Premier Judges
UKC Premier. Kalamazoo, Michigan
Caroline Oldham
Mansfield, Texas
Caroline Oldham, and her husband Eddie are business owners in Mansfield, TX. They share their lives with three awesome canine companions: Hershey, a 12 year old chocolate lab, Timber, a three year old Welsh Springer Spaniel, and Katie, a one year old Belgian Malinois. They have three human children and four grandchildren who also share their love for dogs. Caroline became interested in Nosework in 2012 when her lab finished obedience and needed a retirement sport. What started with a single class led to Hershey becoming the 21st dog in the world to earn the UKC Elite Nosework Title, and the 10th dog to earn the EN and HDE combo. As of now, Hershey will grandfather in as a Master Champion in 2020. Caroline and Timber were the very first team to put a Nosework title on a Welsh Springer Spaniel. Timber is now on the Master level. Katie is just starting her Nosework career, but has already earned several High in Trials on the Novice and Advanced level. Along with Nosework, the younger dogs compete in Obedience and Dock Diving. She is a founding member and board member of The North Texas Nosework Club, teaches seven Nosework classes a week in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, provides seminars and holds officiating licenses in UKC, AKC and C-WAGS. Her favorite UKC Nosework element is Handler Discrimination. Her interests also include painting, travel, High Intensity Interval Training, Yoga, and Archery. Carolines passion is starting new students and judging the teams who have never competed before. The first Q is the very best Q and unforgettable! |
Brenda Crim-Critelli
Parrish, Florida
I am Brenda Crim-Critelli and I make my home in Parrish Florida with my husband and our two dogs Jett, the Border Collie and Trout our Russell Terrier. Previously we were the proud owners of six white GSDs but they have now all passed over the bridge. I like many of you, purchased my first dog, entered our first obedience class, earned our first title, and was lured into the obedience world. After obtaining several obedience titles on my dogs UKC introduced Rally Obedience to its events department and my dog club gave me the opportunity to teach their first official Rally classes. It was after this that I applied for judging and find myself here today. I have attended many rally/obedience seminars over the years while watching rally earn a respected place in UKC events for both the handlers and their dogs and I thank all of those who have participated over the years and made it the sport it is today. Our club recently expanded to include Nosework ,and are excited that we can now offer another event to our dogs and handlers. I have been a member of the Dog Training Club of St Petersburg for the past twenty three years and a member of the Sarasota Obedience Training Club for nine years. I am also a member of NADOI, (National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors) and have also competed in obedience, earth dog, tracking and herding. I deeply appreciate being invited to join this years team of judges and would like to wish the best to all who have trained so hard and traveled so far to participate in this great event. |
Gary Andersen
Scottsdale, Arizona
My introduction to the dog world was right after my wife, Beverly, and I were first married. At that time we had a pet Samoyed. While reading the Sunday paper, Bev saw an ad for a Gordon Setter litter. She had grown up with a Gordon next door to her and wanted to go look at the puppies. We called and went over to look at the litter. On the way over, I kept saying that we did not need another dog and we were just going to look and then leave! Well, you know the rest of the story; one of the big boys crawled into my lap and licked my face. That puppy went home with us and I made Beverly drive!! This was in 1974. Our first serious show dogs were English Setters. We had a few English before we found another Gordon that we liked. In the late 70s, we also acquired our first English Cocker. Once the English Cockers came into our lives, the English Setters slowly left. We had our first Gordon litter in 1978. This was shortly after we had relocated to Tucson, Arizona from Denver, Colorado. After moving to Phoenix in 1983, we acquired our first Irish. In the past we have also had an Irish Red and White Setter, Afghan, a Briard, a black Standard Poodle and Smooth Fox Terriers, but our focus has been the Gordons and the English Cockers. I served10 years on the National Board of the Gordon Setter Club of America. I have been the Judges Education Coordinator for the past seven years and in the process of revising the Illustrated Standard. I am past president of Scottsdale Dog Fanciers, an all breed club. I have also been vice president, treasure and board member, I have been a member for 30 years. I am presently the President and Show Chairperson of the Arizona Sporting Dog Assoc. I am one of the founding members of the Sporting Dog Assoc. I received my AKC Judging license in 1993, initially approved for Irish, English, Gordon Setters, English Cockers and All Breed Junior Showmanship. I now am licensed for the Sporting Group, Working Group, Toy Group, Non Sporting Group,25 Hounds, 8 Terriers, 2 Herding Breeds, Misc. Breeds and Best in Show. I have been judging UKC for around 7 years. |
Sandra Shaw
Dewitt, Michigan
At 12yrs. old I finally got my first dog, an American Cocker Spaniel named Marilyn. So named because my Father said if there was going to be another woman in this house it better be Marilyn Monroe! She was AKC registered and started me on the path of pure bred dogs. I trained her in obedience and all the tricks I could think of or get from Library books. She was so amazing! Bred my first litter, Dobermans, in 1969 under the Sandcastle prefix. Moved to Michigan with my 3 kids and married again, practiced Real Estate as an associate Broker for 35yrs. For a while I bred Akitas, Chinese Crested Powderpuffs, and Belgians Finally settled on my Belgians as my forever breed, mostly Groenendaels, but a few Tervs and of coarse Tervs in my Groen litters all under the prefix Sandcastle. After my 2nd failed marriage I concentrated on showing and performance with my dogs. I also owned and operated a small boarding and training kennel in my spare time. Conformation and genetics has always been my challenge, though. I loved it, but breed no more as I'm retired. I have found the fun sports are my passion now that I can't run around the ring, and have titled all of my dogs in many venues. I've served every conceivable office in many clubs, including President 2 times of ICKC all-breed Club, show chair many times, all the other offices at one time or another including Grounds and OB Chair! Was a member in good standing of all the dog clubs representing my breeds, lifetime member of BSCA, 28yr. member of ABTC, member of UBSDA since 1994, member of Lake Eustis Kennel Club, Sunshine State Herding Club, Tri County K-9 Sports, ABLC and others. I've judged dog shows, matches, taught 4-H to kids, and participated in anything fun to do with dogs since childhood. Started judging matches in 1978. Currently I'm licensed to judge all breeds as a Senior Judge under the UKC banner. Retired, life-partnered for 19yrs with my best friend Mel, owned by 3 Belgians, (1, 9 and 14yrs), 6 Grandkids, 8 Great-Grandkids, and just enjoying life now between Michigan and Florida. |
Cecile Chapin
Paris, Ontario, Canada
I am honored to be invited to judge the Lure Coursing events at the 2019 Premier. I began my purebred canine experience 40 years ago with my first Borzoi I have been judging for approximately 35 years starting with the CKC and ASFA organizations. In addition to lure coursing, I have participated in conformation, agility, rally, nosework, barn hunt and open field. I am retired and live in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Over the years, I have been blessed to have Borzoi, Saluki, Whippets and a Greyhound share my life. Currently I have 2 Whippets and 1 Greyhound. I look forward to seeing the various breeds run. |
Cindy Fellows
Troy, Michigan
I was introduced to the world of dogs in 1992 when I got my first purebred dog, a Rottweiler. We were partners for the next 13 years and discovered the different aspects of dog shows together. It was during a protection training class that I met the lady who got me involved in my next breed, Bullmastiffs. I had my first litter with her, and it was then I learned that I did not want to be a breeder. When I met my now husband in 1998, while teaching at my dog school in Battle Creek, in walked the most beautiful dog I had ever seen. It was a Belgian Tervuren. The man on the other end of the leash became my husband 2 years later. I always say I fell in love with his dog before I fell in love with him. I showed that dog to his AKC championship. Later, I obtained my own Belgian Tervuren in 2002, Ferrari de la Lune, Crash. Crash and I enjoyed 8 short years together, earning an AKC championship, UKC grand championship, #1 BSD in 2006, and showing all over Europe. I also had the pleasure of owning Crashs sister, Lotus de la Lune, Lola. I now have a fantastic show partner, UK-CH, U-GRCH, U-BIS, NBOB, BISS, AKC CH, CAN CH Domburg Moves Like Jagger, Arii. He is a fun, happy dog that enjoys showing. I think we are going to have an enjoyable show career. At 17-months, he was the youngest Belgian Tervuren to earn a United Kingdom Championship. Joining us in the ring is his lovely niece, U-CH Domburg Give Me Some Sugar, (major pointed) Kiss. I call her the naughtiest girl ever, but so cute you have to forgive her. It was because of the Belgians that I became a UKC judge in 2005. Our club was complaining that we did not have any new judges. As a board member of the National club I wanted to encourage people to apply to be a judge. If I could do it, they could. It is an activity I ended up enjoying and I try to make it a pleasant experience for dogs and exhibitors. When I see people getting nervous, disappointed or upset I try to help them see that it is just a dog show, and you will still be taking home the best dog in the show. |
Debi Allen
Farmville, Virginia
I have shown and bred American Eskimo dogs since 1992. I have been involved with UKC since 1993 when I began competing in Obedience with my first American Eskimo Dog. In 1994 I purchased my first show dog and so my journey began. I have shown many other breeds helping out friends over the years. In 2003 I became a UKC licensed judge. Over the last 16 years I have seen UKC grow into the respected registry it is today. I appreciate the relaxed environment UKC offers along with its philosophies. I hope this continues well into the future. It is both an honor and a privilege to be judging at this years Premier. |
Don Shiffer
Joliet, Illinois
I have been competing in a number of different Agility registries for over 25 years. I have been a registered UKC Agility Judge for over 11 years. During that time I have had the honor of judging at three previous Premiers. I have also been involved with the 4H dog agility program judging at county trials and the Indiana State Fair.
I have had a dog ever since I was a boy. In 1982 my wife Judi and I got our first Doberman Pinscher and in March of 1998 bred our first liter under the kennel name Judons Dobermans. I started competing competitively in AKC & UKC Obedience, Conformation and Agility in 1994 and later Rally. I have been an instructor, trained and handled in all of these venues as well as judging matches. I am also involved in therapy work and scent work. During this time my Dobes have earned 18 Conformation Championships including numerous Best In Show, 19 Obedience titles including some High In Trial, 40 Rally titles including 7 RAE titles and numerous High Combined and 54 Agility titles with many High In Trail.
I feel Ive had two equally great accomplishments in competition with my Dobes.
Cindy Leung
Hillsboro, Oregon
My first UKC obedience dogs were mixed breeds back in 1997. I wanted to give back to the sport and organization that welcomed my dogs and me, so I became an obedience judge in 2000 and a rally judge when that sport started. I now have golden retrievers, and we compete in obedience, rally, agility, field, tracking, and conformation. This is my fourth time judging Premier, and I am honored to be invited back to be your obedience and rally judge this weekend. I wish everyone GOOD LUCK and I hope everyone has a great time. Just to be here is an honor and accomplishment to be appreciated. Only a few people will go home with blue ribbons, but everyone goes home a winner! |
Georgene Knight
Zion, Illinios
My schooling and accomplishments:
I have been teaching Puppy and Beginner Obedience since 1997, and Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Agility with park district since 1999. I have taught and helped 22 handlers and dogs get their first title, and organized students to walk in a Labor Day parade since 2000. Fun! I have judged several matches for the Rottweiler Club, and have been an evaluator for CGC (AKC) and Therapy Dogs Intl since 2000.
Agility is a great sport for handlers and fun for dogs.
Jamie Robinson
Three Rivers, Michigan
I grew up my entire life living with and loving dogs. I was lucky enough to find a partner in life that shared that love. Together, we started a breeding program of American Bulldogs since 1987. We have produced the #1 American Bulldog 7 out of the last 10 years and we have been on the Top Ten each of those 10 years. We became interested in weight pull around 1999 and slowly became more and more involved. It is a great sport seeing a great team work together to get the job done from the newbies all the way through to the most competitive it truly can be awe inspiring. I especially love to see the Juniors coming in and learning to love the sport as well, as they are the future. |
Karyn Colman
Bloomsbury, New Jersey
I got my first Alaskan Malamute in the UK in 1987. Originally only wanting a companion and a working dog to team up with my Border Collie, the breeder convinced me to show. I learnt a lot about the breed, the world of dogs and, more importantly, I made some lifelong friends through that dog. He introduced me to showing, obedience, sledding and breed/all-breed clubs! In 1994 I moved to Sweden where I met my husband, Jari, who was a Samoyed and Alaskan Malamute breeder in Finland and who ran sledding races competitively with 12-dog Samoyed teams and 4 to 6-dog Malamute teams. We moved to North America (Canada) in 1999 and then on to New Jersey in 2006, always taking our dogs with us and making new friends through our dogs. Together with we have bred, shown, worked and just plain owned some amazing dogs, all of whom have made us very proud, including an Australian Shepherd and a PWD. We could not have done all that we have without the help and support of great friends and mentors both in Europe and in North America, and the ongoing support from many wonderful dog people in many breeds and venues. In addition to working with our own dogs, I have also worked as a volunteer veterinarian on the Iditarod sled dog race in Alaska for the last 10 years, helping to look after the amazing elite canine athletes that compete in the race, and I am a member of the ISDVMA as well as the BSAVA and RCVS. At some point, not sure exactly when, I made the decision to start judging dogs where I have continued to learn and grow in my understanding of dogs in general as well as the differences and similarities between breeds. I have had the honor of being invited to judge sweepstakes at the AMCA National Specialty in 2014, the AMCA Top 20 event twice (2009 & 2018), as well as Specialty sweepstakes classes for Malamutes, Siberian Huskies and Samoyeds. I became a UKC judge in 2014 and I especially love judging at UKC shows where breed-specific function is prioritized, and I am honored to have been invited to judge at the UKC Premier event in 2019. |
Karen A Shivers
Blossom, Texas
Karen Shivers holds a Masters degree in Secondary Education with a minor in Psychology, a Masters in Applied Criminology, and is working on a Doctoral degree in Higher Education. She enjoys being a professional educator as well as continuing her life-long commitment to the sport of dogs through judging, training, and showing dogs in conformation and performance events.
Karen has been involved in the sport of dogs since 1968 when she began in 4-H with Obedience and Junior Showmanship. She has been very successful in competing with the American Kennel Club, the United Kennel Club, the Canadian Kennel Club, and the International Kennel Club. She began instructing classes for Obedience and Conformation in 1976 and added Agility and Tracking in 1988. She has been a member of the National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors since 1976 and is currently the President of this prestigious association. She was instrumental in the formation of the Garden State Kennel Club, Texas K9 Association, United Shetland Sheepdog Association, and United Nosework, all of which are licensed to hold trials and shows with the United Kennel Club. Karen is also the co-writer of the current UKC Nosework program. In 2006 she began training in Mondioring along with narcotics detection and protection K9s and in 2007 she was the first civilian graduate of the US Tactical K9 Law Enforcement Academy for that purpose. She currently holds a Private Investigation and Guard Dog training license with the State of Texas. Karen has trained, handled, and titled numerous dogs of several different breeds to their Conformation Championships, Obedience, Rally Obedience, Agility, Herding, Weight Pull, Dock Diving, Nosework, and protection sports with the United States Mondioring Association, Irongdog, and Service Dogs of America. |
Lynne Nappi
Tallahassee, Florida
I first became involved with my breed the Alaskan malamute in1970 when an incorrigible 9 month old was offered to me for rehoming. Knowing nothing about the breed other than it was a breed that always fascinated me, it didnt take much to convince me to take him in. I'm not sure what I was thinking since I had a 2 year old at the same time. But it soon became apparent that if he was going to be a part of our family he was going to need some manners. I enrolled him in obedience classes and it was there that I heard about performance, trials and legs. I knew this was something I would like to do. However, it was not until I got my second and third malamutes (at the same time), that I became involved with Performance eventsAKC, UKC and WWKC (World Wide Kennel Club). This included Obedience, Rally and Agility. Over the years I became involved with Conformation also with AKC, UKC and IABCA (International All Breed Canine Association). New events came along which included AKC Scent Work, UKC Nosework, NACSW (National Association of Canine Scent Work) and Barn Hunt which I and my dogs have participated in. I am an AKC Scent Work Judge and also a UKC Obedience, Rally Obedience and Nosework judge. |
Sally Wells
Newberg, Oregon
My name is Sally Wells. I have been involved in dog sports since the early 2000s when I no longer needed to drive my kids to their own sporting events. I fell in love with obedience during one of those taking kids to game trips. I dropped the kids off and had 30 minutes or an hour to kill before the actual game started. I saw I sign outside one of the local fairgrounds that said DOG SHOW. That looked like it would be a fun way to spend 30 minutes or so, who knew it would pull me in for a lifetime. It just so happened to be a UKC Obedience trial. I came in the middle of the Utility class. All I remember is this very old woman with a very old dog doing the glove exercises. (If I remember correctly the dog briskly grabbed all three gloves before returning to the handler!) That was the coolest thing I ever saw and was completely hooked. It was several years before I got to play in the ring, or even had any idea what I saw was not the way the exercise was supposed to be done, but I cant imagine a better older person sport. I am a partner in Trainers to the Rescue, LLC in Cornelius, Oregon. I am responsible for all our Rally classes as well as registration, and teaching a few private students. The breed of my heart is the rough collie. I have had three dogs with UUDs (one sheltie and two collies) and two who got to the UOCH and UUDX (the two collies). My current competition dog has one leg on her UUD, so I am still actively competing in the sport. In addition to Obedience and Rally, I have participated in herding, conformation, draft, carting, weight pull, barn hunt, trick dog, and agility. My first two collie boys are both UKC Super Dogs with many Total dog awards. One of my coolest UKC memories is getting a Total Dog on my dog Zedd by winning a Group 1 and qualifying in Utility! |
Tracy Doty
Holly Springs, North Carolina
I am honored to be invited to judge Premier 2019. I have judged UKC Conformation events for well over 10 years and I still love it as much as the day I was first licensed! My career in dogs started well over 25 years ago. As I learned and competed more, it led me into handling professionally for a while and then to judging. My initial breed was Doberman Pinschers and I spent 21 years breeding and competing with this amazing breed. I was fortunate enough to have some great success with them in the show ring, including winning Top Ten and the Guardian Group at Premier in 2009. Now, a decade later I am fortunate enough to return with the responsibility of judging this years great dogs, as we all know Premier truly brings out the best of the best! Over the last 8 years Ive transitioned away from breeding Dobermans and into my current breed, Tibetan Terriers. Though, I shouldnt fail to mention the love of my life, a four year old Tibetan Mastiff named Thor that my husband and I imported from China to compete in this country. Our success in Dobermans has fortunately helped us navigate our new breed and we are once again experiencing success in the show ring with my current special, Benjamin, aka The Starboy! When Im not judging or competing, I can be found leading a large animal hospital in Raleigh, NC. In addition to a Bachelor Degree in Business Management, an Associates in Veterinary Technology and meeting the requirements for CVPM certification I have also pursued certification in Canine Rehabilitation. Through extensively studying anatomy and gait analysis I have found that not only does that experience and education apply in a clinical setting, but it also translates well into judging dogs. Im ecstatic to be returning to judge Premier again this year and wish everyone competing the best of luck. |