Performance Pedigree Titles
UKC issues a unique Performance Pedigree with each registration certificate. For each dog in the pedigree, up to four generations, the Performance Pedigree displays:
- the coat color
- the number of offspring produced
- the titles earned by those offspring
- the number of offspring that earned each title
Due to the amount of data being presented on the pedigree the titles are abbreviated using the codes listed below.
Performance Pedigree Title Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Title Description | Event Type |
Abbreviation A1 |
Title Description United Agility I |
Event Type Agility |
Abbreviation A2 |
Title Description United Agility II |
Event Type Agility |
Abbreviation AB |
Title Description Advanced Container |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation AC |
Title Description United Agility Champion |
Event Type Agility |
Abbreviation ACH |
Title Description Advanced Nosework Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation ADG |
Title Description Altered Diamond Grand Champion |
Event Type Altered Conformation |
Abbreviation AE |
Title Description Advanced Exterior |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation AEG |
Title Description Altered Emerald Grand Champion |
Event Type Altered Conformation |
Abbreviation AGC |
Title Description Advanced Nosework Grand Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation AHD |
Title Description Advanced Handler Discrimination |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation AI |
Title Description Advanced Interior |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation ALCCH |
Title Description Altered Conformation Champion |
Event Type Altered Conformation (Coonhounds, Beagles, Cur/Feists) |
Abbreviation ALCH |
Title Description Altered Champion |
Event Type Altered Conformation |
Abbreviation ALGCC |
Title Description Altered Conformation Grand Champion |
Event Type Altered Conformation (Coonhounds, Beagles, Cur/Feists) |
Abbreviation ALGCH |
Title Description Altered Grand Champion |
Event Type Altered Conformation |
Abbreviation AMCH |
Title Description NSTRA Amateur Champion |
Event Type NSTRA Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation AN |
Title Description Advanced Nosework |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation AOB |
Title Description Protection Alert Obedience |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation AP |
Title Description Advanced Puller |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation APR |
Title Description Advanced Pointing Retriever |
Event Type American Pointing Labrador Association |
Abbreviation ARG |
Title Description Altered Ruby Grand Champion |
Event Type Altered Conformation |
Abbreviation ASG |
Title Description Altered Sapphire Grand Champion |
Event Type Altered Conformation |
Abbreviation AV |
Title Description Advanced Vehicle |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation AX |
Title Description United Agility Champion Excellent |
Event Type Agility |
Abbreviation BC |
Title Description Hunting Beagle Champion |
Event Type Beagle Hunt |
Abbreviation BDCCH |
Title Description BDC Champion |
Event Type BDC Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation BDCDY |
Title Description BDC Dog of the Year |
Event Type BDC Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation BDCLC |
Title Description BDC Legendary Champion |
Event Type BDC Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation BDCNC |
Title Description BDC National Champion |
Event Type BDC Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation BDCSM |
Title Description BDC Super Major Champion |
Event Type BDC Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation BDCWC |
Title Description BDC World Champion |
Event Type BDC Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation BSHOF |
Title Description Grand Champion Hall of Fame |
Event Type Coonhound Bench Show |
Abbreviation CA |
Title Description Coursing Aptitude |
Event Type Lure Coursing |
Abbreviation CAS |
Title Description United Coursing Aptitude Supreme |
Event Type Lure Coursing |
Abbreviation CAX |
Title Description Coursing Aptitude Excellent |
Event Type Lure Coursing |
Abbreviation CCB |
Title Description Lure Coursing Champion - Breed |
Event Type Lure Coursing |
Abbreviation CCH |
Title Description Conformation Champion |
Event Type Conformation (Coonhounds, Beagles, Cur/Feists) |
Abbreviation CCM |
Title Description Lure Coursing Champion - Mixed |
Event Type Lure Coursing |
Abbreviation CD |
Title Description United Companion Dog |
Event Type Obedience |
Abbreviation CDX |
Title Description United Companion Dog Excellent |
Event Type Obedience |
Abbreviation CGRCH |
Title Description Conformation Grand Champion |
Event Type Conformation (Coonhounds, Beagles, Cur/Feists) |
Abbreviation CH |
Title Description NSTRA Champion |
Event Type NSTRA Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation CHF |
Title Description Champion Of The Field |
Event Type Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation CHF-L |
Title Description Champion of the Field-Liberated |
Event Type Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation CHF-W |
Title Description Champion of the Field-Wild |
Event Type Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation CHSD |
Title Description Champion Shed Dog |
Event Type Elite Shed Dog Series |
Abbreviation CPR |
Title Description Certified Pointing Retriever |
Event Type American Pointing Labrador Association |
Abbreviation CT |
Title Description Coursing Tested |
Event Type Lure Coursing |
Abbreviation CTS |
Title Description Coursing Tested Supreme |
Event Type Lure Coursing |
Abbreviation CTX |
Title Description Coursing Tested Excellent |
Event Type Lure Coursing |
Abbreviation DG |
Title Description Diamond Grand Champion |
Event Type Conformation |
Abbreviation EB |
Title Description Elite Container |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation EC |
Title Description Earth Work Champion |
Event Type Earth Work Hunting (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation ECH |
Title Description Elite Nosework Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation EE |
Title Description Elite Exterior |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation EG |
Title Description Emerald Grand Champion |
Event Type Conformation |
Abbreviation EGC |
Title Description Elite Nosework Grand Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation EHD |
Title Description Excellent Handler Discrimination |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation EHDS |
Title Description Excellent Handler Discrimination Supreme |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation EI |
Title Description Elite Interior |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation EII |
Title Description Earth Working Dog II |
Event Type Earth Work Hunting (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation EN |
Title Description Elite Nosework |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation ESD |
Title Description Elite Shed Dog |
Event Type Elite Shed Dog Series |
Abbreviation EV |
Title Description Elite Vehicle |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation EWDI |
Title Description Earth Working Dog I |
Event Type Earth Work Hunting (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation F.CH |
Title Description UFTA Field Champion |
Event Type UFTA Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation FC |
Title Description Beagle Gundog Field Champion |
Event Type Beagle Gundog |
Abbreviation FC |
Title Description Field Champion |
Event Type Coonhound Field Trial |
Abbreviation FO |
Title Description Family Obedience |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation FTHOF |
Title Description Grand Field Champion Hall of Fame |
Event Type Coonhound Field Trial |
Abbreviation GAC |
Title Description United Grand Agility Champion |
Event Type Agility |
Abbreviation GB |
Title Description Grand Hunting Beagle Champion |
Event Type Beagle Hunt |
Abbreviation GCB |
Title Description Grand Lure Coursing Champion-Breed |
Event Type Lure Coursing |
Abbreviation GCM |
Title Description Grand Lure Coursing Champion-Mixed |
Event Type Lure Coursing |
Abbreviation GF |
Title Description Beagle Gundog Grand Field Champion |
Event Type Beagle Gundog |
Abbreviation GF |
Title Description Grand Field Champion |
Event Type Coonhound Field Trial |
Abbreviation GH |
Title Description Grand Hunting Retriever Champion |
Event Type Hunting Retriever |
Abbreviation GJJCH |
Title Description Grand Junior Jumper Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation GMJCH |
Title Description Grand Master Jumper Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation GMPR |
Title Description Grand Master Pointing Retriever |
Event Type American Pointing Labrador Association |
Abbreviation GN |
Title Description Grand Nite Champion |
Event Type
Coonhound Nite Hunt |
Abbreviation GNJCH |
Title Description Grand Novice Jumper Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation GOC |
Title Description United Grand Obedience Champion |
Event Type Obedience |
Abbreviation GQ |
Title Description Grand Squirrel Champion |
Event Type Cur/Feist Squirrel Hunt |
Abbreviation GRCHF |
Title Description Grand Champion Of The Field |
Event Type Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation GRECH |
Title Description Grand Earth Work Champion |
Event Type Earth Work Hunting (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation GRPCH |
Title Description Grand Performance Pack Champion |
Event Type Beagle Performance Pack |
Abbreviation GRSD |
Title Description Grand Champion Shed Dog |
Event Type Elite Shed Dog Series |
Abbreviation GRUVC |
Title Description Grand Radical Ultimate Vertical Champ |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation GS |
Title Description Grand Show Champion |
Event Type
Coonhound Bench Show |
Abbreviation GSFCH |
Title Description United Grand Supreme Fetch It Champ |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation GSJCH |
Title Description Grand Senior Jumper Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation GSUVC |
Title Description Grand Supreme Ultimate Vertical Champ |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation GT |
Title Description Grand Tree Champion |
Event Type Cur/Feist Treeing Contest (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation GUFCH |
Title Description United Grand Ultimate Fetch It Champ |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation GUJCH |
Title Description Grand Ultimate Jumper Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation GUN |
Title Description Gun Dog |
Event Type Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation GW |
Title Description Grand Water Champion |
Event Type Coonhound Water Race |
Abbreviation GWPC1 |
Title Description United Grand Weight Pull Champion 1 |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation GWPCH |
Title Description United Grand Weight Pull Champion |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation HBHOF |
Title Description Grand Hunting Beagle Hall of Fame |
Event Type Beagle Hunt |
Abbreviation HC |
Title Description Hunting Retriever Champion |
Event Type Hunting Retriever |
Abbreviation HDCH |
Title Description Handler Discrimination Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation HDGC |
Title Description Handler Discrimination Grand Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation HR |
Title Description Hunting Retriever |
Event Type Hunting Retriever |
Abbreviation HRHOF |
Title Description Hall of Fame |
Event Type Hunting Retriever |
Abbreviation HTX |
Title Description Hunt Test Excellent |
Event Type Coonhound/Cur/Feist Licensed Hunt Test |
Abbreviation HUNT |
Title Description Hunt |
Event Type Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation MB |
Title Description Master Container |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation MCH |
Title Description Master Nosework Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation ME |
Title Description Master Exterior |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation MGC |
Title Description Master Nosework Grand Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation MHD |
Title Description Master Handler Discrimination |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation MHDX |
Title Description Master Handler Discrimination Excellent |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation MI |
Title Description Master Interior |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation MN |
Title Description Master Nosework |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation MPR |
Title Description Master Pointing Retriever |
Event Type American Pointing Labrador Association |
Abbreviation MV |
Title Description Master Vehicle |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NB |
Title Description Novice Container |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NBC |
Title Description National Grand Hunting Beagle Champ |
Event Type Beagle Hunt |
Abbreviation NBOB |
Title Description National Best of Breed |
Event Type Conformation |
Abbreviation NC |
Title Description Nite Champion |
Event Type
Coonhound Nite Hunt |
Abbreviation NCSD |
Title Description National Champion Shed Dog |
Event Type Elite Shed Dog Series |
Abbreviation NDC |
Title Description National Dual Champion |
Event Type Coonhound Nite Hunt |
Abbreviation NE |
Title Description Novice Exterior |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NF.CH |
Title Description UFTA National Field Champion |
Event Type UFTA Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation NG |
Title Description National Grand Show Champion |
Event Type Coonhound Bench Show |
Abbreviation NG2 |
Title Description National Grand Show Champion 2X |
Event Type Bench Show |
Abbreviation NGC |
Title Description Nosework Grand Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NGRC |
Title Description National Grand Show Champion |
Event Type Beagle Bench Show |
Abbreviation NGRNC |
Title Description National Grand Nite Champion |
Event Type Coonhound Nite Hunt |
Abbreviation NHD |
Title Description Novice Handler Discrimination |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NHHOF |
Title Description Grand Nite Champion Hall of Fame |
Event Type Coonhound Nite Hunt |
Abbreviation NI |
Title Description Novice Interior |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NN |
Title Description Novice Nosework |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NNCH |
Title Description Novice Nosework Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NNCH |
Title Description Novice Nosework Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NTLCH |
Title Description NSTRA National Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NV |
Title Description Novice Vehicle |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NWCH |
Title Description Nosework Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation NWGC |
Title Description Nosework Grand Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation OB1 |
Title Description Protection 1 Obedience |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation OB2 |
Title Description Protection 2 Obedience |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation OB3 |
Title Description Protection 3 Obedience |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation OBPD1 |
Title Description Police Dog 1 Obedience |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation OBPD2 |
Title Description Police Dog 2 Obedience |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation OC |
Title Description United Obedience Champion |
Event Type Obedience |
Abbreviation P1 |
Title Description Protection 1 |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation P2 |
Title Description Protection 2 |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation P3 |
Title Description Protection 3 |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation PA |
Title Description Protection Alert |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation PCH |
Title Description Performance Pack Champion |
Event Type Beagle Performance Pack |
Abbreviation PD1 |
Title Description Police Dog 1 |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation PD2 |
Title Description Police Dog 2 |
Event Type Dog Sports (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation PTA |
Title Description Pre-Trial Advanced |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation PTE |
Title Description Pre-Trial Elite |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation PTM |
Title Description Pre-Trial Master |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation PTN |
Title Description Pre-Trial Novice |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation PTS |
Title Description Pre-Trial Superior |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation RATC |
Title Description Barn Hunt Champion |
Event Type Barn Hunt |
Abbreviation RATM |
Title Description Master Barn Hunt |
Event Type Barn Hunt |
Abbreviation RATN |
Title Description Novice Barn Hunt |
Event Type Barn Hunt |
Abbreviation RATO |
Title Description Open Barn Hunt |
Event Type Barn Hunt |
Abbreviation RATS |
Title Description Senior Barn Hunt |
Event Type Barn Hunt |
Abbreviation RATX |
Title Description Barn Hunt Champion Excellent |
Event Type Barn Hunt |
Abbreviation REGCH |
Title Description NSTRA Regional Champion |
Event Type NSTRA Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation RG |
Title Description Ruby Grand Champion |
Event Type Conformation |
Abbreviation RNFCH |
Title Description UFTA Reserve National Field Champion |
Event Type UFTA Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation RNTLC |
Title Description NSTRA Runner Up National Champion |
Event Type NSTRA Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation RUVCH |
Title Description Radical Ultimate Vertical Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation SB |
Title Description Superior Container |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation SC |
Title Description Show Champion |
Event Type
Coonhound Bench Show |
Abbreviation SCH |
Title Description Superior Nosework Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation SDHOF |
Title Description Elite Shed Dog Series Hall of Fame |
Event Type Elite Shed Dog Series |
Abbreviation SE |
Title Description Superior Exterior |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation SG |
Title Description Sapphire Grand Champion |
Event Type Conformation |
Abbreviation SGC |
Title Description Supreme Grand Coursing Champion |
Event Type Lure Coursing |
Abbreviation SHHOF |
Title Description Grand Squirrel Champ Hall of Fame |
Event Type Cur/Feist Squirrel Hunt |
Abbreviation SI |
Title Description Superior Interior |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation SN |
Title Description Superior Nosework |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation SNGC |
Title Description Superior Nosework Grand Champion |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation SPOT |
Title Description SPOT |
Event Type SPOT |
Abbreviation SPOTO |
Title Description SPOT-ON |
Event Type SPOT |
Abbreviation SQ |
Title Description Squirrel Champion |
Event Type Cur/Feist Squirrel Hunt |
Abbreviation SRAC |
Title Description SRS Amateur Champion |
Event Type Super Retriever Series |
Abbreviation SRACC |
Title Description SRS Amateur Crown Champion |
Event Type Super Retriever Series |
Abbreviation SRC |
Title Description SRS Champion |
Event Type Super Retriever Series |
Abbreviation SRCC |
Title Description SRS Crown Champion |
Event Type Super Retriever Series |
Abbreviation ST |
Title Description Started Hunting Retriever |
Event Type Hunting Retriever |
Abbreviation SUVCH |
Title Description Supreme Ultimate Vertical Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation SV |
Title Description Superior Vehicle |
Event Type Nosework |
Abbreviation TAN |
Title Description Natural Ability Test |
Event Type Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation TR |
Title Description Trialer |
Event Type Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation TRCH |
Title Description Tree Champion |
Event Type Cur/Feist Treeing Contest (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation UD |
Title Description United Utility Dog |
Event Type Obedience |
Abbreviation UDX |
Title Description United Utility Dog Excellent |
Event Type Obedience |
Abbreviation UEWPC |
Title Description United Elite Weight Pull Champion |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation UFA |
Title Description United Flat Racing Aptitude Test |
Event Type Drag Racing (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation UFCH |
Title Description United Flat Race Champion |
Event Type Drag Racing (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation UFGCH |
Title Description United Flat Race Grand Champion |
Event Type Drag Racing (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation UFR |
Title Description United Flat Racer |
Event Type Drag Racing (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation UH |
Title Description Upland Hunter |
Event Type Hunting Retriever |
Abbreviation UJJ |
Title Description United Junior Jumper |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation UJJCH |
Title Description United Junior Jumper Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation UMJ |
Title Description United Master Jumper |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation UMJCH |
Title Description United Master Jumper Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation UNJ |
Title Description United Novice Jumper |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation UNJCH |
Title Description United Novice Jumper Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation URO1 |
Title Description United Rally Obedience 1 |
Event Type Rally Obedience |
Abbreviation URO2 |
Title Description United Rally Obedience 2 |
Event Type Rally Obedience |
Abbreviation URO3 |
Title Description United Rally Obedience 3 |
Event Type Rally Obedience |
Abbreviation UROC |
Title Description United Rally Obedience Champion |
Event Type Rally Obedience |
Abbreviation UROG |
Title Description United Rally Obedience Grand Champ |
Event Type Rally Obedience |
Abbreviation URUV |
Title Description United Radical Ultimate Vertical |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation URX |
Title Description United Rally Obedience Excellent |
Event Type Rally Obedience |
Abbreviation USA |
Title Description United Steeplechase Racing Aptitude Test |
Event Type Drag Racing (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation USCH |
Title Description United Steeplechase Champion |
Event Type Drag Racing (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation USF |
Title Description United Supreme Fetch It |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation USFCH |
Title Description United Supreme Fetch It Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation USGCH |
Title Description United Steeplechase Grand Champion |
Event Type Drag Racing (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation USJ |
Title Description United Senior Jumper |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation USJCH |
Title Description United Senior Jumper Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation USR |
Title Description United Steeplechase Racer |
Event Type Drag Racing (Discontinued) |
Abbreviation USUV |
Title Description United Supreme Ultimate Vertical |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation UUF |
Title Description United Ultimate Fetch It |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation UUFCH |
Title Description United Ultimate Fetch It Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation UUJ |
Title Description United Ultimate Jumper |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation UUJCH |
Title Description United Ultimate Jumper Champion |
Event Type Dock Jumping |
Abbreviation UWPNC |
Title Description United Weight Pull National CH Div2 |
Event Type Weight Pull (Discontinued Title) |
Abbreviation VPA |
Title Description Versatile Puller Advanced |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation VPE |
Title Description Versatile Puller Excellent |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation VPN |
Title Description Weight Puller Novice |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation VPU |
Title Description Versatile Puller Ultimate |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation WB |
Title Description World Hunting Beagle Champion |
Event Type Beagle Hunt |
Abbreviation WC |
Title Description Water Champion |
Event Type Coonhound Water Race |
Abbreviation WDPC2 |
Title Description World Performance Pack Champion 2X |
Event Type Performance Pack |
Abbreviation WDPCH |
Title Description World Performance Pack Champion |
Event Type Beagle Performance Pack |
Abbreviation WN |
Title Description World Nite Champion |
Event Type Coonhound Nite Hunt |
Abbreviation WP |
Title Description United Weight Puller |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation WPC |
Title Description United Weight Pull Champion |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation WPO |
Title Description United WP Outstanding |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation WPPNC |
Title Description United Weight Pull National Ch Div1 |
Event Type Weight Pull (Discontinued Title) |
Abbreviation WPS |
Title Description United WP Supreme |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation WPU |
Title Description United Weight Pull Ultimate |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation WPV |
Title Description United WP Versatile |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation WPX |
Title Description UWPCH Excellent |
Event Type Weight Pull |
Abbreviation WRHOF |
Title Description Grand Water Champion Hall of Fame |
Event Type Coonhound Water Race |
Abbreviation WRT |
Title Description Water Retrieve Test |
Event Type Pointing Dog |
Abbreviation WS |
Title Description World Show Champion |
Event Type
Coonhound Bench Show |
Abbreviation WS2 |
Title Description World Show Champion 2X |
Event Type
Coonhound Bench Show |
Abbreviation WSD |
Title Description Working Shed Dog |
Event Type Elite Shed Dog Series |
Abbreviation WSQDC |
Title Description World Squirrel Dog Champion |
Event Type Cur/Feist Squirrel Hunt |
Abbreviation |