female BF BOB Listed Entry
RBF Listed Entry

Shiba, 1 Entry
Judge Lori Sargent
Adult Female BF BOB CH Kivrin Of The Petal Variety, Mark E Smyers

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Lori Sargent
1st) Keeshond, Listed Entry
2nd) American Eskimo, CH'PR'Sierra's Sarkany O'aviron
3rd) Samoyed, Listed Entry
4th) Shiba, CH Kivrin Of The Petal Variety

Herding Dogs

Australian Shepherd, 2 Entries
Judge Lori Sargent
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry
Jr. Female RBF God's Gift Spot On, Kimberly Bright, Pamela S Eggers

Belgian Shepherd Dog, 2 Entries
Judge Lori Sargent
CH BOB URO1 CH Burr Oak The Hurricane, Jacki Karnap
RCH CH Boncoeurs Rollin On The River, Wende Steffey O'hara

Bergamasco, 2 Entries
Judge Lori Sargent
Jr. Female BF BOB Ghita Della Luna Di Lana, Susan Pickerill
BHF RBF Aurora Of Windy Hill, Susan Pickerill

Border Collie, 1 Entry
Judge Lori Sargent
Open Male BM BOB Out Run Inkandescent Flux, Lauren Chikosky

Cardigan Welsh Corgi, 3 Entries
Judge Lori Sargent
Female Puppy RBF Legacy's Perfectly Paisley Flf, Debbie Mock
Jr. Female BF Listed Entry
CH BOB CH Legacy's Air Force Two Ii, Debbie A Mock

German Shepherd Dog, 5 Entries
Judge Lori Sargent
Jr. Male BM Wildfires Hanno Von Der Klink, Julie Sincich
Jr. Female RBF Listed Entry
Adult Female BF BOW Denali Vom Eisenraben, Kenneth A Wallace, Michelle S Wallace
CH CH Xero Vom Golden Haus, Lindsey Giammarino
GRCH BOB SC SI URO1 NN CA GRCH Dyson Vom Royale, Morgan Stanley

Mudi, 5 Entries
Judge Lori Sargent
Male Puppy BM BOW Isten Szive O'wc-aviron SPOT, Mona Eder, Joseph Eder, Leann Neiman
Female Puppy BF Wcs Kick Some Butt With Aviron, Leann Neiman, Mona Eder, Destiny Acha, Lora Neiman
CH URO1 CH Mc Potter's Creek's Mecsek, Mona Eder, Lanna Neiman, Joseph Eder
RCH Listed Entry
GRCH BOB URO1 GRCH Mecseki Bundas Rebek SPOT, Leann Neiman, Lora Neiman

Pembroke Welsh Corgi, 7 Entries
Judge Lori Sargent
Male Puppy BM BOW CH Buckeye's The Legend Lives On, Lisa K Schott
Female Puppy RBF Flf Plymouth Rock 'n Stowaway, Debbie Mock
Jr. Female BF CH Pprtrees Willow Of Khalleywags, Debbie Damiano
CH BOB CH Brynlea It's Not Unusual, Bonnie L Foster
RCH CH Flf Hazel Bit O Honey, Debbie Mock

Shetland Sheepdog, 4 Entries
Judge Lori Sargent
Adult Female BF BOB Gypsy's Karefree Angel, Barbara Westerman
BHF RBF Gypsy's Turn The Page, Barbara Westerman
CH CH Northstar Midnight In Paris, Nathan Barkman, Steve Pennington

White Shepherd, 6 Entries
Judge Lori Sargent
Jr. Female RBF Thornvalley's Nikita Of Oz, Kathleen Ingram
Adult Female BF BOB URO2 Thornvalley Got Some Splainen, Melanie A Fuellgraf, William C Fuellgraf
CH CH'PR'Hollybrook's Right By Design, Catherine Mowery, Melanie Fuellgraf
RCH UCDX URO3 CH E-empress Von King's Silbertal SPOT-ON, Melanie Fuellgraf

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lori Sargent
1st) Pembroke Welsh Corgi, CH Brynlea It's Not Unusual
2nd) German Shepherd Dog, SC SI URO1 NN CA GRCH Dyson Vom Royale
3rd) Mudi, URO1 GRCH Mecseki Bundas Rebek SPOT
4th) Belgian Shepherd Dog, URO1 CH Burr Oak The Hurricane


American Hairless Terrier, 4 Entries
Judge Paul G Bruneau
BHF BFV BF BOW BOB CH Ratitatt Milady Godiva Cc, Valerie Schiefer
Male Puppy BMV BM Wudnshu Beethoven Blue Moon, Cheryl Dibert
BHF BFV RBF Ratitatt Mandy Eye Candy, Valerie Schiefer
RBMV RBM Stoney Brooks Smooth Operator Laura Mc Dowell

American Pit Bull Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Paul G Bruneau
Adult Male BM BOB King Kodiak Oso, Rhonda Barrera-tomas

Norwich Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Paul G Bruneau
CH BOB CH Fishback's Commodore Perry, Kelly Foos

Rat Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Paul G Bruneau
Male Puppy BMV BM BOB Warrenmtn Dozer Diggin Ratitatt, Valerie Schiefer

Staffordshire Bullterrier, 2 Entries
Judge Glenda Bruneau
CH BOB CH Neverland Wreck It Ralph, Jennifer Rice
GRCH GRCH Neverland Something Wicked, Jennifer Rice

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Glenda Bruneau
1st) Norwich Terrier, CH Fishback's Commodore Perry
2nd) Staffordshire Bullterrier, CH Neverland Wreck It Ralph
3rd) American Pit Bull Terrier, King Kodiak Oso
4th) Rat Terrier, Warrenmtn Dozer Diggin Ratitatt

Companion Dogs

Boston Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Timothy Catterson
CH BOB CH Davane Honey Bee, Shelley R Hysong

Cavalier Kng.Chas.Spaniel, 2 Entries
Judge Timothy Catterson
Male Puppy BM BOW BOB Marshelle Waylon Jennings Firth, Shelby Firth, Marshalle Stout
Open Female BF Sheeba Of The Valley, Cyndi Murphy

Chihuahua, 1 Entry
Judge Timothy Catterson
CH BOB CH Hangover's Love Does Not Envy, Betty Dzatko, Tammy Dzatko

Mi-Ki, 3 Entries
Judge Timothy Catterson
CH BOB CH Rare Gem Oaklee, Ruthy Wolfson
RCH CH Rare Gem Dahlia Lee, Ruthy Wolfson
GRCH GRCH Rare Gem Once In A Bl Moon Dnavip, Ruth L Wolfson

Miniature Pinscher, 2 Entries
Judge Timothy Catterson
Male Puppy BM Churchill's Feel Like A Rockstar, Regina Luyster
CH BOB CH Witzend Forever Love, Betty Dzatko, Tammy Dzatko

Judge Timothy Catterson
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Male Veteran: Best Veteran GRCH Roadrunner Pocketful Of Dreams, Peg Gross

Tibetan Spaniel, 2 Entries
Judge Timothy Catterson
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry
CH CH Tek's Tales Of Kugel V. Tamara, Amanda Quinn

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Timothy Catterson
1st) Cavalier Kng.Chas.Spaniel, Marshelle Waylon Jennings Firth
2nd) Miniature Pinscher, CH Witzend Forever Love
3rd) Tibetan Spaniel, Listed Entry
4th) Chihuahua, CH Hangover's Love Does Not Envy

WHITE SHEPHERD, URO2 Thornvalley Got Some Splainen, Melanie A Fuellgraf, William C Fuellgraf

BIS English Cocker Spaniel, GRCH Ritchhaven's Kid Poker, Margaret Ritch
RBIS Saluki, CH Deiconsorti Starlite Appletini, Lisa Sangregorio

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