OFFICIAL: American Pit Bull Terrier Club of New England- RQE (05/07/2022) / Weight Pull Saturday Pull 1 and 2
May 7, 2022
Hosted By: American Pit Bull Terrier Club Of New England
Location: Westfield, Massachusetts
May 7, 2022
Pull 1
Wheels-artificial Div: A, 31 entries
Judge: Anthony J Flynn
MWPPBP: UWP CA True North, Unrecognized, Laura Sutherland, 25.9
MWPPBP Vet: UWPV USJ AP2 VPE URO1 UWPCH Hippo Phantamus, American Bully, Natalka Tuczkewycz, 19.42
20 pound
1st: UWP CH'PR'Wilsongbellridge Hooked On You, American Hairless Terrier, Mary F Carroll, Garoleen Wilson, 15.31
30 pound
1st: UWP URO2 CH Cerise Star Witness, English Springer Spaniel, Hailey Gillotti, 21.67
40 pound
1st: UWP CA True North, Unrecognized, Laura Sutherland, 25.9
2nd: UWPO AP2 VPA CH USA UFA RACEN UWPCH Amp's Colby East Meets West, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick-flynn, Anthony Flynn, 25.9
50 pound
1st: UWP CH Bear Country's Louhi Kuparivuori, Karelian Bear Dog, Alli Mc Keen, 16.6
60 pound
1st: URO1 UWP CH Cady Falls Eros SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 25.61
2nd: UWPV USJ AP2 VPE URO1 UWPCH Hippo Phantamus, American Bully, Natalka Tuczkewycz, 19.42
3rd: Msb Bluet Of Briarsedge, American Bully, Lori Garman, 14.23
4th: Talane's Explosive Truth, Doberman Pinscher, Michael Crosby, 9.33
UWP CH'PR'Bossi's Transforming History, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, Joy L'ecuyer, 8.7
70 pound
1st: UWP URO2 Jacksons John Wayne, German Shorthaired Pntr, Nichole Marie Jackson, 16.56
80 pound
1st: AP UWP CA Geis' Zetes SPOT, Unrecognized, Samantha Geis, 19.62
2nd: AP2 VPA UWPCH Anua's Nantucket Sleighride, Alaskan Malamute, Anneliese Douglas, 19.3
3rd: AP VPE CA UWPCH GRCH NBOB Triple D's Semi-sweet Mocha, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Lucy Cheever, 17.34
90 pound
1st: Michigan J Frog, Alaskan Malamute, Dana Runkle, 11.61
100 pound
1st: Daisy Bleu, American Bully, Joseph Teixeira, 8.04
Wheels-artificial Div: B, 31 entries
Judge: Anthony J Flynn
MWPPBP: UWP Teaberrys One Night Stand, Unrecognized, Christopher Baby, 36.15
MWPPBP Vet: CA UWPS AP3 VPE URO1 UGWPCH Mason The Bull, Unrecognized, Natalka Tuczkewycz, .35
10 pound
1st: VPN UWPO AP UWPCH Gobo Fraggle, Chihuahua, Reta E Soderholm, 38.75
20 pound
1st: UWP Teaberrys One Night Stand, Unrecognized, Christopher Baby, 36.15
40 pound
1st: AP3 VPE UWPS RATO UWPCHX Triumph's Pt Barnum @beltane, American Hairless Terrier, Mary F Carroll, 28.86
50 pound
1st: CA AP2 VPA UWPO UWPCHX GRCH Smalltown Classic Revolver, American Pit Bull Terrier, Danielle Cyr, 35.1
2nd: URO1 AP VPN UWPCH Heaven's Sinful Halo Of Light SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, April Walker, 23.85
3rd: RACEN RATN UWPS AP5 VPE USA UFA UGWPCH GRC'PR'Bossi's Colby Leprechaun Dlite, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, 17.62
60 pound
2nd: UWPS AP6 VPE UGWPCH SGCH'PR'Bossi's Colby Guinness Stout, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, 22.46
3rd: UWPS AP6 VPU UGWPCH Lucifer Morningstar, Unrecognized, Naomi Smith, 15.09
80 pound
1st: VPN UWPO AP UWPCH GRCH Precious Pits Crusher, American Bully, Rico Carrasquillo, 30.65
2nd: VPE UWPS AP6 URO1 GRCH UGWPCH'PR'Bossi's Colby God Of Thundah, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, 21.53
3rd: URX UWPO VPE AP4 UWPCHX UCD URO3 CH Luv Sno's Liking It Rugged SPOT-ON, Alaskan Malamute, Jane Palinkas and Vicki Palinkas, 19.38
4th: UWPO ALCH AP2 VPE UWPCH URO3 Maskaraidnluvsno's Atertak SPOT-ON, Alaskan Malamute, Stephen Palinkas, Jane Palinkas, 18.03